I have copd/emphysema my pulse oxymeter is showing my oxy 91 I'm absolutely petrified
Scared : I have copd/emphysema my pulse... - Lung Conditions C...

Give 111 a call if GP surgery closed. I’ve always been told to seek medical advice if under 92. It’s only just under 92 so don’t be petrified. Have a puff of salbutamol and some nice deep breathing exercises. Do you feel unwell or just petrified? Speak to medical professionals and try to stay calm, bless ya. 🦊x
easier said than done I know , but try and steady your breath , relax your shoulders and try a bit of pursed lip breathing .
Breathe in gently , gently through your nose if possible , then gently gently out through your mouth with pursed lips for a bit longer …repeat a few times.
Then check how breathless you are , while sitting . Check the colour of your skin , your lips and fingers .
Problems getting breath in and out ?
Good idea to ring 111 and explain how you feel
Hi Purple_1963
I think some good advice from the previous two posters.
91 is lower than normal, not uncommon though with COPD sufferers,
If your 02 sats are lower than normal and you feel unwell. Ring 111 and they will arrange a doctor to ring you back if that is necessary.
If you ring 111 and talk - You will feel better.
There are times when you have COPD. that you will probably have lower 02 levels.
Really ring 111 and explain what you have told us, I have done that a few times, if you have an inhaler, I would use it and try to be calmer.
Best wishes. 91 isn't really too bad. Try to relax and breathe as the others have suggested. Some people on this site seem to survive on much lower oxygen levels.
Mine is normally between 91 = 94 I do breathing exercise as above I also do slow breathing through the nose but if feeling speak to your gp
I can understand your being scared, but don't be. I have just come off long term oxygen and told only to use it now to keep my sats above 90. Before that my target sats were 88 - 92 that was because I am a retainer but it shows that you can be ok with lower sats.
You have had great advice from the others, just don't panic it will make your breathing worse.
Hope you feel better soon xx
Hi, Purps! Forgive the stupid question. But you mention a "pulse oxymeter". You haven't accidentally read the pulse instead of the oxygen? That'd be absolutely normal then.
Anxiety affects breathing.do practise the controlled breathing techniques
It is my understanding that for people with COPD 88-92 is pretty common. If it drops below 88 than there is some concern but if it is only momentarily than it shouldn’t be concerning, but as always best to discuss it with your doctor to get there advice and recommendations.
sometimes placing the oximeter on the other hand or changing the battery will give you a more accurate reading
Just a thought, I get false readings if my fingers are cold.
But, I would also do all the things recommended already as well. xx
Wait till you get to my stage and one move of your little finger drops you to 80 😂. I have to stay cheerful or ill just sit n cry. I walk like a snail and I puff on my inhaler to get from bed to bathroom to living room. My sats go from 70-85 then I get bored waiting and move. Nurse says I should wait until they reach 88-91 before I move!!! I'd die waiting 😆. Luckily I have beautiful grown boys and gorgeous grandchildren whose antics keep me amused as well as a caring hubby and a loving little dog. I'm at the severe stage now and take what happiness I can. I know I'll never climb a mountain again nor dance to soul music or even go on a plane but I can sit and enjoy tiktok 😂 and dream. Here's sending you positive vibes that we do still carry on.Love Lesley xx
Are you struggling to breathe are your fingertips turning blue? Don’t panic mine is always 91 sometimes 90 but I’m still here and not struggling to breathe, it’s normal for me and most people with respiratory disease but if you’re worried contact your GP incase you have an infection brewing
Take care
Wendy xx
Thanks for all ur lovely replies always appreciated muchly... I'm lil better today I'm moving about more but slowly... I suffer from anxiety n panic attacks so slightest drop in oxygen or increase in heart rate I go all panicky... Love Veronica xx
You should not worry.
My O2 sat drop down to 85% even to 76%. I set my O2meter alarm at 85% so when it goes lower it vibrate so I take deep breaths.
I am 76 y.o. male.
I've lived the last ten years with sats below 90, and the last 20 years with COPD so please don't panic. Are you on oxygen, and do you have a steroid inhaler? Talk to your GP as you may benefit from a referral to a specialist. What advice were you given when you were diagnosed with COPD?
88/92 is perfect for copd. They tell you not to go higher. I was on oxygen and mine was 97 I was hospitalised and very ill as too much oxygen is not good for COPD. XxSheila
go to see your GP if you’re worried, but my mom had COPD and because she was on oxygen and a CO2 retainer, we were told to keep her SATS between 88-92, so I don’t think yours are too bad. If you have COPD they’re going to be lower than norm, but COPD patients seem to adjust. Nasal breathing raises nitric oxide levels, as do leafy green veg and beetroot etc and that’s good for the body and lungs. Breathing in through the nose and longer breaths out through the mouth lowers CO2 build up in the bloodstream. Some nice deep breaths should get your SAT levels up. Also let the pulse oximeter settle for a few moments and make sure your fingers aren’t cold, but are warm, as that can affect the reading.