I can't tell you how wonderful everyone has been it's so fantastic to have this support.xx
Love everyone: I can't tell you how... - Lung Conditions C...
Love everyone

Happy to hear that our replies cheered you up! sending hugs!
I hope we help you. It will be good if you can get yourself out of that very dark place. xxx
Try to hang in there. I have had similar feelings and luckily they eventually pass. Do you have a pet? A sloppy kiss from my dog always brightens my day. If not, look on YouTube at silly pet videos or something that will make you smile. Wishing you a lovely day.
It is something that this forum particularly, excels at doing. There are a lot of kind and compassionate souls here.
All the best to you, TC
Can't cook? Yeah, I know what that's like! And I used to do a lot of cooking - I love to cook, mostly because I love feeding people. Sharing food might be our oldest social tradtion, there's something very primal and basic about it.
Today I'm too fatigued and painful to work for more then a few minutes in the kitchen. My kitchen duty is about limited to washing dishes.. it's gotten so bad I actually ENOY doing dishes! How lame is that!?
And even when I can cook, I'm limited to a dialysis diet, so about half or more of everything I've ever enjoyed is off the list- plus, I'm limited to 1l fluid PER DAY. No more pints of beer!
So yeah, sounds like we've both got plenty to b1tch about. And it's OK to say so, no one ever said we need to enjoy this kind of limitation. Truth is, it FLAT SUCKS - no point trying to put a pretty face on it. 100% stink-ola.
I'm pleased you feel that I to are so grateful for all the caring and sharing from the peaple on this forum