Ive taken two courses of Ciprofloxacin for chest infection due to Bronchiectasis. Last time was a month ago. Feel dreadful like infection hasnt gone. Can I take another course now? Thanks.
Ive taken two courses of Ciprofloxacin for chest infection due to Bronchiectasis. Last time was a month ago. Feel dreadful like infection hasnt gone. Can I take another course now? Thanks.
i’m assuming you are taking cipro for pseumonas a. When you say 2 courses you don’t say the dose or length of each course. In any event if it has not helped it would be a good time to contact your bronchiectasis consultant/ bronchiectasis team for further advice. Wishing you well cxxx
You need to talk to your consultant or GP. It's possible the infection has not cleared. You may need a different antibiotic. Good luck.
Phone your surgery, explain to the receptionist that your condition has deteriorated greatly having finished 2 courses of antibiotics.
At this stage u can hardly get yourself out of the bed.
An urgent appointment is needed.
Yes I quite often have had course after course to get rid of a nasty infection last time was over Christmas x
When I was prescribed a course of cipro for pseudomonas by my consultant he told me that if it didn't work he would put me on nebulised colomycin. Fortunately, it worked for me so I didn't need the colomycin.
Definitely time to get further medical advice - preferably from a resp consultant or the Resp community nurses and not your GP ( unless they have had specialist training in resp diseases).
All the best! Xx Moy
Do put a sputum sample in and get appointment with gp asap x
Hi. Agree with Moy. Put a sample in.I am colonised with pseudomonas so have to live with it though when I see consultant in 3 wks will be discussing nebulised colomycin. Though I am reluctant to start it.
The only other option is intravenous antibiotics. Good luck!
What are you sputum culture results? You need to have these results to know which antibiotic will work. Are you doing your twice daily nebs followed by active cycle breathing exercises?
I completely agree with cofdrop-uk - contact your Bronchiectasis Consultant for their advice. Whilst on antibiotics I do take 'pro biotic' supplements - because the A'B's kill good bacteria not just the bad. I hope you feel much improved soon.
Hi Duran, whenever I have had severe chest infection I have a course (over weeks reducing quantity down slowly) of peredisinole steroids and not always antibiotics because they say sputum is not showing infection. The steroids have always been a miracle to get rid of any lingering bacteria, though like antibiotics are not to be used too often. Persist for appointment as you need to get rid asap, ths longer left the harder to rid.
What are your sputum culture results. Antibiotics should be taken based on culture report. You could be resistant to medication,
Hi DuranDuran20 I was wondering how you got in? I'm the same re sputum samples as I had mastectomies and the muscles in my back used, so I can cough but end up swallowing. I'm very very anxious about taking Cirofloxacin because of the heart, tendon and other side effects that they say can come on months later. I'm guessing you've been fine on them? Have you had the infection sorted now?