Hello all,
I saw the rheumatologist today after being referred by respiratory consultant last week. The ‘take home ‘ was in a nutshell the rheumatologist has ‘low concerns but not zero’ . He believes I have had pneumonia from a covid infection at Christmas I didn’t realise I’d had! He’s reassured that I’m improving and that my oxygen sats and breathless is improving. He thinks I’m recovering from ‘mechanics hands’ and doesn’t think my fingers are clubbed. I have some enlarged nail fold capillaries which he said are on the ‘abnormal ‘ side. He is referring for a whole battery of blood tests to rule out a antisynthetase syndrome. He said I could read about this. When I said “will it scare me to death especially the ILD bit being progressive “, he replied that he has had patients that have had stable ILD for 25 years . So I feel better although my blood pressure is still quite high but I told hm how anxious I was which he said was ‘totally normal !’
He also sad he had seen many presentations since covid and it’s thrown many theories out of the window ! Let’s hope I’m one of these and make a full recovery in time .
Thank you for taking the time to read x