Am back !!!!: In November of 2021. I... - Lung Conditions C...

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Am back !!!!

Buzzytruk profile image
51 Replies

In November of 2021. I discovered a possible leak in the shower tray in the ensuite bathroom.That was followed by a leaking roof tile in the kitchen ........It's been leaking since the extractor fan was fitted. My kitchen walls are 16 inches thick made of brick and stone . It was wet .!!!

Fast forward afew weeks and in moved the demolition chaps under the title of builders.

Half the kitchen went into a skip along with now 2 bathroom floors etc.

There were months and months of dryers and blowers ,plaster, cement and general muck and

heeps of dust. I didn't fancy moving out ,. No , could not do that ......miles of polythene hung up

but the dust always escaped around the edges.

By the end of July all was finished ,and renewed , in came the decorators . I did have several

rooms freshened at my expense jobs were in fitted but the small time delays

didn't bother me ......

Then November 2022 I asked for the lounge to be painted as an extra, and was delighted to be fitted in during a weekend ..

That was followed quickly by the carpet fitters in early December.

As they were 5 mins from leaving I tried to get into the lounge via the french door.

It was a bit awkward and I wobbled , steadying myself I leant on the closed part of this double door ,. except it wasn't closed , and down I went ......... And broke my right arm..

The service in our local hospital for this sort of thing as fantastic. I had form filling , 4 x-rays , back slab , 2 more xrays saw Dr all in 90 minutes.....setting not required.

I couldn't drive and do all the normal festive things, but had a great helper ......

Discharged the middle of Jan 2023.

At last I thought I could get back to normal.,. How wrong can one be ?????

February I had a funny chest Amoxicillin and prednisolone didn't help.

Plus being accidentally in contact with two sicky children from East London .

I ended up in A&E at a big city hospital ,. As my mum used to say ...

""We may be poor but we see life .""........oh dear it was an eye opener.

I was put through my paces with a red arm band attached, and finally allow to go home

At 1-30 am........ I declined all offers of a bed for the night .

The next day I went on the hunt for AntiBs and prednisolone tabs both for 7days.

I eventually found a supply of aAntiBs. And started the course.

4 tablets later I was struggling to walk ......I had developed. Tendonitis in the back of my legs

The literature states the Achilles tendon are affected by this medication.

I now walk like a Disney character with a tendency to wobble and fall over ........

I won't go into the saga of the receptionist relaying wrong messages to the GP .

But Oh I am in need of cheering up .

And some good luck ,. If any one has any ideas how to break this run of woe I would be most interested to hear..........

Sorry for this epic .......

Wishing you all well.


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Buzzytruk profile image
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51 Replies
sassy59 profile image

Oh dear me Jo what a lot you’ve been through but it’s so lovely to see you again. Hoping things do improve. It sounds like you’ve had Azithromycin which Pete takes with no side effects.

At the moment we’re battling covid. Pete just tested positive this evening. Will try and get antivirals tomorrow.

Take care xxxx

Buzzytruk profile image
Buzzytruk in reply to sassy59

Hello there , nice to be back thank you .Do hope you are both getting better ...... The AntiBs I was given was .....

Levofloxacin 500mg tabs ....1 twice a day. X 7 days.

The pain in the calf is really something , but balance is awful trying to walk without increasing the pain . I tend to stop suddenly and fall over .......

Get better soon ...


sassy59 profile image
sassy59 in reply to Buzzytruk

Oh dear Jo, you take care.

Thank you

Carole ❤️🤗

gedney profile image
gedney in reply to Buzzytruk

I had same problem with levofloxin, Achilles went and 3 yes later still walk with slight lump.

Buzzytruk profile image
Buzzytruk in reply to gedney

Hi there ,Oh my dear ,. I thought it was just me , the GP seemed to think I was daft till

reading the drug literature, don't think he had heard of this AntiB.

It is certainly not something I would want again.

Today is a little easier ,but still a long way to go.........

Were you given any exercises or treatment ,or just left to get on with it......

Being very nosey must ask ,. Do you live in Gedney .....???.


gedney profile image
gedney in reply to Buzzytruk

No live in N York now.

Buzzytruk profile image
Buzzytruk in reply to gedney

Would that be North York or New York........UK of course.Jo☺️

annaemmalucy profile image
annaemmalucy in reply to Buzzytruk

Hi I started to have the same problem as you, but I already did my research. So lucky caught it before it did too much damage. These days if they prescribe something new I always do research before I take anything. Learnt the hard way

Buzzytruk profile image
Buzzytruk in reply to annaemmalucy

Hi there , I am usually cautious, I know most of the medicines used , the trip to the A&E

seemed to numb my senses. Although glad that a very kind friend took me there and back home at 2 am. I was feeling a touch better and of course let my guard down. ....... Am just horrified Drs are giving out such medicine without regard ...... . I had been given an extra 7days of prednisolone as well.

These two together can make problems a whole lot worse.

Just hope I caught this quick enough . Four tablets was all I took.

However after this I will be following you in the research ......if you come across

any nasties let me know........


garshe profile image
garshe in reply to sassy59

Oh no with all the precautions you take Carole. 🙈My Respiratory team told me we can catch viruses at home no need to go out. I know your son lives with you, so could be the source.Hope Pete recovers soon xx Sheila 💕⚘

sassy59 profile image
sassy59 in reply to garshe

Yes our son is the source but it’s everywhere so not much can be done now. Thank you for your kind words. XxxCarole xxx. 🌼❤️

Alberta56 profile image
Alberta56 in reply to sassy59

So sorry to hear that, 😢. Hope you both shake it off soon.

sassy59 profile image
sassy59 in reply to Alberta56

Thank you Chris xxxxx

Izb1 profile image
Izb1 in reply to sassy59

Hope you get the antivirals quickly Carole and both you and Pete get better soon x

sassy59 profile image
sassy59 in reply to Izb1

Thank you Irene. Pete should be getting a call today regarding antivirals so that’s good. We’re not too bad thank goodness. Take care xxx❤️

Izb1 profile image
Izb1 in reply to sassy59

I am sure you must be so worried for Pete and pray this is a mild form and you both have a swift recovery x

sassy59 profile image
sassy59 in reply to Izb1

It is a worry but praying antivirals work. Xxx

watergazer profile image
watergazer in reply to sassy59

hope all is okay with you and Pete and covid. Hope he got his anti virals? Did he ring 119 for them? Take care 🤗🤗🤗

sassy59 profile image
sassy59 in reply to watergazer

Thank you dear Anita. We’re not too bad. The NHS (pharmacist) rang Pete and antivirals are due tomorrow or Wednesday. They come from Brighton hospital apparently.

You take care too xxx😘🌸😍

watergazer profile image
watergazer in reply to sassy59


eleanordigby profile image
eleanordigby in reply to sassy59

Glad to hear that, Carole. Presumably then he’s getting the tablets rather than an infusion, so won’t need to go into hospital. But how are YOU feeling? X

sassy59 profile image
sassy59 in reply to eleanordigby

Yes Petes getting capsules sent to him. Four to be taken twice daily for five days. He’d hate to have to go to hospital.

Thank you for asking after me. I’m feeling a bit rubbish today but I’m getting on with it. Xx

Suzie42 profile image
Suzie42 in reply to sassy59

Just read about both of you. I'm so sorry you have covid and are feeling rubbish. Wishing you both a speedy recovery. Best wishes Jill xx😘

sassy59 profile image
sassy59 in reply to Suzie42

Thank you so much Jill, very kind. Xxx❤️

Alberta56 profile image

You really have been through the mill. I hope that things start to get better. Have you been supplied with a walking aid to help until your balance is better? Best wishes. xxx

Buzzytruk profile image

Thank you for your good wishes ,. No hope of a walking aid from my practice.Nice idea .......


Ergendl profile image

Oh, no. Hope things start to improve for you soon

Buzzytruk profile image
Buzzytruk in reply to Ergendl

Thank you so do I .......everything crossed ...!Jo.☺️

Izb1 profile image

Welcome back Jo. My word you certainly have had alot to contend with , it's amazing you have stayed sane. I do hope you get better soon x

Buzzytruk profile image
Buzzytruk in reply to Izb1

Hi there , Thankyou for your good wishes I am beginning to wonder if I have stayed sane. 😉 next obstacles are receptionists and GP's........ this morning ......!!! Fingers crossed.


Izb1 profile image
Izb1 in reply to Buzzytruk

Almost as bad as dealing with builders lol, good luck x

Buzzytruk profile image
Buzzytruk in reply to Izb1

Thank you You are so right ,. They must all belong to the same club ......

Take care

Jo.. ☺️

helenlw7 profile image

Oh no, Jo! What a time you’ve had. It’s so lovely to see you again. I hope things do improve.

Buzzytruk profile image

Thank you ,. Nice to be back .....


watergazer profile image

Welcome back Jo and what a saga you’ve lived through. I hope things improve soon xx

Buzzytruk profile image
Buzzytruk in reply to watergazer

Thank you ,. That is kind ......Jo...☺️

Suzie42 profile image

You couldn't make it up 😂😂 I hope all is well with you now xx

Buzzytruk profile image
Buzzytruk in reply to Suzie42

Hi there , Yes,. am making progress . Once the tendenitis eases I will be up and at it .....

Your right you couldn't make it up.,,,,,,,,I have just had an event with Amazon...

But that's another story.

Nite nite ..


Suzie42 profile image
Suzie42 in reply to Buzzytruk

Goodness me ..........a book next maybe 😂

eleanordigby profile image

Unbelievable, one thing after another! I presume you’ve stopped taking the levofloxacin now? You should never take it, or any other drug from that class, again. If your Achilles actually tore you’d be in huge trouble 😬 Physiotherapy is very good to help them heal so your gp needs to refer you for that urgently (although I paid privately, because I couldn’t walk, so didn’t have time to wait for the nhs)

Buzzytruk profile image
Buzzytruk in reply to eleanordigby

Thank you,. Yes I only took 4 tablets before I realised there was a problem.I had never heard of these before , if I had known I would most certainly have refused them.....The prescription was given to me in the hospital A&E , and no warnings on the box labels either . As for my GPS .... They are a....................................... That's discretion for you.

I was told by one Gp. to take the complete course , I refused although had stopped by then. .

Can't get to see any one since the tendonitis started information , no help.

All next week they are fully booked . Here is a goodcase for d.I.Y.

As soon as I'm out and mobile I am changing Drs

Physio does sound a good idea. Thank you......


eleanordigby profile image
eleanordigby in reply to Buzzytruk

When my GP suggested it, I really couldn’t see how physio would help, but was amazed at how effective it was. It took a while - she massaged them (quite painful!) & did ultrasound and taught me some exercises. Meanwhile be very careful won’t you Buzzytruk?

Yes, definitely change GPs, yours sounds ignorant in more ways than one.

Buzzytruk profile image
Buzzytruk in reply to eleanordigby

Hi....Have changed Gp, and oh the difference...Have been given an appointment with a physio,

It's like a breath of fresh air .


eleanordigby profile image
eleanordigby in reply to Buzzytruk

That’s wonderful news! You must be very relieved 😊

Buzzytruk profile image

Oh definitely, I am being careful , but it's not easy keeping ones balance.Had a couple of falls and only a slight bruise ........ I have a wonderful

couple who help me when needed , but I must keep my independence.

Did you take all your tablets and how long did you suffer with the tendonitis.?

Am hoping not to be off the road for too long...... had 10 weeks not long ago with the broken arm. I just feel so cross about the whole thing it's so unnecessary.....

Take care

Jo ..☺️

eleanordigby profile image
eleanordigby in reply to Buzzytruk

When the stiffness & pain started I carried on with the tablets for a few days, but it got worse & worse until I googled & realised it was the drug, so I stopped. It took about 3months for my Achilles to resolve completely, BUT they were a lot better within a few weeks. I had physio twice weekly for 2 weeks, then once I could walk better I dropped to weekly, then fortnightly. Think I had 10 sessions in total. I did a lot of research to find the right physiotherapist.

Blackbird9 profile image

Well like a bad penny you keep turning up 😊.

I would ask are you well but I might not this time around ...😂

What an ongoing saga I'm glad your coming through the other side of everything and I can imagine you're still smiling ...if you need another cuppa at any time prior a cruise 🛳 you know where I am ..

Love to you and yours Jo

Keep chipping at the mines


Buzzytruk profile image
Buzzytruk in reply to Blackbird9

I'ii give you bad penny --- cheeky madam. Lovely to hear from you .Yes I am still smiling ,although with these Achilles tendons it hard.

Hoping my 2 pm lift is on time changing GP. today .....have had enough. !

Did think of a cruise and was looking ,then I got this chest infection so decided

to hang back till Autumn..... Will still be same company ,same dock.

The building work I managed well with it was the broken arm due to thoughtless of a carpet fitter and now these tablets that have really upset me ......I can't drive .!!!!!

. Definitely after the good news from my consultant not long ago I will see you later for a cuppa.

Hoping all is well with you and family .

Take care ,stay safe



Blackbird9 profile image
Blackbird9 in reply to Buzzytruk

Hi 👋 Yes we are all doing well enough ...

Not really loving the weather at the moment 16 degrees with rain ... albeit the rains warm 😂

I'm glad your over the worst of the worst and you still have the best of the best to come..

Keep truckin Jo

Love to you and yours

Angie Andy and Stan 💜

Solily profile image

Oh.... so sorry you are going through all of this. Sending healing vibes to you! Sending you a few smiles to cheer you up...😊🥰🤗xx

Buzzytruk profile image
Buzzytruk in reply to Solily

Hi....much appreciated,. Got a new Gp ....and planned physio ,. So am happier ..... I can't find my ice packs ,. So Just got an ice-cream from the freezer .

But do I eat it or put it on my foot. 😉😉🤔🤔


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