Here I am a physical and mental wreck but lucky in that I have many positives remaining.I was diagnosed 14 years ago with COPD and this has remained in the background until 2022. I used the briatus 10mg inhalers each morning,took gaviscon for re-flux for a Hiatus hernia. Briefly my other concerns are a prostate cancer, lucky watch and wait. Meniere's Disease deaf in on ear ,partial in the other plus 24/7 tinnitus. A colon cancer repair all ok I hope, no scans because of covid .Skin cancer (waiting for surgery) and on the waiting list for heart failure clinic.
So what's all the fuss over COPD I hear you say.. Well my mobility has suddenly dropped I am now out of breath walking from room to room and the stairs requires a stop and 5 minutes recovery.I have been prescribed Spiolto Respimat and after approximately 1 week I was having suicidal thoughts and psychotic episodes and more than usual balance problems..throughout my oxygen levels have varied between 8.9 to 9.4.. I have off my own bat to go back to Braitus until I can see my nurse.
When I have mentioned oxygen compression my nurse says not advised by NHS.. There is a lot of information advising re its use for COPD so I bought a Grundig BE04 Series compressor.. I have had it a week now and have only tested it is working as there are no guidance re safety or dosage.
I am waiting for a response from my GP and or nurse..
Sny suggestions or advice will be welcomed..