Warning - leaving your heating off co... - Lung Conditions C...

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Warning - leaving your heating off could cost you a fortune !!

Thepainterswife profile image
59 Replies

I just wanted to give you all the heads up about the consequences of cutting back too much on heating your home . Obviously we’re all aware of the dangers to our health but there could be financial consequences too . I have no intentions of sitting freezing in my own home much less subjecting my sick husband to those conditions so yesterday being very cold my heating was on a lot probably two or three hours on to one hour off throughout the whole day . At midnight the heating went off and was put on again at 8.30 this morning and the house was soon nice and warm . It was only at lunchtime that I realised there was no heating or water coming through the taps or toilet in the extension. Absolute panic ! Could I get a plumber before something burst , would it even be possible to get a plumber in these conditions? How much would a plumber cost and how much damage would be done should the pipes running through the ceiling burst 🤦🏻‍♀️ Calming myself down I consulted Google , taking the advice I turned the heating back on ( I’d switched it off In panic ) placed a fan heater in the shower room and after a couple of hours I began wiping down the pipe under the sink with hot water and lo and behold the water flowed and the toilet flushed - I can’t tell you how relieved I felt . Unfortunately the radiator in the dining area and the one in the shower room are still off , hubby thinks they must have different feed pipes so we’re not entirely out of the woods yet but the central heating is now on throughout the rest of the house and an electric radiator in the extension which I intend to leave on through the night . As hubby said he’d prefer to pay more on the fuel bills each month than fork out hundreds and hundreds to plumbers and in repair costs and that’s not to mention the stress of dealing with getting repairs done . I will be sensible when it comes to fuel consumption once this cold spell is over but my advice for now would be keep your home warm !! Take care everyone xx

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Thepainterswife profile image
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59 Replies
Damon1864 profile image

Thank you for sharing this with us it will come in very helpful. Have a good night and take care 😊 Bernadette and Jack 🐕 xxxxxx 🌻🌻💖🎄

sassy59 profile image

Excellent advice and I’m pleased your heating is back on. Hoping you get the radiators sorted soon. We’re not sitting here getting cold either and would rather pay. I do feel for people who can’t afford to heat their homes though.

You and hubby take care and keep warm. Xxx❤️

Thepainterswife profile image
Thepainterswife in reply to sassy59

I feel for those people too but what’s happened in my home just proves that leaving heating off in these extreme conditions could cost a lot more than you’d spend on heating . My heating was on for most of the day too ! Just switching off at night seems to have caused the problem You and Pete stay warm and safe too ❤️❤️ Xx

Lol1944 profile image

Not unusual for the condensate pipe if outside to freeze and stop the boiler operating. Kettles of hot water on the pipe will cure it and save call out fees for tradesmen

Thepainterswife profile image
Thepainterswife in reply to Lol1944

Fortunately the boilers working just not the two radiators in the single story extension , husband says the pipes run through the roof space so I’m just hoping keeping the room warm 24/7 will get them to gradually thaw 🤷🏻‍♀️ Just another small warning for anyone as clueless as me ( obviously not you Lol) the advice online when thawing pipes is hot but not boiling water or a hair dryer on a low setting

peege profile image

I'm just back from a week at my daughter's in the east of England, before I left i set the boiler on low & to come on for 2 hours in five for 24 hours. Couldn't really relax whilst away wondering if the house was alright regarding power cuts or freezing pipes. Drove back in the sunshine today and all's well apart from frozen waste pipe from the kitchen sink. I've put a few litres if boiling water in the sink but its hasn't seeped through. Not sure what to do next, I really can't afford big jobs. Roll on Sunday for the thaw! Good luck everyone

PS would anyone know if putting antifreeze down the drain is allowed?

Bingo88 profile image
Bingo88 in reply to peege

I should just wait and it will thaw out in time. Or put old clothes or cloth around the pipe to warm it up slowly and it should be fine by Sunday. Hope it works. Brian

Thepainterswife profile image
Thepainterswife in reply to Bingo88

That’s my plan now Brian , I’ve got hot water and a toilet that flushes just waiting for two radiators to get going now which should be by Sunday 👍 I hope 😬 How are you getting on in your new place ? Hope you’re enjoying a bit of socialising x

Bingo88 profile image
Bingo88 in reply to Thepainterswife

Hello. Yes I am doing very well thanks. Have settled in very well and enjoying life again. I do still check my emails and come and read posts on the group. But usually the advice to help has already been mentioned. Hope your keeping as well as possible and have a wonderful Christmas and Happy New Year. Brian

Thepainterswife profile image
Thepainterswife in reply to Bingo88

Thank you Brian , it’s great to hear you’re enjoying life again , I’m so pleased for you . All the very best for 2023 and hoping you have a great Christmas 😊 x

Lol1944 profile image
Lol1944 in reply to peege

Is the outside piping frozen solid? No piping inside should be frozen if the house is warm. Here in Southport many outside pipes were frozen yesterday morning. Hope you get this sorted.

peege profile image
peege in reply to Lol1944

it must be frozen, its outside & almost horizontal about 16ft & enters the soil pipe. I can reach that joint so will try some warm water on it before I climb a ladder to lag the rest 😭, I'm a capable & practicle woman but these kind of hurdles . At least the ladder has been warm in the basement so not freezing to handle..........I'm procrastinating writing here!!

Lol1944 profile image
Lol1944 in reply to peege

I admire you for your efforts. Due to previous years problems all my outside piping is all larger than necesary. No probs since doing that. If you van crack a joint if there us one this would help greatly.

Tykelady profile image
Tykelady in reply to peege

Apparently antifreeze is a no no regarding the waste water system.

Tempo57 profile image
Tempo57 in reply to peege

We have also just returned north from 10 days south coast. We never worry about our pipes freezing up because whenever we go away in winter we always turn off the mains water feed (under the sink), and just drain all sink taps until they stop running, (takes seconds).

We also turn off the gas as an added protection because you do hear of gas leaks and houses blowing up! (Think Jersey recently). We also switch off all plug sockets including all appliances except the fridge and freezer.

It takes no time at all and provides peace of mind so as to enjoy one’s stay away.

peege profile image
peege in reply to Tempo57

great advice, than you

Lol1944 profile image

Maybe hard to believe but boiling water freezes faster than cold water. Leave plug out and reasonably hot water in your sink. It will go with time and no damage. Hope this helps

peege profile image
peege in reply to Lol1944

thanks Lol1944, I did that & ended up with a lot of water in the sink, I've bailed it out now & poured some more cheap table salt down . Nothing fir it but to get out there and lag the horizontal pipe with towels before the sun goes in.

Thepainterswife profile image
Thepainterswife in reply to peege

You poor thing , hope you’re wrapped up warm and not attempting anything too dangerous- I don’t like the sound of ladders in these icy conditions do take care 😳x

peege profile image
peege in reply to Thepainterswife

thanks TPW, I did it and survived ! I think the pipe may have cracked though. There are great icicles hanging in the rose bush below one end. It looks awful but never mind, expecting a drop to -2 tonight then by 10 AM it should be above freezing 🤞 then Sunday some of us can relax a bit. I'm in the Cotswolds, where are you?

Thepainterswife profile image
Thepainterswife in reply to peege

I’m in the NW , I went outside earlier and I could hear water dripping down the downspouts I didn’t know wether to clap because it was thawing ( I can’t see any other signs of a thaw , the pavements here are treacherous) or cry because what I could hear was a leak somewhere . About an hour later my two radiators came back on 😃 so everything up and running and no damage up to now but I’m taking no chances I’m still leaving a heater on in the extension tonight We’ll done on getting your outside pipes sorted ! I’m just glad your safe and warm now x

peege profile image
peege in reply to Thepainterswife

oooo that's great news. Good luck 👋

eleanordigby profile image

Since I got out of hospital I’ve kept the heating on 24/7, set at 20° daytime and 18° at night. I don’t normally do this but cold air is a no-no at the moment.

By the way, I poured hot water on a frozen pipe once & it cracked and I then had to spend money getting a plumber out. You’re right, it’s much better to avoid plumber’s bills!

Thepainterswife profile image
Thepainterswife in reply to eleanordigby

yes the online advice is very warm but not boiling water , I was so scared of the pipe cracking I sat on the floor dabbing it with a warm cloth like I was treating a fevered brow 😂

eleanordigby profile image
eleanordigby in reply to Thepainterswife

I’m sure the pipe appreciated your tlc 🤣 It all sounds rather nerve wracking!

Thepainterswife profile image
Thepainterswife in reply to eleanordigby

My nerves are soon wracked these days 😂 x

Patk1 profile image
Patk1 in reply to Thepainterswife

Years ago i had to defrost pipes to washing machine with a hair dryer.it did the trick.hope yr pipes remain ok xc

Cloudancer profile image

Thank you so much for this advice -my bedroom temperature yesterday morning was 8 and a half degrees-really cold and lungs not happy.Your hubby is right it would cost more in plumbers bills than in gas/electricity am putting the heating back on

I shall be basking in a warm living room later minus my coat 2 jumpers 2 pairs of socks and a large woollen hat with its glorious pompom on the top!

TomTitTot profile image

It would be a good idea to leave the cupboard doors open where the pipes are and to leave a tap on a small drip. Especially if your pipes are on an outside wall.

Thepainterswife profile image
Thepainterswife in reply to TomTitTot

Taken the advice, left the doors open 👍

garshe profile image

My heating has been on most of the day. Comes on 6am and off at 11am then back on 3pm until we go to bed which is usually 10pm. I have been paying £296 per month since June when they automatically put the prices up. As the heating wasnt on much during the Summer I had £1080 in credit. Most probably used quite a lot of that up by now but I'm still paying the £296pm and also sent the extra money from the government and council for winter fuel Bills to my energy company. . I know a lot of people pocketed the extra money paid to them but I preferred to spend it on the heating as it was meant.

I have an online account with OVO my energy company and I read my meters every month and send to them. I can check my usage this way. I hate the cold so my heating goes on. You are correct saying leaving heating off causes more problems. I have my boiler,plumbing and electrics insured with British Gas. They have me on a Priority list because of my COPD and guarantee to be at ny home within an hour night or day. It's worth it for peace of mind. .Keep warm everyone and hopefully the weather will improve next week. xxSheila 🧣🧤🧦🧥💕⚘

Tykelady profile image
Tykelady in reply to garshe

Like you Sheila I managed to build up a good credit over the earlier part of the year, partly because of an accounting error on the part of my supplier and partly because I chose to overpay on my monthly payments. I have turned the thermostat down by one degree but still use the same boiler timings as last year. Doubtless my credit will go faster than it came. Dorothy x

garshe profile image
garshe in reply to Tykelady

I have always paid the same amount by DD through the Sumner so always have credit. This year my energy supplier increased my payments in June so have been paying quite a lot . Apparently after March it is going up again . I dont go abroad on holidays anymore and with lots of shops closed on the high streets I dont go on my shopping trips as often. May as well spend what I have saved on heating my home and be in comfort. Keep warm sending hugs xxSheila 🧤🧣🧥💕

Clovergrass profile image

Thank you for this reminder about the dangers of an unheated house. I've been trying to cut down our energy usage by turning down room thermostats, lowering hot water temperature, lowering boiler temperature, only putting heating on when we're at home, washing at lower temperatures, not using tumble drier, extra clothes etc. I didn't think of possible consequences. My husband with PF, currently has a terrible cough and cold so we have been home and needing to be warm most days. (We usually take a walk most mornings, back at lunchtime) The smart meter display had been showing a daily cost of around £10 but now that we're at home more its been even higher. Last night it was over £14! 4 bedroom Victorian terrace, 3 people. It's frightening.

Thepainterswife profile image
Thepainterswife in reply to Clovergrass

It is frightening but as you said we’ve been so focused on saving on heating bills we haven’t thought of the possible very costly consequences of not having enough heat in our homes apart from the affect on our health . As my hubby correctly said at least with a debt to the energy suppliers we ll be given the opportunity to pay it off in instalments, not so with major structural repairs to the house . I have a smart meter but I’ve lost the display unit which I’m actually quite pleased about , I think it would just be another source of anxiety I can do without 🙄😂

peege profile image
peege in reply to Thepainterswife

good point!

Ergendl profile image

There is another peril of not heating an old room or building for a long time, especially an unventilated one. The damp can get into the plaster and make it blown , going soft and doughy or powdery; and even worse, the ceiling may come down.

This happened to the vestry in our sister church during covid lockdown. I had kept the heating running occasionally on timer and thermostat in our church hall and wondered whether I was wasting money. When I had heard what happened to their ceiling, I knew I had done the right thing.

Thepainterswife profile image

That’s an excellent example of the high costs that may come with too little heating ! Let’s all stay warm 😊

Izb1 profile image

So sorry to hear of your problems TPW. I dont like my heating on at night as I get too hot in bed and it makes me cough. I have the thermostat set at 9 and it has come on a few times over the last week. I think if your pipes run through the loft they will freeze even if you have your heating on. Its so hard knowing what to do but think you have done the right thing by keeping it on low overnight. Perhaps you could have your pipes lagged that are exposed, it may help. This cold weather is such a worry. I hope things have improved for you now the day has progressed x

Thepainterswife profile image
Thepainterswife in reply to Izb1

I decided against leaving the central heating overnight for the same reasons you mentioned but I did leave an electric radiator on low in the area that’s been affected . The hot waters still on , the toilets still flushing I’m just waiting now for two radiators to get going , I’m pretty sure the feed pipe runs through the roof of the single story extension so it’s just a waiting game now but it’s not really inconvenient as the heatings on all through the rest of the house 😊

Izb1 profile image
Izb1 in reply to Thepainterswife

So glad to hear your hot water is on and the toilet is flushing. What a fright , your house must have dropped to freezing for the pipes to freeze, lesson to us all x

watergazer profile image

thanks for that the painters wife. We have our radiators with a control on them. Any not on are setting to come on when freezing. Hopefully we won’t get frozen pipes. Looking forward to the rise in temperature that’s on its way xx

Thepainterswife profile image
Thepainterswife in reply to watergazer

I think we’re all looking forward to some warmer weather , watching the news there doesn’t seem to be snow and ice in some areas but where I am in Greater Manchester the ground is still covered in thick frozen ice , really treacherous for walking 🤦🏻‍♀️

watergazer profile image
watergazer in reply to Thepainterswife

I live in greater Manchester area In between Manchester and Wigan. Where we live it’s not too bad not as treacherous as at my son’s who lives Warrington way Take care x

Thepainterswife profile image
Thepainterswife in reply to watergazer

It seems to be bad in pockets , I’m north of Manchester, not too far from you - in the town that’s in a bowl 😉 You take care too x

Madron profile image

keep warm and as you say leave the heating ticking over through the night it will keep your pipes frost free

ghousrider profile image

Good day yes i can see where you are coming from but if you put your setting on the lowest for central heating you cannhave on 6 till 9 at night that what i do i bought a oil heater it lecky from my local shop it 30 pence ahour to run on number two but if you have health problems your power supply should now all this they put you on your lowest tarrif they have & you should be getting help from gov,uk try cab see what they say ghoust rider

Kate124 profile image

It’s actually cheaper to leave your heating on constant then keep switching it on and off. If you keep switching off then it has to work hard to get to decent temperature. If on constant only clicks on and off with less power to reach temperature. Even Martin Lewis mentioned this.

Glad you sorted your pipes, it is a worry this time of year.

Thepainterswife profile image
Thepainterswife in reply to Kate124

Thanks for that info , I did wonder if switching off after a few hours was counter productive 🤔

BronchyBronwen profile image
BronchyBronwen in reply to Kate124

True. However, have had neither heating nor hot water for ten days! British Gas Home (don't) Care, and visits from 4, maybe 5, engineers, system is appalling. One disconnected my frozen condensing pipe outside, which was leaking water into boiler and said I should call to have it reconnected in the summer. Fine. New fan installed last Friday but all heating and hot water disappeared again on Saturday evening! However, last chap, who came this morning, says he has to get yet another part (what a surprise!). Also revealed that he had to go by the system (which he clearly had no faith in). Also barged into me by accident, causing great pain and tears, as am osteoarthritic. Left his worksheet; instead of asking me to sign, he'd written "Covid-19", which is not the case! If this is their response to top priority emergency customer, heaven help all the other poor blighters! At least they gave me electric heater, and have one for upstairs and one for downstairs plus electric oven on high (am past caring about the bills!) and I live in kitchen most of the time. Also I do recommend Beurer heating pad. Electric blankets sold out everywhere online with delivery. To add insult to injury, have mislaid stopper for hot water bottle! Can't leave house for warmer climes as live on icy footpath. Please forgive the rant. O Happy Day!

Cloudancer profile image
Cloudancer in reply to BronchyBronwen

Thinking of you and hoping all the relevant parts were ordered fitted and that you are now warm.Sending gentle hugs and loadsa positive vibs .

BronchyBronwen profile image
BronchyBronwen in reply to Cloudancer

Thank you Cloudancer! All on again last Saturday lunchtime (10 days). The outside waste pipe is blocked (delightful, and for no apparent reason) which impacted on the condensing pipe which froze, which impacted on the Combi boiler which kept filling up with water. Anyone remember the Flanders and Swann song "... was on the Monday morning the gasman came to call ...". Dynarod were to have come to fix waste pipe on Wednesday, but now early Jan of course. At least insured for plumbing and boiler. Water in bathroom taking too long to drain away. But at least warm again. Merry Christmas all!

Thepainterswife profile image

oh you poor poor lady 😱 that’s atrocious treatment from British Gas ! You’re right to forget about the costs for now , your priority must be to stay warm and well ! You snuggle up in your kitchen with the heat pad, blankets, coats etc - I wasn’t born during the war but I believe coats as substitutes for blankets were a thing then 😂 Do take care, things can only get better xx ps I hope you find your water bottle stopper !

BronchyBronwen profile image

Thank you dear painterswife. A kind word goes a long way today! Much appreciated. And very well done you for getting the water flowing again!

Izb1 profile image

Had an email from United Utilities this morning advising alot of people were without water due frozen pipes because of the weather, giving details of plumbers in the area and what to do and look for. I cant imagine how awful it must be to be without heating and hot water in this weather . They published a link unitedutilities.com/winterwise for advice on burst pipes etc. I hope everything is ok now in your house x

Thepainterswife profile image
Thepainterswife in reply to Izb1

Thanks so much for that info Izb Its good to have some advice for future reference My house is all in good working order now but I must admit it shook me up and I feel I’ve had a lucky escape and learned a very valuable lesson ! I can’t even think about being without heat and hot water 😭I suppose we’re spoiled when you think about all the people in the world who are living without basic facilities , we really should count our blessings 🙏

Izb1 profile image

It would have shook me up as well, I dont cope with emergencies too well now I am getting older, and yes your right we are spoilt, when i saw the news about the power being down in the outer reaches in Scotland I really dont know how these people are coping. I would have abandoned the house and rented somewhere until the power was back on. I do worry about Hungryhufflepuff being out there on her own in this weather and wish I knew if she was alright x

Thepainterswife profile image
Thepainterswife in reply to Izb1

I haven’t seen anything from HH in months , I know she used to take a break from the forum at times and the last post I saw she did say not to worry if she disappeared for a while but I can’t help thinking if all was well she would’ve been back by now . I’d like to think she’s warm, safe and well 🤞I would do the same as you Izb , I couldn’t stay in a freezing house with no hot water , I’d have to dip into the lifesavings and take up temporary residence in a cozy hotel ! 🔥🥂😃 x

Izb1 profile image
Izb1 in reply to Thepainterswife

I think Dee keeps in touch and she did say that HH was having time off. Think I would take off to my daughters if I had no hot water and heating and hope she could take me over to Tenerife for a proper warm up. They are going over on the 28th for 10 days, I couldnt go as i have too many appointments and dont want to cancel, it has taken long enough to get to this stage. Never mind , keep warm and enjoy Christmas x

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