he’s glad cover on old Jag, spends lot of time there, he’s my guard cat!!
My cat MORRISON favourite place - Lung Conditions C...
My cat MORRISON favourite place

He seems really happy chilling out there Jean. Enjoy your weekend. Xx💕👍
Very sleek and stylish and that's your cat!

He looks so happy looks very comfortable up there Jean. Hope you have a lovely weekend and take care 😊 Bernadette and Jack 🐕 xxxxxxx 🌻🌻
He’s beautiful. I would say that mind because I have a female cat just like him. 💕💕
What a contented cat he looks. Must be a great improvement on Morrisons' car park. How are you keeping? have the nasties finally been defeated?
Thanks, yes he’s happy! Not sure about my nasties, I’m back on antibiotics, feel unwell, results of sputum sample to surgery yesterday will be known mid-week, fingers crossed. I had 6 iv courses over 2 years 2005-2007, they didn’t work, but taking two oral antibiotics simultaneously eventually cleared nasties then, together with clean air riding pillion in Scottish Highlands. My medics are not keen on me taking 2 simultaneously again, and I won’t be going to the Highlands! Will update you when know what’s enjoying partying. Best regards, Jean x
I hope they can get to the bottom of this, though Morrison will not like it if you go swanning off in the Jag to the Highlands or wherever and his favourite perch disappears. xxx
Very sweet x
He's a lovely looking cat Jean and has found the warmest place to sleep in the sun and high up so must feel secure. He must give you lots of joy x
Aww love him ❤
Wow I’ve never heard of a guard cat but he’s obviously alert and ready to pounce 😂🤣 x
Great place for a nap.
He does seem to be very happy there. Good to be able to get a good rest while guarding the valuables. I glad that Scotland has such happy memories Jean. Take care as you keep getting better under Morrison’s watchful care.
When I was a teen I had a yellow convertible 12 cylinder jag xke. Way too much car for a kid.
Wow, as you say a powerful car, known in Uk as E-type. My Jag was made in 1989, and is the 3.6 version, fast enough! Only American car I’ve driven was Cadillac, was staying at friends needed to go to local shops, intended to walk but was told no we don’t walk here, go in car as gave me key! Dont know what model it was but was smooth and quick automatic.
He lopks cosy x