What a difference a week makes ! There isn’t too much difference in size ( I’ve zoomed in this week to show his new red feathers which are much more prominent now ! ) He still has his juvenile feathers covering his head and neck but he’s definitely developing the robin temperament, last week he was very wary of all other birds this week he decided there was no way he was sharing his mealworms with a sparrow and promptly shooed him away 😂
Baby Robin 2 : What a difference a... - Lung Conditions C...
Baby Robin 2

So very sweet. Love the two photos. Xxxx
Oh how very cute 🥰 He’s very handsome! I love all the birds…except 2 big pigeons that intimidate all the other little ones in our garden!
Just had to share another photo ! Whenever I go in the garden my little robin appears beside me within minutes and follows me around . Tonight having avoided the heat of the day I went out to do a bit of gardening and whilst I trimmed some shrubs beside him Robin took his evening bath , he’s so sweet 😭
He's doing very well, isn't he. What a lovely little bird.

So very beautiful I love Robins they are such cheeky little birds. Although imlovebany birds, thank you for sharing have a good night and take care 😊 Bernadette and Jack 🐕 xxxxxx 🌻🌻
With their scrawny legs it makes you wonder how they survive the cold winters
He’s an adorable little bird and doing very well under your care. Love the photos😊
Two lovely photos, Robin's are so cute.
Love Robin's visiting me. I like to think it's My mum or Dad . Fab pictures . Have a lovely day xx Sheila 💕🥰
Aww cute little fellow. Lovely to see them develop. I keep walking to the local pond to see how the ducklings and Moorhens are developing. X
You must be providing a safe and good environment for him/her. Its so lovely to see and understand why you feel so protective. Thank you for sharing these lovely photos x
Lovely photos. Thanks for sharing.
Aww! Lovely. The Robin is my favourite bird.
Love robins. The American robins are not so dainty 🐞
I didn’t know that 😃 in fact I didn’t even know there were robins in America .
Lovely photos, Val, thank you for sharing. Robins are bossy little birds and always stand up for themselves. I think you have a friend for life xxx
That picture has made my day -he is gorgeous thank you so much.I don't know if it's the heat but my usual bird family of robins ,blue tits ,magpies have disappeared from the garden...
Smashing update!
Awww how wonderful to watch little miracle of nature in your garden. Used to have robin family years ago..Last 3 years it’s been Great Tit family nested in same box last 3 years .. they start getting their nest ready in January/ February.. so interesting!!.. watching each step like how they work as a pair in and out nest feeding , then when young fledge.
Soooo you must give your little one a name ???
I’ve had boxes up for years but nothings ever used them 🙁 but I think it’s because I have a very high , thick , mature hedge on three sides of the garden and open country with plenty trees on the fourth , they’ve probably got better places to hide in 🤔 I’ve thought of naming him but I’m worried that would make me feel even closer to him , every day I go into the garden and feel such relief when he appears and then we have a little chat ( the neighbours must think I’m crackers ) 😂. If I was going to name him I’m thinking maybe Titch but I’m open to suggestions ?
Right I’m officially opening the Baby Robins suggestion box !!! Apart from the obvious Robbie .. hmmm how about naming him along the lines of your new grandchild??
Aww ❤