Blouting : I'm so sorry lovely folk on... - Lung Conditions C...

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bryan45735 profile image
ā€¢17 Replies

I'm so sorry lovely folk on here šŸ˜” I'm trying so hard to stay positive it just doesn't feel like I'm getting the answers I need I'm under a lung physio, I have cbt in place, and I really do have supportive doctors its been 3 years my question is now I get blouted all the time even when I go walking but after eating its bad and then breathing a little restricted, I'm getting told its dysfunctional breathing I even spoke to one of the brittish lung foundation nurse today they know me really well to be honest I do there's heads in now and they all say your spirometry readings are really good its how you think that changes the breathing patern ect. I was told I had long lungs by the technician who took chest xray 2 years ago then I spoke to the doctor and he didn't no the turn long lungs but what he did say is we see people with hyperinflated lungs but you havant got that you have normal lungs no new air space ect, im thinking I have long lungs that's why when I eat I get blouted because my lungs are to long I was also told by several nurses that my reading of fev1 93% which was 2 years ago I wouldn't have hyperinflated lungs with them results fev1% fvc 109% fev1/fvc 68% sorry to bother you guys

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bryan45735 profile image
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17 Replies
Damon1864 profile image

Hi Bryan I'm sorry I can't help you with your question but someone may come along who can help, or phone our helpline someone there may be able to help. Have a good day and take care šŸ˜Š Bernadette and Jack šŸ• xxxxxx šŸŒ»šŸŒ»

Oshgosh profile image

Hi,I had my diagnosis three years ago. Itā€™s a lung condition. I also have unclassified connective-tissue disease I have symptoms of rheumatoid arthritis, Sjogrens disease and My appetite is poor.sometimes when I feel full immediately.if I mention it to consultants,they just say,itā€™s because of lungs. They donā€™t offer any Solutions which doesnā€™t help. Some days I feel Iā€™m walking through treacle. Iā€™ve have never been told I have long lungs so I donā€™t know. Apologies for being so negative. I do find having smaller portions helps.

Eating in company,I donā€™t like.

Everyone finishes when Iā€™m halfway through.if we eat at my sons itā€™s easier because they have sharing plates and tapas style stuff.It encourages my grandkids to eat,but it helps me as well. I do try not to take too much liquid,so that I donā€™t fill my stomach was too much liquid. Bought because of the sjegrens which which gives you a dry month itā€™s hard to have a meal out.. Iā€™m sorry I canā€™t give you any more information I hope some one contactsyou with more information

Bevvy profile image

Racking my brains to see if I can come up with any useful suggestionsā€¦..When you eat possibly you are doing something called air breathing? Gulping in more air than actually needed. Which could go with dysfunctional breathing.

Also does it make a difference if you eat smaller meals? That might help?

Canā€™t remember if you have reflux? Could that cause bloating?

I have to confess no idea as to why bloating when walking??

bryan45735 profile image
bryan45735 in reply to Bevvy

I do have a hiatus hernia x

Bevvy profile image
Bevvy in reply to bryan45735

Ahh. I think the hernia is contributing. Plus as others and myself have mentioned reflux could very well be creating the problems when you eat. Still donā€™t understand reasons behind issues when walking but maybe someone else has some ideas. I suppose it may be that you are walking when you have just eaten? That is causing problems?

Certainly it would be worth discussing with your gp if they are not already aware.

peege profile image
peege in reply to Bevvy

My thoughts too. I was thinking hiatus hernia when I'd read as far as your reply Bevvy. Bryan, My sister has had hiatus hernia for some years, she can only eat little and often to avoid bloating. She and I also cut out acid foods to avoid reflux and bloating.

I'm sure there is a condition called long lungs, iver read it here several times and we used to gave a member called long lungs. Im sorry I cant come up with anything more supportive. P

Biofreak profile image

Hi Bryan. Your acid reflux may be the cause of your bloating feeling. Reflux can cause people to swallow more often to stop themselves belching and that increases the air in your stomach. My husband has reflux and takes esomeprazole and gaviscon advance to keep it under control. It was his GP that explained the cause of the feeling of being bloated. This may be your problem but you will need to confirm with your GP as I'm not medically trained.

Troilus profile image

Two things come to mind Bryan - acid reflux and constipation. Both of those or either one could account for what you are experiencing after food. The first is often mentioned but not the second, which is equally culpable but I do know why šŸ˜

O2Trees profile image

Im surprised you were told you couldnt have hyperinflation with FEV1 of 93%, Bryan. That is the same FEV that I have had for years and I have bad hyperinflation for a very long time. It may have been back then that you didnt have hyperinflated lungs and maybe you still dont but I would ask more questions now. Your doctor doesnt sound very well informed about lungs if he hasnt heard of long lungs (which again, I also have.)

bryan45735 profile image
bryan45735 in reply to O2Trees

Even one of the blf nurses said I couldn't have based on my results so I don't no who to believe

O2Trees profile image
O2Trees in reply to bryan45735

Looking at your results again, they are massively better than mine so not comparable. I like what Charlie says below. Just keep asking questions of your healthcare people.

Patk1 profile image

I do feel for you Bryan.we know its hard 4u to accept what drs+nurses tell you.In had some useful suggestions.

Ru on treatment for yr hiatus hernia& reflux? If not,perhaps ask dr,see if it helps.

Personally, I like to eat smaller meals as a full stomach can restrict breathing+ is uncomfortable.simple,but worth a try.

If you eat a lot of bread,potatoes,pasta,rice - it maybe worth cutting back a little as they can lie heavy xxx

Your spirometry is pretty good, Brian. And in terms of the ratio being a little bit down, itā€™s always worth remembering that spirometry is not perfect. Itā€™s the best test we currently have, but itā€™s actually fairly inaccurate in many regards, offering only a snapshot on the day, and with all sorts of factors that can potentially make it read lower than it is, ranging from experience and practice at doing the test, to what youā€™d eaten that day, how tired you were, and what you were thinking about at the time. Itā€™s very difficult to get a false high on spirometry, by which I mean the test telling you your lungs are better than they really are, but itā€™s extremely easy to get a false low, particularly if youā€™ve not done many (or any) before. Thatā€™s why doctors always frame the results as you having at least x% or above, not ā€˜only x%ā€™. My daughter has done literally dozens of spirometry tests, sheā€™s a professional blower at this stage with solid technique that the docs routinely compliment her on, but if sheā€™s in a mood or really tired, sheā€™ll often drop a few percent to where she actually is, which also knocks her low ratio even lower. Itā€™s extremely common for things like that to happen, which is why spirometry is most useful for tracking the trend over time. As a spot check of how people are doing, itā€™s not great.

I think Iā€™ve replied to you before to say that dysfunctional breathing can be a really significant problem: my daughter had quite severe breathlessness and low oxygen levels purely as a result of DB. Additionally, though, having seen the comments above, I do think you could be looking in the wrong place for your answers as to whatā€™s going on. I was recently finally diagnosed with a hiatus hernia and chronic inflammation of the stomach, after years of frequent nausea, belching, bloating, and really severe acid reflux. The problems youā€™re describing would all fit with having a hernia, even a fairly small one - my understanding (and experience) is the severity of symptoms doesnā€™t necessarily match the size of the hernia you have. Reflux doesnā€™t have to cause heartburn or pain either, it can be silent. At one stage I thought mine was well under control because I wasnā€™t getting heartburn, only to eventually discover the regular cough I was getting at night was actually silent acid. Are you on a medication for acid control? Adjusting how much and how frequently you eat can also help, along with avoiding any foods or liquids that irritate the stomach or tend to lead to acid production. There are quite a few resources online about diet when you have a hernia and/or reflux.

bryan45735 profile image
bryan45735 in reply to

My lung physio said that it's very mild copd like my doctors, I started to play 5-a-side football I was running then I felt more out of breath like breathing through my chest that didn't feel great but again in told dysfunctional breath not because its mild copd then? Doctors everyone, British lung foundation nurses

bryan45735 profile image
bryan45735 in reply to

I do have a 5cm hiatus hernia

MMaud profile image

Does your bloating appear worse after eating anything in particular.

I have to eat a gluten-free diet. If I eat gluten I become very bloated and uncomfortable.

I just wonder if you have a bit of a food intolerance of some sort in the mix.

YummyBear profile image

I agree with MMaud. I was about to advise the same; try gluten-free bread, gluten-free pasta, Matzo crackers, say with cream cheese, peanut butter. I've noticed the difference in not feeling bloated. It's worth trying.

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