I was just messing around seeing if I could possibly post a photo - and I did. A great technological leap for me. This picture was taken last year, but the daffs look lovely this year too. It's very cold outside, too cold to be snapping. xxx
Daffodils: I was just messing around... - Lung Conditions C...

Lovely Alberta. My dwarf daffs Tete a Tete are flowering now but a photo from the window doesn't do them justice.
They look nice and cheery Alberta. Thank you for sharing. It’s sunny but cold here, same tomorrow I think. Xx🤗💛
Well done Alberta the photo is lovely 😊 I can’t believe how much I have coming up in the garden this year up here in the NW I have daffodils and hyacinths in flower and tulips and others well on their way up. I’ve had primulas flowering throughout the winter and doing really well now ! It might be climate change 🤔😮 but even so nice to see x

Beautiful I love flower I love flowers thank you for sharing. Have a good evening and take care 😊 Bernadette and Jack 🐕 xxxxxx
Welcome to the techno world Alberta,i envy you those daff's many years ago we had some in the garden,not many but they all seem to have vanished and they are a cheery sight as the worst of the winter fades into the background.
🙂😻 x
Hey , adding a photo is working again, these will help to cheer you x
Thank you kindly my dear lady. Obtained from a florists near Oldham perhaps? 🙃😻x
Ha! ha! ha! these alstromera were from Aldi my dear. I tried to send to you last year when you said you liked them but couldnt do it x
What a kind thought,i alternate my grocery deliveries between Asda and Morrisons and i get a bouquet of Alstroemeria once every two weeks from Morrisons and they tend to last the full 2 weeks but the petal dropping is a hazard for Scruff's so i have them on the kitchen windowsill where they get plenty of light.
😊👍 x
Another one of my favourite flowers and as you say they can last two weeks. Cant imagine scruffs trying to eat them though lol. I have just done a really stupid thing. After coming through the front door and chatting to a neighbour I put my bin back behind the side gate and put the padlock back on then went to the back door realising it was locked. I had trapped myself in the back garden, I shouted for Mike next door but he had gone in and couldnt hear me. It is too cold to be out without a coat and decent shoes and I am too old to be climbing over fences, luckily I have a side panel that is only narrow, so had to slide this up and climb into next door . Oh flipping heck Mike, is this age, lack of sleep or altziemers lol , think in future I will leave the back door open when bringing in the bins x
Soz the picture of you clambering over your neighbours fence made me chuckle and i think we need to install a giant cat flap for you so Scruff's carpenters and joiners.com are on their way Lol.
I'll probably have forgotten how to do it by the next time I try. Most of my daffs arrived in £1 pots from the market or Sainsbury's.
Very sweet 😊 I don't have any (apart from a pot & window boxes that haven't come out yet), luckily I can admire my neighbour's from an upstairs window 😉
Very beautiful Alberta. I love daffodils. My mum has them in her garden. Thank you for posting. My morning is just starting and this is lovely to see first thing. xx 💕
What lovely daffodils. Congratulations on your technological exploits. There are no daffodils out here yet ❄️ but they’re always a joy to see when they do appear 🌼
How did you manage to do that ? I gave up lol x
A kind computer repair man put an app on my laptop called Pictures Shortcut with all my then pictures on it. I seem to be able to access pics on that, though the pictures are thumbnail sized, so I can't tell whether they're out of focus or otherwise not too presentable. Otherwise I don't think I could do it.
Always lovely to look at flowers. Don’t they cheer you up? X
A cheerful sight to see and I know spring is almost here when I see these popping up Alberta and well done for posting, adding a photo has stopped working on ny tablet for some reason x
That’s beautiful.
Lovely photo 🥰
Beautiful 🐞
Those are lovely . Daffodils are so cheerful . I do like seeing peoples photos on here. Well done . You worked out how to do it . Have you got some more to show us I was quite chuffed when i learnt how take a screen shot the other day of a website . Theres a sense of acheivement when you have to experiment, and it works !
I have 2 little pots of February Gold too and they always appear early but the ones i put in the garden just died off and didn't see them again after 2 years .
Woohoo 🎉…a great technical achievement and such a beautiful photo!