Just asking!
What do people think of British Lung ... - Lung Conditions C...
What do people think of British Lung Foundation rebrand ?

HEllo There, nice and colourful, easy to see but seem to have lost my daily diary updates and can't find a way to reinstall.
I don't like it, a much less professional image in my opinion.
I have both bronchiectasis and asthma. I hate the FIGHTING FOR BREATH strap - it makes me fill ill and I dislike the ?sticking plasters logo. Much prefer the BLF logo. It might have been more courteous to at least ask our opinion.
I assume it means they hope to attract more funding but a concern might be that rarer lung conditions will go below the radar.
Apologies Blackcat I put my post up as a reaction up when I saw the new site and then saw your post. Do you want me to delete my post. I would of course ask those who have replied to pop their comments on your thread first.
Please see the comments i put on cofdrop-UK post as they would also be appropriate to yours Blackcat and thank you for asking for our response to the new organisation and site .Ski's and Scruff's
No problem, cofdrop! Just leave it as is. I didn't know of your post - I don't seem to be getting updates and those that come through are frequently a day or two out-of-date.
My post was just a gut reaction, wondering if it was just me being an old fart. Like you, I hate the "Fighting for every breath" (that's certainly not what I'm aiming for!) and the huge banners in primary colours. Also the outsize font, which is a bit bizarre - better suited to a billboard or ad on the side of a bus!
Main concern for me is the total dominance of asthma, leaving all other conditions herded together as an afterthought. Of course, I accept the numerical dominance of asthma but, as a bronchiectasis buddy, we find it difficult enough to get any recognition of our condition and its specific problems, don't we? - I'm sure a lot of other folk on here must feel similarly about their conditions.
I have an uneasy feeling that there is an element of politicisation (not necessarily party politics) creeping in to the organisation, with the increasing focus on lobbying on air pollution and similar green issues. Definitely very important issues, but just not sure that they should be a primary focus of a support group for for people with serious illnesses.
They say (in email) that they "consulted thousands of our supporters" Did anyone on here get asked about this matter?
Hope you're all enjoying the milder weather!
Totally agree with you on all points. Wasn't consulted, I have Bronchiectasis , COPD, Emphysema. Not happy😡
No-one consulted me. That blue page topper with the fussy white writing is .offensive to my eyes at least and I don't want to be told I'm fighting for breath. Makes me feel like a consumptive in a Victorian novel, whose role is to die and go to heaven.
My sentiments exactly Alberta. Fighting for Breath? Very negative, depressing, uninviting and really pees me right off. What a waste of money - presumably charity money. They might gave asked the opinion of patients who actually have lung disease and the glaringly bright purple strip is vile.
I don’t like it, looks cheap and horrid (“common” my mother would say 🤣) but then I don’t suppose it’s been designed to appeal to old biddies like me. But re-brands are usually a waste of money in my eyes, and cost a fortune. Charity money, as peege points out.

I don't like it ,I agree it's eye catching but I prefer the more professional look of the BLF. Have a good day and take care 😊 Bernadette and Jack 🐕 xxxxxx 🌹
Don’t like it one bit and certainly wasn’t asked. Take care Blackcat. Xxx
Not happy. ‘Fighting for breath’ makes us feel like struggling victims. BLF is a recognised charity, acknowledged by the medical profession.Not happy at all
P.S. I dislike the use of the imagery of war in connection to illnesses. I have ranted here about it before. Particularly when death is viewed as defeat. It puts too much of a burden on us as patients. If we don’t ‘fight’ we are not trying hard enough. We cope, we manage, we take as much responsibility for our conditions and symptoms as we can. We do what we can and feel gratitude for the good things that come our way. Is it a girl thing? When I said something similar in 2020 there were two dissenting voices. Men, who claimed that battlefield analogies were entirely appropriate. Hmmm…. 🤔
I wholeheartedly agree about such imagery, makes me shudder. I’m not fighting a battle (which by definition I might “lose” any day). I’m just getting on with my life the best I can, with damaged and deteriorating lungs - but somehow that’s not enough! There are US sites which sell ghastly products like “warrior” T-shirts - have you seen those? Yuk yuk yuk

Thanks Hanne. When the two guys defended the battle scenario what I didn't say was that if it was a "boy" thing it wasn't doing them any favours as men tended to have a worse outcome with Covid than woman. I shall continue to refer to this forum as BLF.K xx
If I was one of the dissenting male voice of 2020 I now fully understand your perspective. I agree 100% behind everything you have just said. 🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏It is not about fighting or dying; it's about L I V I N G.
It looks garish and non-professional. Do think we should have been consulted but, failing that, at least given a heads up of the change.
Not impressed
I think it is an ugly logo and design - who thought that plasters were relevant to any lung condition? Strangely, I googled Asthma UK yesterday as my 6 year old granddaughter is having a difficult time at the moment with her asthma and was surprised to see their rebranding. I still didn't have a clue that it had merged with BLF!! ( lots of helpful info for children with asthma though). I have bronchiectasis and asthma and have found this forum invaluable for info on bronchiectasis.
I wasn't consulted either.
I rarely use the site as I feel it glosses over my condition Hypersensitivity Pneumonitis and for me doesn't reflect the reality I'm living
You rarely see conditions such as yours mentioned at all, yet these are the most serious and life changing ones who really, really need support
I have PCD, including bronchiectasis, joined that site first, then was included in BLF about 9 months ago, lot more and interesting posts. Think rebranding logo etc not good, and wasn’t consulted, perhaps they just consulted those who don’t do posts! Though at times I am fighting for breath, it’s not appropriate logo. Notice that some people who regularly amuse us are not commenting, perhaps they haven’t been told yet! Jean
Do I really need to be reminded ' Fighting for Breath ' Does not sit well with me. I think the consensus is to have left it as it was, after all The Asthma UK had already been part of BLF for some time.
To use an Americanism the new name sucks. Why? We fight for breath sometimes but do we need than banner rhetorical as it's no..........Will put other people off joining for sure. BLF was more assuring and more professional..