Just seen this site and thought it would help to see what other peoples experiences are of how they cope with lung and related issues. I di feel like I am in a bit of a hole I cant get out of with repeated infections, I often think the medications I take for other issues conflict with my lung problems.
hello: Just seen this site and thought... - Lung Conditions C...

Hi and welcome Freyadog. I see from your profile that you have quite a lot of health issues to contend with. I haven't got interstitial lung disease but hopefully someone with some knowledge of it will come along and reply to you. In the meantime I hope you will get some benefit from our friendly and very supportive forum and I hope too that you manage to get on top of the infections.

Welcome Freyadog hope you enjoy the site, we are a friendly bunch of people who have a good laugh and very supportive. We all have different ling conditions so someone will be able to help you. I hope you keep posting. Have a good day and take care 😊 Bernadette and Jack 🐕 xxxxxx 🌹
Hiya 😊 and a warm welcome 😉.This is a lovely forum with lots a very lovely and helpful members. And we all got a lot of humour, we all need to have a laugh 🤪 to help with our daily issues regarding to lung conditions.
And I agree with the response, hopefully someone has the same problem as yourself and has some knowledge about it.
Or try to browse in the search engine on the forum if something comes up regarding your illness.
Best wishes 🌺🌺🌺 stay safe and warm. 😁🌼🌼🌼
Hi Freyadog, welcome to the site. As others have said you will find the members are all friendly with their own stories and always willing to give advice and support. So, hopefully your questions will be answered by others with the same lung condition as yours. Best wishes xxx😊
Welcome to this forum. Members have a wide variety of lung problems and are always happy to offer information support and fun. You do have a lot to contend with.All the best
Hi, not quite the same as you, but yes I have the auto-immune problem with Crohn's Disease, rather than Ulcerative Colitis, mentioned in your interests (the blue bits). I have asthma, and I saw an interest on your profile included Amlodipine (I think), I am on that as well as Ramipril. I often feel that all the meds I take, cause as many problems as they solve, but I am still here, at nearly 70. I hope you find someone better for your lung issues. Good Luck👍
Hi. I have pulmonary fibrosis caused by an autoimmune condition. I was diagnosed in 2008 but definitely had these lung problems at least 3 years previous to that and symptoms of the autoimmune condition for years that were never picked up as they were mild then. I know what you mean at some of the medication making lung problems worse as I can not tolerate a few of the normal meds for my condition. One actually made my breathing so my worse until I stopped it. I understand your journey and welcome to this site.
Hi Freyadog123 and welcome to the site. I do hope you get some answers to your health issues. I have rheumatoid arthritis and bronchiectasis and have questioned whether the medication caused the bronchiecatsis or if that came along when the arthritis started and it still has a question mark x
Good morning izb1 I also suffer from bronchiectasis and always out of breath even walking up and down the stairs. I have high bloodpressure and last week had blood test because they whated to check it before the put my bloodpressure tablets up again and blood test came back that I have high hyperkalemia they think it's to do with the ramipril tablets I am taken so got to have one more blood test today to see if its still the same. Hopefully comes back OK as do not want more problems on top of want I got. How does your bronchiectasis affect you if you do not mind me asking thanks all the best
Hi Babyboy12, lost my earlier reply so will try again. Sorry to hear about your blood test and do hope they can treat you for hyperkalemia, is the Ramipril for high bp? If this is causing hyperkalmia asked to be moved onto another tablet, you dont want your kidneys to get messed up. Another question, are you eating bananas or other foods that contain potassium, if so cut them out as this could be adding to your problems, speak with your doctor. My bronch has been alot better since my recent sinus op, I had a terrible amount of mucus which didnt help the bronch and had a permanent cough which has now eased of. I do have a tight chest since the op and the inhalers are helping much. I think we bronchs are just left to get on with things with very little help out there and have to find a way to ease things. Do a search on the right hand side box and look back on posts for bronchiecatsis there is alot of information on here x
Izb1 thank you I just had one more blood test done for my high hyperkalemia and will know more when that comes back hopefully better than last week but I still got high blood pressure and that s with stopping the ramipril for a week. I do eat bananas but maybe once a month. If it come back that I still got high hyperkalemia than will speak with my doctors but they have to sort it out as blood pressure is still high. Yes your right not many talk about bronchiectasis as I only saw my Dr at the hospital once since finding out I had it on 2019 but I have been reading up more about it myself. My chest always hurt and out of breath a lot. Thanks for the reply
Mention the problems with your chest to your gp he may be able to refer you back to the consultant at the hospital. One of the members Littlepom has given good advice on this, please use the search box and read through her suggestion of finding a specialist at the large hospitals and get your doctor to refer you x
Hello izb1 said I have mentioned it to my drs do many times all I get its to do with my bronchiectasis. But if my blood test comes back that I have high hyperkalemia than that's to do with your kidneys and can effect your heart. Just have to wait and see. Thank you I will look it up on the search box thanks for your messages
Good morning freyadog123 I was like you as I have asthma but for few years I was getting chest and lung problem infections and coughing all the time I went back to our doctors and she said could be copd but I said I never smoked in my life but she sent me to hospital and the lady doctor I saw there she said its not copd I think you got bronchiectasis so had to scan done and after few weeks I had a letter back saying its mild bronchiectasis.. I still get out of breath and coughing on 3 lots of in halers and tablets if you still get them I would go back to your doctors. I hope you get it sorted out all the best
Hi Freyadog!
I’m sorry to hear of your health issues.
Unfortunately there is a link between ibd and lung conditions. The lungs and intestines share the same embryonic tissue and react to the same triggers.
My son was on vedo infusions for his uc and although it’s gut specific as with all immune suppressants and biologics it does leave you vulnerable to infections. Maybe speak to your ibd team to discuss alternatives and advice. It’s difficult because you don’t want to compromise one treatment for another but you must do what you feel comfortable with.
My son’s respiratory consultant told us ibd patients are particularly likely to respond favourably to steroids for lung conditions. This was absolutely true in his situation, a short course of pred and a change of steroid inhaler( it can take a while for one to suit) has meant his symptoms of bronchiectasis have completely turned around for the better.
Wishing you well
Hello and welcome
Hi and welcome x