Hello there, I still have not had a diagnosis for my bronchiectasis like symptoms; my chest x-rays showed scarring in march, but are now all clear now. Since my last serious chest infection earlier this year I have been perfectly healthy, active, cough and asthma free, only taking Fostair 100/6 four times a day (2 x2).
However last month asthma syptoms returned; sometimes during the night or day but always on waking. I was having both loss of, and restless sleep and was concerned of another stubborn chest infection this winter, so contacted my asthma nurse last month. The surgery suggested I stop Fostair and try Spiromax four times daily, which I have done.
Well in the past three weeks I have:
A tight chest on waking through the night and morning as well as mild to medium asthma most days. Coughing up clear phlegm most days.
Trouble sleeping most nights (5 or 6 hours nightly instead of 8)
Felt tired and confused
Been angry/ short tempered/intolerant/fearful
My peak flow is around 450 which is normal. Ventolin has little effect, even after 10 puffs.
Recently I have felt very tired as if my oxygen is low (I do not have a O2 sensor) and thirsty despite drinking over two litres of water every day.
I was quite Lactose intolerant for thirty years until 3 years ago when it went completely ( I suspect due to a regular dose of quality probiotics). However I am now suddenly extremely intolerant of lactose in cheese and milk!
Do you think that I am allergic to Spiromax? Or are these typical side effects most people get? Or am I ill with something else that coincidentally started last month?
Thanks for your consideration.