Been sat outside since 7.30 am and had to wear my mask , I've just come back in home and had to wash my mask it was covered in ash , I'm so glad I had the common sense to put it on which is unusual for me as I always sit on my varanda without one .
The ash cloud: Been sat outside since... - Lung Conditions C...
The ash cloud
Glad you wore your mask Davey, it sounds really dreadful. We’ve seen the fires on the news. Very sad. Xxxxx

I'm pleased you wore your ask Davey those tires are really dreadful try to have a good day and take care 😊 Bernadette and Jack 🐕 xxxxxx
I'm trying to find somewhere in the house to cool off so far the only place on offer is the freezer next to the frozen peas and ice cubes .🥵🥵🥵😵🤣

Can you lay in the bath tub in cold water? Or hold the shower head with cold water over your head every few minutes? Would that help with the heat a bit?
I have a shower every morning with the water on cold but because the water pipes are underground the water comes out warm 🤣🤣 crazy really can't lay down in bath because of the seizures I have did that trick not so long ago and woke up all wrinkly 🤣 fortunately the water wasn't deep . My friend comes round every morning same time so I can have my shower he stops in kitchen having a coffee and keeps talking to me so he knows I haven't had a seizure

That is a lovely friend you have there! I was thinking just holding the shower head over your head (for a second) every few minutes, right with the clothes on (if any at all). I do this when it is too hot here. I don't even care about the floor then. In a few minutes everything is dry again and then I do it again! Or chucking cups of water over you or into your shirt or ice cubes! 😀
Not really , great for washing pots . Don't have to put the emertion heater on 🤣🤣
Fires are regularly happening but it always carries death and destruction with it , last year we had a fair few fires , it's effecting us more with ash because the wind is blowing our direction . It's difficult to breath at moment it's like my Meds haven't kicked in , my heart goes out to the ones affected by the fire . Greece offered to help with our planes and helicopters and Turkey refused our help .

how stupid of them .the Turks are at daggers draw n with Greeks always. We went on a Day trip from one greek island called Samos to Turkey once and we had to take our passports and they were stamped on a separate piece of paper . If not we would have been refused entry to Greece the following year. Money talks where tourism involved. The Turks made us all very welcome. This was Ephesus and well worth the trip.
I was wondering earlier in the week if you were wearing your mask when you said that you had had to clean ash off your outdoor chair. With the wind direction you may need to stay indoors today to protect your lungs. Take care xx
I'm in doors trying to find a cool spot the municipal police are advising everyone not to use their Aircon because of the ash .

Dreadful situation as it is in other parts of the world too.
Mother nature is a force of her own and you can't argue with her and like all women unpredictable 🤣🤣

Usually there are lots of little earthquakes before a big one but under 2.0 is not detectable by us, and there have been lots . I expect you get very blase about them. The fires are obviously causing you much more trouble . And you cant use your aircon now either. Glad I'm not there.
You get so used to the little ones you don't notice them , and yes fires the big problem at moment