So I’m getting ready to steam mop and who should come in extra nice and dusty, and plop down in the middle of floor.
Chore helper: So I’m getting ready to... - Lung Conditions C...
Chore helper

You friend and helper of course 😉 LOL or he likes to get steamed clean too LOL 😂
And why not? Lol xxx🥰
We put up with a lot for those we love. Lovely photo.
So helpful!
That made me laugh out loud. My sheep love to help when I’m doing any tasks outside 🤣
HAHAHA 😅 When Chom does this it is to inform me that I cannot proceed with task at hand until he has been fussed with belly rubs and love. xx 💕
They have their ways. Shelly likes to drop all her toys at my feet to remind me, the floor is mine, I lays where I likes. She does have rather a thing about lying across electrical cords!🤩
The ultimate stare down. Who’ll squeak first. 🥰
He loves that dinosaur. I don't know why.
Perhaps it a bit of a binky to him. I know I have had dogs who were obsessed with a particular toy or even a scrap of blanket. Rather like an infant. 😏
I think he has the intelligence of a three year old child . He knows what toys he likes very much and which ones he would gladly not see for a week. He is not allowed to play with Mr. Wallace (dinosaur) so he is satisfied to just stare it down. It's a choking hazard so I don't let him take it. 😊
Love it, perhaps thinks she is helping!!😂
Aaaw bless, she just wants attention , they are so lovely x
A Great Mophead Your Dog Will Make .. Take Care Keep Safe 🖤🖤
Likes to get in the midst of life. Don’t you just love them ❤️Our Sam (GSD) used to have to be hoovered as well as the floor. He loved it. X