I have a new friend to keep me active and make me smile everyday, her name is Luna.
My new helper: I have a new friend to... - Lung Conditions C...
My new helper

She's absolutely adorable Steve. Look at those eyes!! xx 😃🐕
She's very sharp, I have her on a long trailing lead now when walking so I have some control, yet she can run as far as she wants to, when no dogs or people are around. I just have to be within reach to stand on the lead if I see people/dogs in the distance. She's a Staffie/aAppalacian bulldog cross, people said I wouldn't be able to hold her, but after training Collies all my life, I knew I could get her to walk by my side and she's getting there quickly.
Staffies chew everything when young and she's no different, but she will grow out of it. I hope lol.
I was wondering about her breed. I could see the staffie but couldn't put my finger on it. You trained Collies? That's amazing Steve. Was it your job? I have trouble with Chom dragging me. xx
No I just wanted dogs that were under control and Collies are easier to train than other breeds.. To try and control Chom use a short lead so she's always at your side. These extending leads are the worst thing ever for controlling dogs, easy for the handler but you aren't teaching the dog to be at your side. How old is Chom?
He's two years and five months. But he came to us when he was a year old. From a shelter , then a foster home. He was abandoned in a flat with four other dogs. Two died before they were rescued. He was a bag of nerves and oh such bad skin. Much better now and beautiful coat. Much more confident. He is so strong. Sometimes I think my arm will get pulled out of it's socket. 😞 I use a short lead and try to keep him close. But when we are at the park, I use the extendable lead.
Have you though of looking to see if there are any local dog training schools nearby, they will help you both. Luna is still a work in progress and will be for some time, but she is learning quickly. All my collies eventually walked off the lead when not in a built up area and stayed close.
I got Luna from animal rescue and she had already been to pup school for walking, so she didn't pull on the lead when I got her, they had trained her in a very short time, so you have time to get tips and help from your local dog trainers.
She's very smart and learning fast, great company and makes me laugh everyday with her antics. She also gets me out of the house walking everyday. All good!
They are a great asset to you i have a lab so go out everyday walking. I found with staffie ? cross, they are all the same training takes time . My dog is 11yrs old but i can still teach him new things.
Glad you have an interest with the dog she is beautiful. XX
She's so lovely! I hope that you'll enjoy her. XXX
Ohhh! What joy
Aww, she's a beauty.
Welcome Happy Luna x
Hello to you, very pretty Luna. We have a cross Staffie/American Ridgeback and although Hazel is a baked bean colour,I can see those Staffie genes they both share. Hazel was a rescue dog and we wouldn't spend a minute without her,even though she still is learning her days of being left alone,are long gone. Thanks for the photo and introduction welllaners !!
Luna is a rescue dog too, but she had some puppy training, so she walks well on the lead, I am just training her with a long trailing lead, which I can stand on to control her, but she has freedom to run around. She's a smart dog with a stubborn streak at times lol. She is only about 9 months old so is still in her chewing everything stage. But she makes me laugh everyday and gets me walking miles depending on the weather. So a bonus on both counts.
My son moves into his new house in two weeks time so she will be very good company for me on my own.
I hope you have a fantastic Christmas
Awwwwww so cute, they are just so amazing, helper is a good word for dogs, love my baby to bits.
She appears to have a look that says she knows she is the boss.
Already 😂
Luna sounds like the dream dream pup truth be told they always find things to chew, keep the basket piles high of toys or place one like you dropped it on accident to the wash and see which Luna will go for. Mind game, mine always thought he was stealing for sure. We kept a lot of old socks around or bought cheap and wore them for the scent then dropped them around. Was to funny. My first dog was a Staffie and the best that so many moons ago, then came a kennel of Afhgan's for show and breeding. Followed by a Great Dane in college and a Golden Ret., had several of those, read up on Cheesepeake Beay Ret's they have been my last two. They are wonderful so very smart had him completly trained in no time, hand singals and all. he would even ignore the deer in the woods as we walked. Trying to get stronger so I can walk long miles you and Luna you give me insperation as I tackle getting getting back in health. Hopefully him out weighing my small body at 92lbs and him at 100lbs will work I walk him safe area's. Can always sit on my leash with my bottom! LOL
Many thanks for your reply, she loves stealing socks! I knew Staffies will chew anything when I got her from the rescue centre, so she sleeps in the kitchen. she has chewed the table, walls, wallpaper, her bed lol. My son couldn't understand why I wasn't getting mad with her! I just said I will redecorate when she grows out of it.
As you say its mind games, I ignore her if she's been bad, she soon comes looking for attention, I just show her what she's done and say " bad dog" She has stopped stripping wallpaper, plaster and the table. She still chews her bedding, but she's learning.
All pups will chew when they are bored, Staffies more than most lol.
The only things that have survived are her "Kong" toys and strangely a tennis ball.
I am now able to walk four miles with her, weather permitting. So that's gotta be worth all the redecorating!
She's great company and makes me laugh every day, what more can a man ask for!
Sounds like your dog is a man mountain lol, might be better if you put a saddle on its back.
I hope you get back to health soon, keep battling.
Take care
Many thanks for all your replies