Whats going on????: Just seen the... - Lung Conditions C...

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Whats going on????

ledge profile image
93 Replies

Just seen the latest virus figures and we aren't far behind India's daily totals.

Are we secretly heading towards herd immunity? Becaude our government seems to be sounding the all clear siren. So that normal life should continue without masks, bubbles etc.

I have been sheilding since the first lockdown and am honestly in a quandary on what to do next. My gut instinct tells me still wear mask. Wash hands etc.

I have a pulmonary rehab exercise 6 week sessions booked in an external venue and even the thought of that us putting tge wind up me....have I lost my nerve and marbles???

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ledge profile image
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93 Replies
Damon1864 profile image

I will continue to wear masks and wash my hands, the figures may have dropped but they can so easily rise again if we aren't careful. We still need to be vigilant and use common sense we all know this virus hasn't just disappeared. You do whatever makes you feel is right. Have a good evening and take care 😊 Bernadette and Jack 🐕 xxxxxx

ledge profile image
ledge in reply to Damon1864

You take care too x

sassy59 profile image

Pete and I will continue to wear masks, keep our distance and wash our hands frequently. It is worrying but we will get through this.

Stay safe ledge. Xxxx

ledge profile image
ledge in reply to sassy59

I find it all extremely worrying. I went into a shop the other day... my first indoor shopping experience for 18 months. People pushing infront if me to get something from a shelf and wearing their masks under their chin...i left without buying anything... i feel a complete twat.

CDPO16 profile image
CDPO16 in reply to ledge

No need to feel like that. I started shielding a week before the official notification last March and have not been in a shop since. Not likely to now the end of restrictions are nigh.

Jaybird19 profile image
Jaybird19 in reply to CDPO16

Yesterday I went to bank to get money . No body in there at all ! better than going to sainsburys as i used to day in the normal days pre covid . Had to go to opticians to collect new glasses. My glasses had broken across the bridge and could only see in distance after cataract op . Spent a month altogether carrying 2 pairs of different strengths around with me . Driving me mad . I could drive though so i had got car sorted after not using it for 18 months. Had not forgotten how to drive but yesterday the weather changed from cold rain to bright sun while I was out, the car was parked in sun and got really hot and I couldnt remember were to find aircon ! So I had to go out but like you was not wanting to at all. I will not be doing that again if I can help it . Those numbers are high now and will be worse after the football final and no restrictions .

ledge profile image
ledge in reply to Jaybird19

I share your pain re the air conditioning...i couldn't find the knob to turn the radio down. The mechanic who serviced it turned tge radio station up to mega watts. I turned thd radio on and i nearly blew out of my seat. Could i find the volume control ...no siree bub...😰

Mavary profile image
Mavary in reply to ledge

Ha Ha! Sorry! I had to smile. I could just see you banging your head on the roof of the car. 😆😅😂🤣

ledge profile image
ledge in reply to Mavary

Well it certainly woke me up

Mavary profile image
Mavary in reply to ledge


Straddie profile image
Straddie in reply to Jaybird19

I am also very worried. I read in Wales Today that nearly 30 per cent of deaths are those with two jabs. Obviously very vulnerable people. like myself and many on this site. The infection rate is just too high for complacency. I have asked my cleaner, who was only back for a very welcome three weeks, not to come again but do shopping for us. I still only have my hair done sitting in outside. I don’t dare let the hairdresser inside. I am thinking that we might just close the hatches and not go out again

Jaybird19 profile image
Jaybird19 in reply to Straddie

I did that 18 months ago but things need repairing or replacing or servicing. My broken glasses that had to be done . Hair I have done myself but as my back is really painful when I lift my arms I cannot do the back . So not "short back and sides" and the rest grows. It was very short. Anyway I don't think such proclamations should be from one person's decisions when the science is so much against it, What does parliament say? We know very little about that. Today is wednesday and question time. Must not get political

sassy59 profile image
sassy59 in reply to ledge

I understand how you feel ledge. You have to do what’s right for you. People don’t think yet we will be reliant on everyone using their common sense. Crazy! Xxx

Snackjack profile image

I have been shielding since the beginning of March 2020, when I have to go to medical appointments I have masks and hand gel with me then when I get home I shower and wash my hair and clothes into the washer, but haven't been into shops or anywhere that may be crowded. Have met friends, socially distanced, in a local park. With the Delta variant still escalating and the latest less known about Lambda variant already in the UK I intend to carry on doing pretty much the same as I have for the past 17 months. I know people say we just have to get on with it and yes there will be more deaths, well I intend to do my best not to be one of those unfortunate people. Follow your gut instincts and do what you feel is best for you. If you have lost your nerve and marbles then I guess I have also. Take care and stay safe doing whatever feels right for you. xx

ledge profile image
ledge in reply to Snackjack

I think most of us will be doing the same ole same ole

peege profile image
peege in reply to Snackjack

I think you're very wise Snackjack, meeting friends even outside is essential to mental health. Some social interaction is so uplifting after the awful months of being shut away particularly for those shielding or living alone. I have covered my nose & mouth during winter for over ten years to avoid germs leading to infections so shall continue to do so. I'll wear a mask to pop in my local Coop at quiet times. I wear disposable gloves - ordered in a few boxes in January 2020 in preparation for the pending pandemic as well as all the other precautions. Its a b****y nightmare however we have to do it to have any kind of life. I'm not ready for the pearly gates 🙏

ledge, good luck with your Pulmonary Rehab course, I hope the venue is as strict as the venues my Pilates tutor uses, she has asthma herself knows all about cross-contamination so uses cones for each participant their safe space, uses antiviral & antibacterial on all doors, light switches etc and she says she'll continue to do so to help keep us safe now that our Zoom classes have ended. I know if it were me I'd at least wear a face shield and disposable gloves during the sessions plus safe distance 😬

Twirly me thinks, a term we oldies are familiar with. 😉

ledge profile image
ledge in reply to

Whats twirly????

in reply to ledge

People with bus passes which enabled then free travel at certain times of the day could not use them before 9.30am. Many tried to use them before that time and were told “You are too early”. It happened so often that such people became known as ‘twirlys’. I think some COVID-19 restrictions are being lifted twirly for us lungies.

Mavary profile image
Mavary in reply to

It just dawned on me. “ TWIRLYS” 😁😂

in reply to Mavary

Welcome to the dawn! 😂

Mavary profile image
Mavary in reply to


in reply to Mavary

Too late, I'll save it and read it tomorrow.

Mavary profile image
Mavary in reply to


2greys profile image

Yes a definite shift to herd immunity. I have been okay and managed quite well with shielding and content, in the main, to carry on. I may have the odd flurry in the pub garden to see my children and a few friends but I will not be making a habit of it.

ledge profile image
ledge in reply to 2greys

Why the cloak and dagger approach... why not be honest?

2greys profile image
2greys in reply to ledge

Honesty from a politician! That has to be a joke. Who is censoring all the news I wonder?

sassy59 profile image
sassy59 in reply to 2greys

Totally agree 2greys. Xxx

Carnival567 profile image

When I was diagnosed ten years ago I was told to avoid people with colds and coughs. Shall continue with that advice although we do hope to go out more.

ledge profile image
ledge in reply to Carnival567

Me too.. but what i find more worrying is dealing with those people who are asymptomatic... do you treat people as if they were???

CDPO16 profile image
CDPO16 in reply to Carnival567

It's easy to give people with colds and coughs a wide berth but impossible to know who has asymptomatic covid

Carnival567 profile image

No, not as a rule, but we live in a very quiet place anyway.

hypercat54 profile image

I want my life back so will be taking advantage of any opportunity to go out and about. I will probably carry on using my mask when in very close contact with people, on a bus for example. However I am only mild/moderate copd so aren't in the position some of you are.

Also I live on my own and will do anything to assauge my constant loneliness.

Annie31 profile image
Annie31 in reply to hypercat54

I'm so with you on this! I think the consequences of this pandemic will be so far-reaching for a long, long time to come and we can't just go on like this ad infinitum. I listened to a headteacher yesterday who said it all for me, in the light of the lifting of isolation of children. It isn't just about resuming and catching up on their education, the children have forgotten how to share, to play, to interact with each other and they have grown this intolerance towards each other. This has to be out right before worrying about their a,b,c,'s! And this is just the children in our society. I think we all have to be responsible still, as you say, but we have been imprisoned without committing crimes and so many people have become institutionalised and are afraid. That's no way to live and I agree with you - you should be able to go about your life, avoid being lonely because otherwise what is the point? It's not enough to just survive!

hypercat54 profile image
hypercat54 in reply to Annie31

Thank you Annie, you said that very well. First and foremost we are social beings and need interaction with each other for a fulfilling life. None of us know how long we have left. Ok if you live in a family you still get this but not if you don't like me so have to get a good social life going. Mine was ok before the pandemic but horrendous during it and I refuse to live like this any longer than I am forced to.

Life is full of risk anyway and now most of us have been fully vaccinated we need our lives back. And I want mine.

Annie31 profile image
Annie31 in reply to hypercat54

Indeed! Good for you, enjoy what you can as safely as you can!

Badbessie profile image

Personally I believe that restrictions are being lifted to early. They are restricting factors to far narrow a field. IE cases, R numbers and hospitalisations all of which are going up. Personally I feel the two big dangers are that the virus will shift again which with the present level is a real danger and the increasing numbers of long covid are a great concern. The question I ask and keep asking is how many of all ages are going to be left with life long damage? Basically the political hacks are taking a huge gamble. To me it is like walking into a mine field and stamping your feet to see if something goes bang. I watched the news this morning and one headline stated restrictions to be lifted the next hospitalisation going up! To me it is madness.

CDPO16 profile image
CDPO16 in reply to Badbessie

I agree wholeheartedly.

Aingeful profile image

I think we all need to do what's best for us personally. I've had my two jabs and feel safe to a certain extent even though I know they aren't 100% effective. By the way, I hate the term "herd immunity " We aren't animals!!😀 I am back to hugging my family, life is too short! After losing my eldest daughter recently its even more important for me to hold them close.We will get through this.

Cak3y50 profile image

Hi I think that even though we are double vaccinated we are all still at risk. I shall wear my mask avoid crowds and continue to have my shopping delivered until I feel really safe. ....and yes I think we are looking at herd immunity. Stay safe and well everyone xx

Digger0 profile image

I will continue with mask, hand washing and 2m distance. I'm also not going anywhere that is busy. I have been invided to the Cheshire Steam Show on sunday but no way am I going to an area where I'm likely to get infected. We still do Click and Collect from Morrisons (other shops etc) and will do for the near future. The Peak Park have cancelled their Wild Child events for all this week due to rising numbers in Derbyshire.

Jandm profile image

Their freedom comes at our continuing confinement. I went to booths for the first time in 22 months (mid size grocers) and couldn’t believe it. Some had no masks, some under their chin, some under their nose, no social distancing pushing in front or practically stepping on your heels because they were so close, coughing etc etc. Definitely won’t be doing that again! I really don’t think it’s much to ask for people to wear a face mask for a few minutes when in a shop. We all need supplies because we all need to eat. Masks have proven to be extremely effective when worn properly and to abandon them knowing that the virus rates are going up and we will be heading into viral season just seems ludicrous. Winter pressures could be reduced significantly whereas the Chief of the NHS is shrugging his shoulders saying that the NHS coped before and they will do it again!!! The staff are on their knees and the waiting lists are getting bigger by the minute. Where is the sense? I’m not relying on Joe public to do the right thing. Ooh that turned into a rant

Marionmarion profile image
Marionmarion in reply to Jandm

If everybody had the brains and guts to "rant" like you, the world would be a much safer place. It could be SO much easier, but where there is no will there is no way I am afraid. As long as the Government works hard to keep hiding their common sense, the herd surely won't reveal any.

KJS15 profile image

I feel more vulnerable now than at the start. I'm double vaccinated but immunocompromised so potentially don't have any antibodies. I totally understand the world wants to open up, but what's the harm in keeping masks for enclosed public spaces like shops and public transport.

dufflex profile image
dufflex in reply to KJS15

100% any facade that they cared was stripped bare with the news on masks, we have to look after ourselves now

Tryfan profile image

No you haven't lost your marbles you are just cautious. Wear a face covering, keep as socially distant as you can. Take some hand sanitizer with you. Stay safe and take no notice of anyone else.

Helen0909 profile image

I'm immune Suppressed, so although I have had both vaccines there is a major chance they have not worked as people who are immune suppressed, often through medications, cannot build anti body's from the vaccines..so we remain un protected. Tnere are so many of us in this situ, and they acknowledge this on the news..but no guidance from gov on what we are supposed to do ..if you have a weakened immune system, please be careful, the vaccines may not have worked..I wish they would have advice for us, or develop the existing anti body test..are they seriously, just going to leave the weakened immune people to fall? It cannot just be a case of sorry we need to sweep you to one side. Please stay secure and safe everyone..

DJS6 profile image
DJS6 in reply to Helen0909

Yes, I really feel for you and others who are immune suppressed...

I really don't understand why those of you who are immune suppressed cannot automatically be offered antibody tests as a matter of course??

There are simple and cheap tests available (I did a finger prick blood test which was sent out in the post, as part of a study) - it shows up very quickly and clearly if you have antibodies.

Is there any forum on Healthunlocked or other specifically focused on issues regarding immunosuppression? There should be specific official advice and guidance available too.

Also, surely there is some research, study, or clinical trial being undertaken focusing on this?

I don't know how you could find out, but maybe somebody else on this forum would know??

Take care and stay safe..

dufflex profile image
dufflex in reply to DJS6

a third jab can produce antibodies in those who have none maybe, but there is research ongoing into a tapeworm treatment which has been made into a nasal spray which can stop the virus entering the body PROTECT V is the name of the study specifically aimed at immunosuppressed

DJS6 profile image
DJS6 in reply to dufflex

That's interesting, thanks, thought somebody would know...

BTW - had to re-read your email - at first I thought the nasal spray treatment was made from tapeworms (yuk!), not tapeworm medication treatment!!!😂

dufflex profile image
dufflex in reply to DJS6

lol btw the medication is called niclosamide

Marionmarion profile image
Marionmarion in reply to Helen0909

I am trying not to use the phrases "social cleansing" or "modern genocide", but I am afraid a right wing Government has the survival of the fittest in mind! Talking tax payers, not receivers!

Caspiana profile image
Caspiana in reply to Helen0909

In the States they are talking about a third vaccine for the immune suppressed, but no formal guidance yet.

Spoticus profile image

I will continue to do all those things although I have met up with all my Children & Grandchildren while rules have been in place to do that & they have all been keeping as safe as possible,it’s been lovely . It doesn’t feel at all safe again & as he’s decided to open everything up I think we are back to Square one again. X

Dizzart profile image

I find there is a certain irony to the fact that the government thinks dropping restrictions will get the economy going where the actual fact is only half the population date to shop and only when necessary. Stay safe and careful along with the rest of us as if any shop is busy with no sanitizers or mask , I’m out 👍🏻👍🏻

battison profile image

It’s so good to learn people are as confused and nervous as us! We haven’t been properly out since March 2020. We don’t have our own family but some extended family think we’re extreme. But they don’t have lung issues and breathing problems. Where we live delta cases have risen fast. Like someone else said we all have to do what’s best for us? Take no notice of anyone else. Round here masks and social distancing mostly seem to have been already dropped 😳

Bluenotes profile image

No , you haven't lost your marbles . It's up to us to do what's right for us . We can still catch covid after 2 jabs , and for many of us this would be a big deal . I will carry on wearing masks , even though it is very difficult , and taking all the other precautions. You shouldn't worry about doing your pulmonary course, they will make sure you are protected , and it's certainly worth doing . Good luck with it . 🤗🤗

ledge profile image
ledge in reply to Bluenotes

Thank you ...

Mavary profile image

I think it’s the young ones mostly that get coronavirus and they recover quite quickly. I’m like you though and still wear my mask and wash my hands. I don’t think I will ever feel safe again. I think the very vulnerable people are still at a slight risk but that’s something we need to find out. Perhaps somebody on here would know that.

dufflex profile image

govt seem to have washed their hands of it now, they couldve kept the mask mandate a bit longer but its all going at once, im a transplant patient with copd and those who are immunosuppressed dont seem to get as much protection from the jabs as healthy people so while the majoritys jumping for joy weve had a chunk of our freedom just taken away i use public transport to get to my hospital appts, the worrying thing is communication from ministers and the NHS in general hasnt told any of us immunosuppressed/or immunocompromised due to blood cancer etc that the efficacy is much lower for us i only know as theres continually updated info from kidney care via a link from my renal unit and then looking up research mostly from america

Mavary profile image
Mavary in reply to dufflex

We’ve got to be more careful than ever now. I can understand why they’ve done what they have but they could stil have made a mandatory rule that people should wear masks in enclosed spaces. We are the ones that are going to look like idiots because we still wear our mask. I don’t care though I will still do it.

dufflex profile image
dufflex in reply to Mavary

i wonder how many healthy people will still wear them with infections soaring and govt predicting 100,000 infections a day quite a few i reckon, the govt have been reckless and it will cost lives some clever lawyers should launch a lawsuit for corporate manslaughter or something along those lines

Marionmarion profile image
Marionmarion in reply to dufflex

Yep! Boris would call it "cautious genocide"..

Mavary profile image

I’ve got interstitial lung disease . Admittedly it’s stayed dormant for two years. I’m worried that if I caught coronavirus it would start off the downward spiral.

peege profile image
peege in reply to Mavary

Take care of yourself M, continue with all the precautions to keep safe 😘

Mavary profile image
Mavary in reply to peege

Thanks Peege. 😘

Buzzytruk profile image

Have sat day dreaming about all the places I can visit ,the friends I can see and of course the shops I have not seen or entered since January 2020..Then common sense takes over ,. I shall continue to continue with all my

precautions 😁 which I don't think excessive but which have kept me safe so far.

What I can't protect against is the madness of these Gov advisers, some

who are not long out of school .

Jo. 😊

ZeroChaos profile image

I'm with you on continuing to wear a mask and hand wash. I don't wear one when my daughter and family come down, but this last time they were down, around 2 a.m., I started thinking about social they are compared to us and how my 6-year-old would be the very one to found the only thing I'm the house with a germ on it... I lost all my good sense. My husband found me crying like a baby at 5 a.m. with a bottle of microban for spraying and a bucket of hot water with Mr. Clean antibacterial cleaner and a rag for wiping.

Why, yes, I do have anxiety, why do you ask? Sometimes, I wonder why I'm not sitting in s rubber padded room wearing a football helmet. Then sometimes I wonder why my husband isn't.

There is not a thing wrong with being super cautious. It doesn't mean you've lost your nerve or your marbles. It means you treasure your life and that's a good thing. Honestly, we will be wearing make in public permanently, I think. I mean my husband, myself and our son. We will not be partaking old the Covid shot because my actual research has really made me scared of it more than the actual sickness. I'm in the states, by the way.

On a bit of a detour:

My daddy had COPD, EMPHESYMIA and all other kinds of misery. I do a lot of studying in herbalism, naturopathy, a little Ayurveda, you know the natural things made from the same Earth as us. Make sure you're doing things to boost your immune system. Elderberry syrup is a great way to do so. I order the dried berries and make my own. Make sure it's Sambucus Nigra if you choose to try it and make sure to speak to your doctor as well. Also, of particular interest is Holy Basil or "Indian Tulsi". It's been shown to repair lung tissue damaged by chemical, smoke and disease. There's even a few papers discussing the fact that some doctors are looking at plants with a history of use for their antiviral properties in treatment of Covid. Just go to Google scholar and search Sambucus nigra as immune booster.

I hope you feel better soon, cuz I know how crappy it is to be walking around in a perpetual state of disbelief at the people around you or indecision about your personal protection.

battison profile image
battison in reply to ZeroChaos

So agree with you post and in looking into alternative remedies. We recently got cannabis oil for hubby. Totally miraculous so far. He has actually been out of his chair vigorously cleaning Windows and mirrors. Taking breathers as he goes but he has not been able to do something like that for at least two years. Just gobsmacked. Also using tulsi & hibiscus tea.

ZeroChaos profile image
ZeroChaos in reply to battison

Tulsi is what I call Holy Basil, mostly because here in Alabama people don't look at you like you just sprouted three extra heads if using words they know. Start getting all "Sambucus Nigra" (Black Elderberry) and "Ocimum tenuiflorum" ( Holy Basil), and it is very possible they run away calling you a witch! 🤣🤣🤣🤣

Haven't tried CBD oil, but (telling on myself) I tried to smoke a joint once and I'm pretty sure it was laced with something. I spent all night alternately laughing and crying, paranoid and well paranoid. Tried again a few years later, not the same feeling but not was I dumb. I never would've been able to find my way out of a paper bag! I have some holy Basil, but it says to take two of them and that's sends my heart into orbit. Ashwagandha is supposed to be great as well. I have wondered at people who tell me they won't even try these herbs because they might dangerous, but then get a vaccine yearly. Seems to me the herb would seem like a safer bet.

battison profile image
battison in reply to ZeroChaos

I think I am a witch! I love the power of fresh herbs, little pockets of nutrients. Holy Basil has long been used in Ancient medicine? We grew a plant - so pretty!

CDPO16 profile image

I shielded from early March last year but then became housebound after a fortnight in hospital last July. Over the last year I have gradually regained and managed to build up my mobility and can now walk for short distances with recently prescribed ambulatory oxygen. I was looking forward to being able to get out more, avoiding busy shops, before being stuck inside most of next winter. I now feel very dubious about going anywhere near places where there might be a number of people no longer required to keep their distance or wear masks. As an oxygen user I can't wear a mask and when I have tried to wear one without the oxygen I can only keep it on for about 10 minutes before it has an adverse effect on my breathing.The new Health Secretary is an economist so the changes are not unexpected but it would make sense to my mind to keep some precautionary measures as a means of infection control. Surely the government has a duty of care still. Talk of more loss of life sounds like an acceptance of collateral damage.

Time to get off my soap box but thanks for reading if you do. This forum is a great place for support and advice but also to voice an opinion.

sassy59 profile image
sassy59 in reply to CDPO16

You’re not alone Carole and I agree with you. I feel as if those who are vulnerable have to get out early to beat the crowds or stay home. It’s very scary out there, double jabbed or not.

You take care. Xxxxx👍💕

CDPO16 profile image
CDPO16 in reply to sassy59

Yes, it is Carole and especially when you read of people double jabbed still catching the virus with some being quite ill. As for getting out early, it takes me all morning to get going! You take care too xx

sassy59 profile image
sassy59 in reply to CDPO16

Yes we’re not great at getting up and out early either Carole but we’ll give it a go. It’s all a bit crazy. Xxxx

Mavary profile image
Mavary in reply to CDPO16

Me too. It takes me all morning but with me it’s because I’m lazy. 😆🤣

ZeroChaos profile image
ZeroChaos in reply to Mavary

I'm the same! I'll work circles around folks at night, but it should be illegal to get up before day light!

Mavary profile image
Mavary in reply to ZeroChaos

Exactly! My thoughts too.

Mavary profile image
Mavary in reply to CDPO16

Could you get a mask type thing to go over your nose and mouth for your oxygen. That would act as a mask. Perhaps they could give you an interchangeable one that you could use your cannula at home and the mask one when going out. I don’t know if this is a possibility but in theory it should work it’s not fair that we should be put in the position where we have to worry more.

CDPO16 profile image
CDPO16 in reply to Mavary

I was advised not to wear a mask with ambulatory oxygen as it can affect the concentration of the oxygen you are breathing making it potentially dangerous. I have a shield but these are no effective unless worn with a mask as well. I intend to keep well away from people when out.

Mavary profile image
Mavary in reply to CDPO16

Aww! That’s a shame. I thought I had come up with a brilliant idea. I quite agree about shields. They are ok if you wear a mask as well. It stops anything going in your eyes. We’re going to look odd anyway because we will be the only ones wearing a mask. I’m already the odd one as I live in a retirement building. An odd few decided the rules weren’t for them and was using the communal lounge in the afternoons despite being told by management that they shouldn’t right when the pandemic was at its worst. Plus there were notices put up. If they were challenged they would say that they would do as they like. The mask wearing stopped a few weeks ago but I still use mine which makes me the odd one out. If anyone challenged me I would say I didn’t know that Boris had stopped inside mask wearing. And leave it at that.

CDPO16 profile image
CDPO16 in reply to Mavary

I would say you are the sensible one. I'm a little surprised at the others in your retirement building being so bolshy. Do what you think is best to keep safe and never mind what others think xx

Mavary profile image
Mavary in reply to CDPO16

One of them had Covid just after her second jab. They didn’t go up there for a few weeks but then it started again. I don’t think I’m liked because I keep away.

CDPO16 profile image
CDPO16 in reply to Mavary

Stick with people who like you and to heck with those who don't but it is a pity that it limits your ability to socialise where you live.

Mavary profile image
Mavary in reply to CDPO16

I’ve never socialised much with people in here. Some of them are funny so and so’s. It’s just a group of about five or six that just do as they like and ruin it for everybody else. I pick and choose my friends.

ZeroChaos profile image
ZeroChaos in reply to Mavary

I can look odd all day long, won't bother me a bit. I worry about some of the terrible remarks I've read that equate masks to ppl not getting shots. They may be true in my case, but not everyone's.

ZeroChaos profile image
ZeroChaos in reply to CDPO16

What about your plastic one that goes over your mouth and nose? The one like they use aft the hospital? My daddy had a condenser and MILES of hose on his all over the house.

Mavary profile image
Mavary in reply to ZeroChaos

My Husband did too. A massive contraption beside his chair in the lounge.

2greys profile image

Hospitals are still asking that masks are to be worn, say no more, what is good for the goose is good for the gander! Shops etc. can also ask that masks are to be worn.

CDPO16 profile image
CDPO16 in reply to 2greys

I heard after Monday's briefing that hospitals are being told that masks are no longer needed, perhaps I am mistaken? Of course individual establishments can make their own decisions. I don't envy the flack that shops choosing to do that may receive though once masks are no longer a regulatory requirement. I also wonder what Care Homes and domiciliary care agencies will do with regard to PPE in the coming weeks.

2greys profile image
2greys in reply to CDPO16

Hospitals are still asking that masks are to be worn, as far as I know that is the policy of the UHS. The Car home question?

I will ask Sharon if she knows what is happening at the Nursing Home where she works, currently she has to do a Lateral Flow Test for every working day. I would think that it makes sense to continue as a lot of the elderly are immunodeficient in nursing homes. I do not know about Residential Care Homes or Domicilary Care.

CDPO16 profile image
CDPO16 in reply to 2greys

I'll appreciate that 2greys. I have home carer visits 4 times a week. One of the carers I was speaking to yesterday thinks that they will still wear PPE but wasn't sure. They currently do lateral flow tests on a weekly basis. It adds to my unease as I'm sure that it will for many care home residents and their relatives.

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Mavary in reply to CDPO16

If care homes have got any sense they will still wear masks.

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