The radiologist told me that CT scan is not enough to diagnose lung disease. Bronchoskopy and lung biopsy was mentioned.
The radiologost told me C T scan and ... - Lung Conditions C...
The radiologost told me C T scan and spirometry is not enough to diagnose COPD

This is incorrect, it depends entirely on the disease. Neither bronch nor biopsy are needed or used to diagnose COPD. CT scans will diagnose the vast majority of lung diseases, but it won’t definitively diagnose whether a tumour is malignant, and can’t always determine which specific interstitial lung disease someone has if a scan shows signs of an ILD. As I explained yesterday, bronchoscopy is used to determine what ILD someone has. This is done by biopsy taken during the bronch. You would only ever do a bronch for diagnostic purposes if a patient has an abnormal ct scan showing something other than COPD, because it’s an invasive procedure. When are you having your ct scan?

I dont know I need to ask my doct if I can have it. She does not give ct for me. I know that scan what they have is 127 layers. I dont know if it is enough to see the lungs.
I'm sorry but where are you getting this information from?! If this scan is used for anyone else in the world as evidence for COPD, why do you not think it is powerful or good enough to give you a diagnosis? I do not understand your quest to get help them turn anything offered down. I can appreciate you're frightened but you won't get medical support unless you accept help!
You mean 128. But I don’t think anyone else here would be able to tell you the slice count of their local ct scanner. To understand slice count is important in the first place, you would have to understand what it means, so I’m sorry, but I don’t accept that you don’t know if that’s ‘enough to see the lungs’.
I was going to give you a long reply going back over all the information you’ve already been given, but I’ve changed my mind. For your own sake, get help, Sandrute, and perhaps not just with your breathing. I wish you all the best, but I’m done.

Pointless replying to this person as they dont listen. xxSheila 😱
I don't understand why you are being told this unless it is because you are constantly disputing with the doctors over the right procedures to diagnose COPD and they are getting a bit fed up and willing to offer the bronchoscopy to appease you. It is recognised that as Charlie G, one of our members here, as repeatedly said, the Ct Scan and Spirometry test are the definitive tests for COPD. There is no disputing that!X-rays show up evidence of something wrong but when that cannot give a definite answer which in the case of emphysema (COPD) it wont, the next step is a ct scan.
I really think you need to look at your previous posts and replies to see that it is the consensus of opinion here that a scan will give you the answers you need if you are convinced this is COPD you are suffering from. Apart from anything else these two procedures are far less invasive that a bronchoscopy and biopsy. I know which I would rather undertake first as a way or confirmation or elimination! I hope this helps once again x
Sandrute2, If I had a choice between a CT Scan or a bronchoscopy or a biopsy I know which one I would choose. If you are offered a CT scan please take it. Take care Holly xx
I feel the information you have is not quite correct.I was diagnosed withCOPD after having spirometry/breathing test.
Now having Interstitial lung disease ,it was diagnosed by CT scan.
They wanted me to have a lung biopsy,I refused.
It’s an operation, you have a general anaesthetic and carries risks.
I think it would be better for you if you stop googling ,.keep to the forum or to the NHS website.
Youneed to work with your Dr,that’s the way to get the best results and care. Stay safe
Your radiologist is absolutely wrong! See a Pulmonologist or Respiratory Specialist . Again, your radiologist is a absolutely incorrect, judg69
The radiologist is wrong your being fed rubbish . I was diagnosed with c.o.p.d back in 2003 with an x-ray and spirometry test . The radiologist needs to look for a job he or she can actually do

I think it depends how this thinks affect you
Guess so but its annoying when you are the one suffering and you get a late diagnosis . It's like myself I had years with my c.o.p.d under control I came to Greece to pay respects to my mother who I lost to cancer and my now ex wife got me stranded here in Greece . I had only enough medication to cover my trip , and for nearly three years I had no medication and now I have found out that the damage caused is beyond bad . I'm at stage four gold so on limited time .

Thank you Davey1963 for reply. What is the reason you have Copd. And how do you feel.
In short bad asthma management when I was young , smoking which I stopped 😂😂 something we do when the damage as been done . How do I feel well in honesty let down by the ESA for stopping my benefits when they knew why I was here and leaving me not only stranded in Greece but also unable to get my pescribed medication which kept my condition under control , now I'm on a machine four times a day which is helping so grateful for that but one bad thing is I haven't been able to lay down in three years I have to sit upright in bed or I can't breath I have regular flare ups and also have hypoxic attacks and blackout quite a bit . To top that my stepfather who's 80 had a fall last week and broke his hip and also as dementia and I'm trying to look after him since he came home after surgery on his hip. Greece is not a country to take ill in . I'm tired drained of energy both mentally and physically .
....and I think it depends on how much you are listening to all the good advice you've been offered on this forum by members who have significantly more experience than you in dealing with lung disease of any kind. Obviously you are not! For a few weeks now you have posed questions and when replied to have put up obstacles as to why you shouldn't carry out that advice with quite frankly, some ludicrous answers! Many members are very, very ill here but take time and effort, and for some most days are a real effort, to help and support others and do it willingly.
None of us like hospitals or want to have procedures carried out, but by and large they are so simple, non-invasive and quick and are there to help the doctors help you. Otherwise they have to resort to guesswork! There is nothing wrong in asking questions of those who have a duty of care to you but the moment you start to question their professionalism and make silly statements arguing how efficient their procedures or equipment works, you will lose their respect and willingness to help. If you want help, you have to accept help and with good grace!
the CT scan shows you have or had Covid 19 by showing what looks like "GROUND GLASS" effect
Do you have a "good" GP? I am lucky that my practice is very good and keeps an eye on my COPD. I've had two CTs, and a bronchoscopy - last CT I had was at a private hospital where I worked as a Ward Clerk so I knew what to expect - no queues! as we were in "lockdown". CT is the best way to diagnose COPD as far as understand it, a consultant reviewed my CT with me in 2017 - showed me the scans and interpreted them for me. There are financial constraints on most GP practices so they don't send us for CT's without good reason. I'd take the opportunity to have a CT if I were you. My spirometry test was a little strange ( don't know what that revealed) so the CT established the cause of my illness very clearly.
Maybe confusion here: X-Ray can't identify early stage COPD but advanced emphysema can be seen. CT scan may not be able to identify chronic bronchitis, but can certainly 'see' emps.
Whilst less obvious than emphysema, features of chronic bronchitis can still be seen beyond the very early stages. It’s primarily picked up as bronchial wall thickening, vascular changes (including enlarged vessels), and scarring as the result of repeated or near constant inflammation. Even in the absence of those features, failing to find features of emphysema (or any other lung abnormality) on CT in combination with appropriately abnormal spirometry means chronic bronchitis can be made as an exclusionary diagnosis, which is why CT is considered definitive for diagnosing either element of COPD.
I believe it the norm to diagnose COPD by CT scan and spirometer.