I don't use supplementary oxygen, and my practice nurse is monitoring my lung function, which seems fine when I go for my regular "mot", but I sometimes find that my sats drop to the mid-80s when I have a cold or catarrh flare-up. Once or twice it has hit 78. I bought my pulse oxymeter online, so I don't hold the readings as cast-iron proof, but should I see my doctor about it?
COPD and Oxygen. New to posting, so p... - Lung Conditions C...
COPD and Oxygen. New to posting, so please bear with me.

Hello Annakabannaka .
I'm sorry for asking but I don't know what condition you have or how long you have had it, but certainly stats going down THAT low should be cause for concern. My recent six minute walk test had me down to 85 and my doctor has decided that I need supplemental oxygen. 😑 If I were you I would discuss it with your medical team. Not something to be ignored.
Have a good weekend. Best wishes,
Cas xx 🌹
I have been told that the cheaper ones do not have the same sample rate as the professional ones so the actual readings are not to be taken as gospel, but they are OK for spotting any "trends". This is what you are seeing, a trend, a drop in your usual readings when you have an infection which i believe is to be expected. BUT at any sign of an infection you would be best to see your GP in case it is the start of a chest infection. It is important to get on top of
any chest infection as soon as possible.
Hi Annakabannaka, I agree that you should talk to your doctor about this drop in sats. However from my experience it is quite usual for sats to drop when you have an infection even if they are ok the rest of the time. I have had to use oxygen when Ive had an exacerbation, and also after a cold which didn't even touch my lungs. But I don't use it the rest of the time as my sats are 93% resting and around 89-90% on exertion.
If your sats are dropping that low when you aren't well, I would have thought you definitely do need oxygen for those times. (If your nurse was worried about your usual oxygen levels she would probably want you to do a 6 minute walk test which is the standard test for whether oxygen is required.)
So do talk to your nurse or doctor - as Cas says, "not something to be ignored"
Hello Annakabannaka and Caspiana has already given you sound advice. Stats that drop,even though you may put it down to having a cold etc etc do need to be looked into by your respiratory nurse asap. Please take your meds,keep warm and call your nurse asap to make an appointment. Hope things improve a little over the weekend. Take care and definatley keep us informed of your progress.
Next time you see your health professional, check your sat reading against theirs. If there is any difference, apply the diff to your future readings to make them right. Also, cold hands will give wrong readings, as will poor blood circulation. When you get coughs and colds, remember that a good cough will ease the airflow into your lungs. Most of all, try to think through why the sats are lower and try to change them - even if it's just deep breaths and exhales through pursed lips. If your sats can reach the 90s, you can bring low ones up by relaxing and taking big breaths slowly.
Good luck!