Hello, I’ve just joined and am pleasantly surprised how kind, positive and helpful the posts are. I’ve COPD and since February 2020 have benefitted from an inhaler. Usually active and healthy but was worrying about a future with COPD. Reading such encouraging comments I feel more positive and optimistic. Thank you. 🤗
New to this positive and helpful forum., - Lung Conditions C...
New to this positive and helpful forum.,

Hi there. Good to know that you feel better for having joined our forum. There is a wealth of knowledge here and I have learned a great deal since I became a member. There is also lots of light hearted fun and a great variety of non lung related topics to brighten the day.
Hello welcome 😊 Lupino
Hello and welcome to the forum. Lots of very nice people here to help and support! 😁
Welcome to the forum Lupino. I’m carer for my husband Pete who has COPD, sarcoidosis and heart disease. We’re shielding and doing well.
Nice to meet you. Xxx
Hi Lupino. Welcome to what is definitely the right place! I tend to drop in and out of here depending on what else is going on in life but the lovely folk here have got me through some very hard times. So pleased you're finding it helpful already. xx
Hello Lupino 😊Hope you find lots of support and useful information here& a giggle along the way.
Hello madonbrew, Thankyou for your welcome. Your forum would seem to have a desire to be positive in the face of health challenges. The best way to be. Take care. 🤗
Hello and welcome 😊
Welcome to this forum. It is very friendly, informative, but above all supportive.All the best
My triple diagnosis of COPD, asthma and bronchiectasis had me thinking I wasn't long for this world.
Then I found this site and discovered people who have been living fulfilling, happy lives with these conditions for years.
I look in here most days for fun, companionship, support and advice. It's a lovely group and very open and welcoming to new members.
Look forward to hearing more from you. Xx Moy
Welcome Lupino, I am a newby as well. Everyone seems very friendly and helpful. x
Hi Lupino, and welcome. There are loads of really supportive people on here and I look forward every morning to my daily read of the posts and the occasional post myself. John
Hello and welcome. You must feel like I did when I joined last September. Here are people who UNDERSTAND. xxx
Welcome Lupino!I found this group after my Bronchiestasis diagnosis 2,5 years ago - such a lovely group with lots of support, friendliness, knowledge & advice between all the members.
And funny jokes & poems from our resident poetry master Don-1931 of course !

Hello and welcome to the forum so nice to meet you. Hope you post regular and join in the conversations. Have a lovely day and take care 😊 Bernadette and Jack 🐕 xxxxxx
WelcomeLupino! I found these wonderful people after being diagnosed with COPD last month. They have helped calm my fears and have been my source of information and plenty of humor also. Have a wonderful day 😊
Hello and welcome Lupino , I’m actually a carer for my husband who was diagnosed with copd 16 years ago , he’s 73 now , we ve had a few stressful spells but he’s still pretty active , still loves his diy though he’s given up knocking walls down ( which is not necessarily a bad thing 😂 ) Right now he is making organic biscuits for our dogs and planning a new exercise routine so that he’s raring to go when lockdown ends - give him a nebuliser and a potable oxygen cylinder and he’s good to go 😃
welcome to this group lupino lots of lovely people in this group with good advice
Hello and welcome Lupino.