Hi im 55 have had copd for 5 years take 2 inhalers inmorning salbutamol when required still work full time on shifts i dont really talk to anybody about copd i would like to make new freinds with same condition as myself i still smoke but would like to stop using e cigg
Morning im new to this: Hi im 55 have... - Lung Conditions C...
Morning im new to this

Hello elaines50 . Welcome 😊 I am glad you came but of course not your copd. I don't have quite the same thing but my symptoms are basically the same. It is very admirable that you work shifts. I can only imagine how tough that is. Having a lung problem is not something that is easy to talk about with just anyone. I so understand. So please do drop by often. We all 'get it'.
I am assuming you are trying to quit smoking by way of using e-cigs. Unfortunately, I am not the best person for advice in that matter, but someone who is will come along I am sure.
Do drop by often.
Many kind regards,
Cas xx 🎵
Welcome to the site, Elaine. You will make lots of friends on here. You will also learn a lot. Do you have mild copd? You seem like it doesn't slow you down any. It's definitely good to keep active. There's lots to be learned from the knowledgeable members. Nothing teaches like experience! Ruby🌹
Im not sure what stage im at but no myself imgetting worse as if i forget my inhalers in the morning im so out of breath stairs & hills are hard and colds are a nightmare cant fight them off have perment crackel inmy chest
Welcome elaines50 and hope you enjoy being part of this friendly, inspiring forum. I am carer for my husband and feel less isolated through being part of this wonderful site.
Stay well and hear from you again soon. Xxxxxx
Good morning Elaine, and welcome. I was diagnosed with COPD 7 years ago and was told at my annual spirometry tests that I was stable, so I continued to smoke. I recently started having random bouts of breathlessness and was referred to the hospital, with a diagnosis of emphysema. I immediately went out and bought two e-cigs and it's the best thing I've ever done. I smoked for 50 years and was very nervous about having to quit, but found the transition relatively easy. I've had a couple of hiccups but didn't beat myself up about it. My philosophy was that every cigarette I didn't smoke was a bonus and I'm now reducing the strength of the liquid that I use. I really do feel so much better, and breathing is good. Good luck with your efforts. Look forward to hearing from you soon. Pam XXX
Hi Elaine, this is the best thing you could do if you want more friends who understand how you are feeling. There are so many helpful caring people on this site who are always happy to help and give support.
take care
polly xx
Hi Elaine
Welcome to the site, I am sure you will find it useful & informative as well as good fun.
Honestly, the very best thing you can do to help yourself is to stop smoking. It is hard, nobody who has ever smoked would deny that, but you will reap the benefits. I haven't used ecigarettes, I stopped with patches, determination & fear. Mostly fear, when the realisation of what I had done to myself through years of devoted smoking hit home. I woke up one morning fighting to breathe, I haven't smoked since.
You will get lots of help & support on here. Good luck xx
Hello Elaine, it's nice to meet you, though I'm sorry about the reason you're here. Look after yourself because it really will make a difference and come back to chat about things whenever you like!
Sue x
Hi and welcome. Great team of people here to make friends with, all type of conditions.
Best advice from me is to stop smoking cigarettes ASAP. If you have had COPD for 5 years and still smoke your not doing yourself any favours.
If however you refer to e cigs, try cut them down, research how to completely stop, some good books out there and internet research.
Take care and ask away any questions.
Hi, Elaine, Sorry to hear about your COPD many on here have similar conditions with various degrees of severity. I'm 72 and have been a smoker since childhood but stopped 18 months ago or perhaps the smoking stopped me as I could no longer inhale smoke without a severe bout of coughing having been through menthol, e cigs, patches, gum, many forms of propriety gadgets to no avail for years, until my lungs just could not tolerate another lungful of nicotine and the other hundreds of chemical poison that make up cigerettes. My body rejected them so I stopped and only wish I had the willpower to do it 40 years ago, I now feel good that, at least, my body had more sense than my brain and made me quit! Welcome to this site and really try to get off the coffin nails you have a long bright future if you do. take care, xx
elaines50 welcome to the site only now seen your post will chat again another day best wishes x
Good morning Elaine and a warm welcome from me too. This is a great place to be if you want help and advice or just a chat. So many on here are knowledgeable about this condition. Let us encourage you to stop smoking - I promise you a better life. I did it painlessly after 50 years of heavy smoking with Zyban, some do it with Champs. Someone is on here most hours of the day or night...you are never alone with copd that is for sure.
Hi Elaine I was diagnosed 8yrs ago with COPD. I gave up smoking 5 yrs ago and it was the best thing I ever did. Instead of spending 1/2 the year with chest infections in one form or another and anti biotics pumped into me. I have not had any infections for 4yrs 😀. Good Luck with giving up it does take alot of will power but if I can do it anyone can 😀.
Hi Elaine, I'm 60 and was diagnosed with COPD about 6 months ago, I've been in hospital twice with it now, once for 3 days the other time just for a day, I'm on salbutomol, another inhaler and temporarily on prednisilone (1 week course). I've found the prednisilone a real life saver. Giving up smoking is essential, I'm booked in to a smoking cessation clinic as I cannot give up on my own. Anyway the upshot of all this is that I'm losing my flat, buying a camper van and going to Spain via Munster in Germany (my youngest lives there, and Dijon in France (a mate has a farmhouse) finally ending up in Orgiva, Spain for the winter. I've been told my COPD is stage 2 so I thought i'd follow my dreams whilst I still can! Good luck mate and keep active.
hi elaine im 42 & have copd i take spiromax inhaler on morning & night which really helps & i take a seebri tablet inhail & ventolin inhailer when needed
Hi lenney we appear ti take same meds or kinnda hope your doing ok with them
Hi elaines50, welcome to HU. I know you work shifts so it might not be convenient but do you know if there is a Breathe Easy Group nearby (check on the BLF site) as you would meet people there that you could physically talk to and you would find lots of information from BLF available. Take care, Lizzy x
Hello and welcome Elaine