oh dear , sorry folks , i seem to have upset some people by using too many capitals in my offerings !... i will try to use the little letters in future !....but endless thanklies for your replies from all of you !. - my old cat always sits next to me on the left as i type and , does, - believe it or not ,- tap the " caps lock " to attract my attention as he looks fascinated at the screen !!.., but .as my lady lfriend says = " its not how you write something , its the meaning and sincerity of what is written, thats far more important " !! good luck everyone ... - covis shall not WIN !! ( oops ) !!
..... small letters this time folks... - Lung Conditions C...
..... small letters this time folks !!- re " the london palladium and my vaccination tomorow with my bacon butties and my tape measure !

Absolutely!! Good for your old cat! You carry on with your caps! Some days my eyes are quite bleary and bit helps to see better!! Your lady friends sentiments says it all! Good luck to you too!
Don’t you be saying sorry vittorio. All is well here and we’re always pleased to see you in CAPITALS or lower carriage.
You, your lady friend and your cat take care. Wishing you well. Xxxxx
Don't ever Change your Ways Vittorio, This is You Hun. XXX C.
Write whatever way you wish. It's the content, not style. Good wishes to you and your cat, 🐱👍
Absolutely no apology needed as far as I'm concerned. Your lady friend is absolutely right. Best wishes to you xx
Don’t apologise for using Capital letters you use whatever text your happy with 😄 and I loved the content 😂😂😂😂
Oh dear you put win in capital letters. Be careful or the grammar police will be after you again It's great you are getting your VACCINATION tomorrow, so well done. I can only look on with envy as I still await mine.
Lol one of my cats also has a fascination for computers, mobile phones etc in any form, she’s never seen a real mouse and thinks she can use mine whenever the fancy takes her 😂
My cat likes to walk along the laptop keyboard so I dread to think what gets written if I don’t check it!
Aww I haven’t had a cat 🐈⬛ for ages but remembeR our last litTTLe cat Rosie walking all over the keyboard! Hahaha...goodness knows what my essays might have looked like and said if I hadn’t of checKedz 😂You have absolutely nothing to apologise for vittorio ! Write ✍️ how you like! 😊
Your friend is so right. Just keep posting however you want to. Life is too short to sweat the small stuff x
No apology required vittorio and you haven’t upset SOME people at all. I thought your post was humerous and it’s the content which matters. I too have experienced negative comments and don’t give a toss. It only matters if it comes from someone you respect.
Your lady is absolutely right.
Love cx
Sounds about right for a cat. Lucky he hasn't knocked your device off onto the floor yet
I have a cat,She's an uppercase cat,
She gets my attention
Whatever I'm at,
If I'm typing a letter
The shift key she paws,
She's a CAPITAL cat,
With CAPITAL claws!
These cats have a lot to answer for!Mine keeps beckoning me into the kitchen where her biscuits are right next to the wine.
Capitals or not, I don't care. It's that you took the time to write that matters. Stay safe. John
Your writing style didn't bother me at all. I was more interested in what you had to say.
Listen mate 2 fingers and grin lol
I was only recently told that using capitals was shouting and was rude. I always thought red was shouting and angry, i thought that capitals was just to get attention. I prefer that option dont you
I'd love to know who it was who first decided that capital letters are shouting. I know it's been the case for a long time, but someone somewhere must have been the first to think of it. I think some of these email conventions are just DAMN SILLY! And if we want to change them and do our own thing, we should be able to.
I didn't know about it until I sent a text to my daughter which I really needed her to read, so, to get her attention (Suzie - 42) I used capital letters. Her reply? 'Why are you shouting at me, mother?!' So I've been careful since then, but is there a book of internet etiquette out there somewhere? Who made the rule and why? xx Moy
I need etiquette book too! 😂
Hello there, no need for appologies some people like myself with sight problems may need larger print . Others may think you are angry at them. On the other hand your computer may have been faulty or you may have arthritic hands. Keep the posts coming thats what the sites for. Stay safe and as well as can be.
It’s the message that’s important not the type. Capitals are perfectly acceptable too ( in my humble opinion!) Best wishes to your lovely cat 🐱 and you.
Thank you vittorio, how did you get on with your vaccine and tape measuring ?
Ah yes , B kin , lots of thanklies for your input !.... the great day arrived , ! I fell out of my cot at 8.3o am , , measured my " Pride and Joy " ( for reference purposes - you understand ) ! and a pal drove me down to the ( " Impregnation " Centre ! . I then "received " the dreaded needle ( I I hate needles ) ! ... and was wheeled back after the car journey in my wheel chair , with only a slight ache in my " punctured " arm !! , three days later , I repeated the " measuring " exercise ! ... and oh what joy ! ..=.. no " shrinkage was visible !!! ... so there you are folks ( men especially ) ! .. go forth and get your vaccine with great confidence ,... and worry not about any side effects , especially ,the men = any Diminution of your " wedding equipment !! , as threatened by the idiots out there " !!!😀👍
thanks for your reply vittorio, pity you didn't reply to me in your other post, could have kept all the ugly mouths caged. Hope they can keep the kindlies going without prejudice hereonafter.
Glad your adventure was without problems