Devon & Cornwall at the end of the li... - Lung Conditions C...

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Devon & Cornwall at the end of the list....again

mikecom1 profile image
26 Replies

Here we go again: Devon & Cornwall the last to get a Covid vaccine centre. It seems we are always playing catch up yet come summer people from the entire country flock here to unwind.

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mikecom1 profile image
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26 Replies

Now that is strange because my friend is telling me that whilst we in our area ( which officially has the most people vaccinated) are still doing group one, her friend’s practice in Devon have succesfully completed all of the over eighties, care homes etc and started on the over 70s. I think maybe that it is patchy everywhere

mikecom1 profile image
mikecom1 in reply to

Hi good to hear although I wonder where and what sort numbers the surgery has on their register. Having said that we are also behind on care homes one in particular are only doing a 92 year old amongst others today. You would think after wasting all that public money on Nightingale hospitals with no staff to man them they would perhaps use the one at Exeter at least it will get some use.

in reply to mikecom1

It all seems like a lot of smoke and mirrors to me. The vaccination venue for my surgery is in a village hall quite a distance away whilst a town some distance away are having theirs at a golf club close to me. I am hoping that by the time I get the letter there will be a venue closer to me.

mikecom1 profile image
mikecom1 in reply to

Lets hope so and good luck, I tend to agree with you.

rachelmi profile image
rachelmi in reply to mikecom1

I know the care home my dad is in Northampton has a current outbreak and anyone with a positive result. ( including asymptotic like my dad) have to wait 28 days before having their vaccinations, so I expect this is adding to the delays in some homes. I think they are all just stuck in their rooms right now trying to stop the cross infections. Hopefully after vaccinations and no cases the residents can mingle again.

Izb1 profile image
Izb1 in reply to mikecom1

I have to comment on this Mike, re the Nightingale hospitals being so short of staff. As hundreds of thousands of people have lost their jobs why are they not doing a huge recruitment drive for the nhs to man these hospitals. The shortage of beds in hospitals is scandalous and as you say these could have been used for this vaccine program. We really need to get organised for any future problems x

mikecom1 profile image
mikecom1 in reply to Izb1

Welcome to life under a Tory government, cuts since 2010. The morale in the health service on the floor, the stress levels through the ceiling. I could go on pointing out mistakes and cuts that have led us to this but I wont all I will say is back in the 70's 80's when I was working for the NHS it was a shining star worldwide envied by all.

Annie31 profile image
Annie31 in reply to mikecom1

You must know Mike that the Tories have been against the NHS since the get go in the 40's and have tried all ways to destroy it ever since and most of it by subterfuge. What astonished me was a while ago Jeremy Hunt being made the Head of the Medical Select Committee and questioning this lot on the handling of the pandemic, when it was him that cut out a lot of the running costs of the NHS that has had a direct impact on how they have had to cope. You couldn't dream this up, do they think we have that short memories!

Izb1 profile image
Izb1 in reply to mikecom1

I wont go into politics , just wanted to make a point of being prepared x

Getting the vaccine is not entirely dependent on a civic vaccine centre, people are being vaccinated in cathedrals, car parks, doc surgeries as indicated in others posts as comments.

mikecom1 profile image
mikecom1 in reply to

Well we could do with some here in the Exeter & East Devon areas. I gather like everything else it's a bit of a post code lottery.

in reply to mikecom1

Or to do with local authorities organisation for suitable venue. I am sure you will be called for vaccination all in good time. Check also on your Gp surgery web pages for other information regarding covid vaccination.

mikecom1 profile image
mikecom1 in reply to

Hi I have actually offered them a suitable venue not heard back. I'm in no rush for the vaccine and can wait but listening to members of the local community there is concern out there, having no designated centre. Devon has a high retired population as many flock here to live escaping inner cities and suburbs. I know Taunton has one yet they are only this week starting in care homes.

hypercat54 profile image
hypercat54 in reply to mikecom1

I'm in South Devon and they have vaccinated most of the over 80's already in my area. They started very quickly and are well on track.

mikecom1 profile image
mikecom1 in reply to hypercat54

Good to hear not so in the East do you have a dedicated centre or is it the GP surgeries? I imagine at many surgeries its not possible.

hypercat54 profile image
hypercat54 in reply to mikecom1

It's a dedicated centre which is a pain as it is 2 bus rides away for me and a walk uphill as well. I can't walk very far so might have to get a taxi which will be expensive.

mikecom1 profile image
mikecom1 in reply to hypercat54

That's awful can you not get a lift? Phone your local council or community action centre.

hypercat54 profile image
hypercat54 in reply to mikecom1

Well our council is virtually bankrupt and I'm not sure about community services. It might be more aggro than it's worth.

mikecom1 profile image
mikecom1 in reply to hypercat54

Have you looked on community groups on Facebook for your area?

hypercat54 profile image
hypercat54 in reply to mikecom1

Yes. But I'm not housebound or anything and can get out and about, Apart from dodgy lungs and chronic back pain I am healthy. I won't take away from all those who are desperate for help as there are many worse off than me.I will just suck it up and get a cab.

Pentreath profile image

I am 80 and live in Cornwall is a small village and had my vaccination on Sunday.

mikecom1 profile image
mikecom1 in reply to Pentreath

Good to hear.

Alberta56 profile image

I thought North Essex was lagging behind other less badly affected areas, then surprise, surprise a centre popped up at out local hospital today and I was offered the jab. Hope East Devon won't be far behind.

rachelmi profile image

I live in devon and vaccination is being given locally to where I live in a GP hub at Bukfast. Also Plymouth and Torbay hospitals are vaccinating at present. I believe other routes of giving the vaccine will be opening soon likely to be doctor surgery.

Many people over 80 have received their vaccinations certainly not left behind if you look at the National picture of vaccinations.

Hopefully the next cohort will be getting information soon. My dad in the midlands is in a care home and n one of the patients are being vaccinated until tomorrow.

My mum (85) is attending today in the hope that her second Pfizer vaccine will go ahead as booked with her. We shall see !

Hopefully things will gather pace and improve in cover across areas and people.

mikecom1 profile image
mikecom1 in reply to rachelmi

Yes we can live in hope I will leave the last part out, good luck stay safe

Collienut profile image

Hi, I live in Cornwall. Our GP surgery started vaccinating today, 8am to 8pm through to Sunday eve. It's covering our practice and a couple others. They were asking for Covid marshals to help with parking and directing patients. So I'm hoping it will be well organised by the time I get my CEV appointment!

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