I had a large pulmonary embolism at the beginning of November & am now on Apixaban. It must have come from a DVT in my leg although I didn't know I'd had one as I've also got a lot of joint & muscle pain. My ankle is still swollen now, I want to know how long it may take to go down, has anyone had experience of this?
Swollen ankle: I had a large pulmonary... - Lung Conditions C...
Swollen ankle
I had a second PE and it was different from the first which was very painful the secomnd was just couldnt breathe and no pain, had scraped leg and this caused multiple clots . On leaving hospital was put on apixaban for life then months later went on holiday and the leg swelled up. It was coach travel in hot weather and I thought it was another PE after uncomfortable seat and long journeys. It wasnt . but the leg stayed swollen for months . couldnt wear some shoes . told to rest with leg raised . I did but too much and then found it difficult to walk ! Had to use a stick . Swelling did go down but exercise was best I found . Had to do a lung rehab and the treadmill was best. That improved both leg and walking ability but didnt help my breathing much.. still did the "Mile " in the same time after rehab as before., Just hobbled less ! so ask doctors about condition in veins in leg and swollen ankle and dont rest it too much. At 80 odd i needed to keep walking and didnt .
good luck
Thanks for your reply. Unfortunately I can't do a lot of exercise as I have a really bad back, so can't stand for long or walk more than around my house. I'll have to try my exercise bike to try & get some exercise. The PE has scuppered me having any surgery for at least 6 months

Sorry to hear about your PE and swollen leg. Is it possible you have developed secondary Lymphedema- worth asking your GP. If so you can be referred to the Lymphedema clinic for support and advice. It is essentially stockings to help encourage the fluid build up to disperse and to learn how to massage your lymph nodes. Seek advice from GP before wearing stockings as I am not medically trained.
Do you know if PE runs in families as my birth mother had one?
Thanks for your reply, I've got stockings that I've been using following a hip replacement. I'm waiting to have a follow up appointment for the PE as I'd like to check that I don't have the factor that can cause clots as this is my 3rd DVT & 1st PE.

Sorry to hear all that . Surgery . Had you got surgery planned? . I was told if I needed urgent surgery then it would have wait 48 hrs , but you 6 months,, ! life gets very difficult sometimes there's always something else. When i walk up stairs or I exercise I run out of breath and the oximeter shouts at me i am sorry I cannot help I hope your ankle improves soon
I’ve had multiple dvts and pes over the years my leg still swells up every now and then it’s getting the rest and exercise in proportion to each other. When you do rest if possible try and get your leg higher than your heart, I put mine on the arm of the sofa seems to work for me but we are all different.