I just won a battle against Southern Electric.(SSE)
Up to a year ago I've been happy with SSE.
I'm registered with SSE as vulnerable. I pay by dd and always overpay.
Soon after lockdown started SSE rang for a meter reading because no meter men were working. I explained my breathing problems and cataracts so can't read the meter. They said I may end up owing lots of money due to estimated bills. "Up the standing order by a few pounds" I offered. A few months on, same phone call, followed by a letter. I explained again.
Then 3 weeks ago I got 2 letters from SSE at the same time. One saying they would fit a new meter the other a "Red" letter.
The "Red" letter headed in capitals FINAL REMINDER MRS----
Now some people would be worried by a final reminder I was angry.
I rang their customer service "How long would it take for someone to take out my old meter and fit a new one?"
"3 hours"
"So please explain why you cannot send a man into my house for 2 minutes to read my meter but you can for 3 hours to fit a meter. Does the covid virus disappear for 3 hours?"
I explained yet again my health problems, I was very cross. I complained about the "Red" letter
"Final reminder! What are they planning to do? Cut of my supply? Take me to court? My bill is paid in advance, every year you end up sending me a refund yet this letter is written like a demand for money. It could frighten some people. Scared they were owing money they hadn't got they could be turning their heating off making them vulnerable to hyperthermia."
Thankfully the customer service lady was very patient.
I was phoned back by another lady who arranged a meter reading.
Meter man in and out in less than 2 minutes.
New adjusted bill shows I'm over £80 more in credit than they thought (£455.34).
I like to think it may help them revise the way they treat their customers.
Lockdown caused a lot of problems, it shouldn't have caused this one.