The world's largest vaccine manufacturer by volume said Saturday it would apply for an emergency licence for a coronavirus vaccine within two weeks, and that confusion over the efficacy would not delay its distribution
Pune, India, (APP - UrduPoint / Pakistan Point News - 28th Nov, 2020 ) :The world's largest vaccine manufacturer by volume said Saturday it would apply for an emergency licence for a coronavirus vaccine within two weeks, and that confusion over the efficacy would not delay its distribution.
Serum Institute of India chief executive Adar Ponnawala also confirmed that the Pune-based giant would be able to produce at least 100 million doses a month from early 2021 of Covishield, which was developed by Astrazeneca and Oxford University.
Poonawalla spoke after a visit to the plant by Prime Minister Narendra Modi, whose government wants 300-400 million doses by July next year as the country battles a new surge in the pandemic.