Thank you one and all for the kind wishes you have sent me over the last weeks I really appreciate them all I’ve had some dark days.
I’m nearly home, have gone into supported housing for a week or two to get my strength up, have physio and generally have people around if I need anything.
Still not eating very well, but that’s not going to hurt I’m drinking plenty. Tho when I wanted a Gin got some funny looks, no sense of humour for some.
Still get very breathless even when I stand up and don’t do anything, sats are appalling but are getting better.
Will admit find it hard having people look after me, but I can’t even make a sandwich, without wanting to fall into a heap on the floor.
Miss my kitties tho I did face time them this morning, good thing no one was about would have thought I had gone completely mad
Fortunately I have retained my sense of humour even if the rest of me is knackered.
Love and hugs to one and all and big thanks for all your messages