Confused asthmatic: Hi, hope someone... - Lung Conditions C...

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Confused asthmatic

GrandadPig profile image
11 Replies

Hi, hope someone can offer some advice please.

I am a life long asthmatic, quite severe, it has put me in hospital several times over the years. Anyway, it is, or was, well controlled with Seretide100 and Ventolin as a rescue med.

In March I had C29, spent eight days in hospital on oxygen and developed bilateral pneumonia.

Recently I keep getting the sensation of “not getting a lungful” if you follow me. I am short of breath when active.

GP suspects COPD, I have not smoked for twenty year, and has referred me to a chest clinic, but waiting time is months away.

Rung the GP today to ask for steroids to get some relief but he put me on Spireva instead.

I currently take Serotide 100 as well.

I have no cough, am not wheezy, and think the doctor is barking up the wrong tree. Could these symptoms be linked to my COVID, or the pneumonia?

Any thoughts on whether I should ring him again and tell him I do not think I have COPD, or carry on and wait months to see the specialist.

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11 Replies

I would wait for lung specialist to take a look at your lungs, re full lung function testing and CT scan purely because even if the damage is caused by covid and its permanent you will still need a proper diagnosis. Also when getting checked through respiratory specialist your heart is checked as well to rule out that as the cause for shortness of breath.

that sensation of not getting a lungfull could indicate lung damage. Symptoms may or may not be linked to covid or lung damage from the pneumonia of course.

Sure if you start to get other symptoms that could indicate a lung infection get back on to your GP.

Life long asthma can tip over into COPD so its worth getting checked and hopefully good news if its discovered not COPD or other lung issue.

I hope you find the spiriva works to improve your breathlessness and you find things improving soon.

GrandadPig profile image
GrandadPig in reply to

Thank you Bkin. You speak a lot of sense. Trouble is I feel like a fish out of water, struggling to breath. Waiting months for a consultation is not really an option. Perhaps a trip to A&E is the way forward.

in reply to GrandadPig

you could always try 111 on line form as well

Hope you don't have to go to A&E

Take good care.

Gillybob19 profile image

Pneumonia can leave scarring on your lungs that can take 6 mths + to resolve. That can make you feel you can't breathe as deeply as you used to. I have no personal experience of C19 touch wood. Your consultant should do all the tests to see whether this is a temporary issue or whether it's ongoing. I hope you don't have to wait too long to see them. If you're suffering hassle your GP as they can give the consultant a push. Good luck and being an asthma sufferer you'll know when its time for A&E.

knitter profile image

I would both ring your gp today , and also wait to see the specialist .

I was diagnosed with asthma, then COPD after double pneumonia years ago I know by now when something is not right . I also smoked, but that was forty years ago , but smoking is always mentioned when I get an exacerbation.

I also wonder if I contracted Covid in March , before routine tests were available. I was not very poorly, but the cough, sore throat , joint pain lasted for ages, breathlessness too.

I am still breathless, but it feels different from asthmatic breathlessness, clear lungs, no wheeze . But I did have an asthma attack out of the blue last week and panicked .

So please be careful, get advice and help.

Ring your gp practice today, before the weekend .

Look at the NHS site on Covid too, and check out their advice.

Otherwise a visit to A and E , with mask and hand sanitiser

BLF helpline on 03000 030 during the week , office hours.

Take care.

Hi if you have tried what doctor has prescribed and it’s not working I would definitely call him back. Explain you’ve tried new meds they are not working and how much you are struggling.

Good luck

Tugun profile image

Best to go back to the doctor. Can the GP organize a CT scan? At least that would be something to take to the specialist rather than waiting again. I know that with Covid every doctor is busy but maybe the doctor can organize for you to see the specialist earlier.

As Bkin stated it could possibly be the results of Covid but in fact it could be anything. There is an organization for people with "long Covid". Google "long covid" for details. Any information you can get will be helpful.

Regarding the lack of cough and wheeze - during and after a severe flu I had a similar lack of breath with no wheeze. It was asthma. Asthma doesn't have to have a wheeze. What helped me at the time was intravenous Vitamin C. It seemed to relieve the chest and breathing but as C is soluble, it doesn't last long. I had a few of them until I got better. Vitamin D is in the news at the moment and research has shown that some asthmatics have a lack of Vitamin D. Vitamin D is a fat soluble vitamin which means it doesn't get flushed from the body like Vitamin C. It is stored and therefore you can overdose with toxic results if you take too much.

I also take Vitamin A but once again, it is fat soluble and if taken in large doses there are severe side effects. 2greys recently sent a link about Vitamin D and Covid.

Vitamins A and E are also being researched as to whether they ease respiratory complaints. Coincidentally A / E and D are fat soluble vitamins. The only other fat soluble vitamin is K.

Good Luck.

Patk1 profile image

U may well have copd too,having been a smoker. Id try the added treatment drs given u,see if it helps, got to be worth a try.

Covid 19 lingering after effects in some are bad.personally,ive not b able to get back to level i was at pre covid. Its a tough recovery.

Do u do breathing exercises? Have u been taugh how to? Could be helpful xx

Ern007 profile image

"sensation of not getting a lungfull" - That can be caused by stress and anxiety, Asthma can cause Anxiety, Just a though. PURE Asthma in my limited experience is more stressful than many other conditions.

You mention not smoking for over 20 years - I can testify to this that the damage is done early, stopping only slows up further damage, Stopping smoking can limit progression to a crawl, but damage can never be reversed. What we can to is never smoke again and eat healthy and move about as much as your conditions allows,

The question you ask is not answerable by any of us, COPD can only be diagnosed with specific tests - Wheezing I can say this, because you wheeze little dose not confirm that you do or do-not have COPD.

GrandadPig profile image

Thank you all for taking the trouble to reply. I have blood tests booked but no idea when I will get to see a consultant.

Thanks again


GrandadPig profile image
GrandadPig in reply to GrandadPig

Sorry guys

Just realised my GP has prescribed a Spiriva Handihaler instead of the Respimat I have had twice before. Am I right in thinking these medicines are not interchangeable.

Seems a much higher dose.

Since Covid struck the service provided by my GP has plummeted. I have rung them.

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