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Would appreciate advice

callistra profile image
36 Replies

Good morning everyone.

Sorry for miserable post, but l am getting pretty desperate and disheartened. I am on azithromycin 250 mg three times week. But got another infection, so more clarithromycin. The antibiotics are playing havoc with my stomach. I did a really stupid thing, so angry at myself. I have lpr laryngopharangeal reflux. The main symptom coughing, vapour rising to throat, aspirated a couple of times in the night, but no acid. Under advice of several doctors and the physio l started ppi medication. Oh my, it has made it much worse, mostly at night. I don’t think my bipap helps. In the morning my throat burns, l can’t eat and weigh 75 lbs.

I normally take carbocisteine, but it has been burning too. The thing is, l thought l was drinking lots of water, but can’t get more than a teaspoon of mucus up.

I dont know what to do, l can’t seem to do anything right and make it all much worse. I try to eat healthy, don’t smoke or drink, but nothing improves.

My husband passed away not so long ago and as we were everything to one another l don’t have any friends or family. I know it sounds a bit pathetic, mostly l can ignore things. My poor tv runs constantly, it is my companion.

I was wondering if others have gerd, acid reflux and are taking ppi ?

Also does anyone find carbocisteine can irritate the stomach?

Sorry again for long post. I would appreciate your advice as l feel lost.

Hope you are all managing through these trying times.

Best wishes.

Liz 🌹

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callistra profile image
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36 Replies
knitter profile image

I will get back to you soon , but in the meantime if you live in the UK , the BLF have a helpline on 03000 030 555.

Could you contact your health professional to get advice about your medication difficulties or your pharmacist could advise .

Take care .

callistra profile image
callistra in reply to knitter

Thank you, l will speak with doctors again. So far they have been a bit dismissive, but l will persevere. Take care.

peege profile image

I had my 1st ulcer in my 20s when my young brother was killed. Grief can do terrible things to our guts so I'm sure your bereavement is affecting you a lot. Im so sorry for your loss and sadness.

Re clarithromycin, it plays havoc with my guts too and gp told me to take it with or immediately after food - leaflet tells you to take it before food i believe - taking it with food really helped. This probably doesn't help much so perhaps call the help line as knitter suggests, 9 to 5 Mon to Fri. All the best, Peege

PS i do take Carbocysteine and occasionally ppi so not as tricky a situation as yours.

callistra profile image
callistra in reply to peege

Thank you for replying. I completely agree grief and anxiety can affect so many body processes. I am not keen on the antibiotics , but of course necessary for so many of us. I have learned from taking doxycycline without food, it is not a good idea. One thing l have recently found. The liquid versions of antibiotics seem to be easier on the stomach and don’t have that lingering after taste some tablets have. I will call BLF, that’s certainly a good idea. Best wishes.


Hi Liz

This gurd reflux you are getting sounds very serious, I think you should contact BLF helpline also they may recommend what you need to say to your doctor, or just phone your doctor and say what you have said here.

So sorry you are going through this Liz.

I wonder if it is one of your medications causing the reflux.

For the upset tummy resulting from antibiotics, I always take pro biotics, Bio Kult is a good one but only to be taken with cold food or drink.

I hope you can get some real help and relief very soon.

So so sorry for the loss of your husband.

Take good care of you.

callistra profile image
callistra in reply to

Hi Bkin.

Thank you for replying. The reflux is frustrating and intrusive, the acid burning is new so will see what can be done. The GP just wants to increase the ppi medication all the time.

I think you are right about the medication causing issues. It started to get bad with ciprofloxacin , then doxycycline every day caused an irritation in my throat. I am now asking for liquid versions of antibiotics as they seem easier to take.

I have just started a probiotic, l have read good things about them.

Thank you for your kind words, l appreciate it.

Take care.

Katinka46 profile image

Dear Liz, what a miserable time you are having. And to have to face it alone is tragic. I can’t help with advice about the medication but I do know there many here with problems like yours. Is there any way you can contact people around you? Form an E-network for support? We have a lovely village WhatsApp group that came into its own since lockdown.

Do come on here and have a moan, it is what we are here for.

All the best

Kate xx

callistra profile image
callistra in reply to Katinka46

Hi Kate

Thank you so much for your kind words.

Sadly there are many of us here who face challenges and struggles, with these horrid lung conditions, amongst other pressures.

I will look into online groups, that’s a good idea . No doubt there are various groups and local support. I will have a search.

Many thanks again.

Take care.

Dilly2 profile image

Hi I am so sorry to read about your problems.

Im afraid I can't help you but you have come to the right place. Best wishes callistra xx

callistra profile image
callistra in reply to Dilly2

Hi Dilly

Thank you for your reply. This is a great group, so many knowledgeable, kind and supportive people. I am grateful to have found it.

Best wishes.

sassy59 profile image

Hi Liz, I just want to send my sincere sympathies on the loss of your husband. Please contact your doctor regarding your reflux problems. Take care xxxxx

callistra profile image
callistra in reply to sassy59

Hi Sassy

Thank you for your kind words, it is much appreciated.

I will persist with the GPs, l really don’t like all the medication , but unfortunately sometimes we have little choice.

Thanks again and Take care.

Jaybird19 profile image

Oh I am so sorry to hear your problems, I cannot help you except to say i do know how much the death of someone so close to you can affect your health. See your doctor and tell him all you have told us . It is especially difficult if you have no family or friends but you have found this group of people who are so kind and helpful to everyone.

Take care

callistra profile image
callistra in reply to Jaybird19

Hi jaybird

Thank you for your reply. I will try the GPs again, maybe there is something they can suggest.

I am thankful to have found this group.

Best wishes.

HungryHufflepuff profile image

I’m sorry to know about the loss of your husband. Thinking of you 🐑

callistra profile image
callistra in reply to HungryHufflepuff

Hi HungryHufflepuff

Thank you for your kind words, much appreciated.

Take care.

Alberta56 profile image

So sorry you've lost your husband and are feeling bad. Hope you follow the advice from the other, wise people who've posted. Best wishes, Alberta xx

Hacienda profile image

My Condolences to you Liz. A Lot of us take these Medications, they can interact Differently with each person. I to take Azithromycin, 3 time per week, for the past 4 years with no problems, as I have been on Dioxacylin for this past week, I had to stop the Azith, for this week. Carbocistiene thins the mucus in the Lungs, My Results from this is a constant Runny Nose, so it works well, keeping the Mucus Liquified ( 3 per Day). Luckily I don't get much Reflux. Your alone and going through Grief, Have you had any Berievement Counciling ? The phone Number hat Knitter suggested is a Good Start, they may be able to give other Good Advice. Good Luck Liz. Lots of Love. C. XXX

callistra profile image
callistra in reply to Hacienda

Hi Hacienda

Thank you for your kind words. Antibiotics do stress the body unfortunately, but so necessary for us. I will increase the carbocisteine, l stopped for a time when the reflux was so bad as it seemed to make it worse. Yes very good advice from Knitter and everyone. I will call the number.

Thanks again, best wishes. X

Shirleyj profile image

Hope your doctor can help and you start to feel better soon. Take care x💐💐💐

callistra profile image
callistra in reply to Shirleyj

Thank you Shirley

That’s much appreciated. Take care.

Izb1 profile image

Hi callistra and welcome to the site. I am so sorry to hear you have lost your husband and going through a tough time, so hard to deal with when you are on your own x Irene

callistra profile image
callistra in reply to Izb1

Thank you Irene

Sometimes when things build up it can get overwhelming. My body seems to fight with itself and none of the organs like each other. But hopefully it will settle eventually. Take care.

Izb1 profile image
Izb1 in reply to callistra

Stress can do terrible things to your body, take good care and relax as much as possible, do things like jigsaws or read a book so you are not dwelling on things and your mind can have a rest x

BP135 profile image

I'm sorry I can't give you any advice but just wanted you to know you are not alone and people do care about you.

I'm sure there are lots of people on here that will give you the right advice about your condition who share your medical problems.

I'm so sorry you are having a rough time and so soon after losing your husband. I can't imagine how hard it must be at the moment to pick yourself back up.

Take care of yourself,

Becky xxxx

callistra profile image
callistra in reply to BP135

Thank you Becky, that’s kind of you. I am grateful for support of the kind, knowledgeable people here. It’s sad so many of us face the challenges of these lung conditions. Many thanks again.

Best wishes.

MoyB profile image

I think everything I wanted to say has already been said, so I will just say how sorry I am for your loss. There's good advice on here and freely available so do keep coming back to us if you think it helps. I have suffered from acid reflux for years (now under control) and had really painful Oesophegitis as a result so I understand how you feel about it. I hope you soon find something that helps and feel better soon.

xx Moy

PS, I caught a key on my computer and it changed the font to italics! I can't get it back to normal. I don't usually change font in the middle of writing. Just wanted to let you know it was accidental and not to make a point about something. xx

callistra profile image
callistra in reply to MoyB

Thank you Moy

Glad to hear your reflux is under control now. It’s another added problem we don’t need.

I too often hit the wrong key on the computer , no problem.

Yes, l do appreciate this group and the good advice and support.

Take care and best wishes. x

Patk1 profile image

Ru taking azithromycin at same time as clarithromycin? - i find taking another antibiotic with azithromycin is too harsh on stomach and bowel so stop azith whilst on somethig else.ru having somehing 2 eat when take tablets - it helps me.im fine with ppi and carbocysteine.i hope ths helps.u must miss hubby xxx

callistra profile image
callistra in reply to Patk1

Thank you for your reply.

I have stopped the azithromycin , just clarithromycin at the moment with carbocisteine. I have learned l need to take with food. After a month on doxycycline, when l was leaving an hour before eating, really caused reflux.

I am torn over the ppi medication, you read so many dreadful effects on the internet. But it is maybe necessary for a time.

Thanks again.

Take care.

Patk1 profile image
Patk1 in reply to callistra

Yes,meds irritate empty stomach.even a yoghurt or banana help me.i find ppi(omeprazole) great.ive taken them for years,with no ill effects at all.they have to list potential side effects but if u have reflux,acid,heartburn,theyre v effective.

Howre u today? U must miss hubby.Caspiana said it perfectly, we are here 4u xx

Caspiana profile image

Hello callistra , 👋😊

I am so very sorry to read about the passing of your dear husband. It is so true that the price of love is grief. Please know that there are many of us with similar feelings of having no-one. And it is not pathetic. You are not pathetic. I think you are brave and courageous for coming to this forum and opening up about your current circumstances.

As for your reflux issue I think you have received great advice. I am a transplant patient and we are told to sleep at an angle, never flat to prevent stomach acid from damaging our lungs. I have always slept at an incline anyway so it wasn't hard to do. Perhaps you can try? Avoid tomatoes, spicy food, fried food , fatty food, citrus 🍊 garlic, onions and caffeine certainly don't help. And lastly and sadly chocolate as it contains methylxanthine which relaxed the lower esophagael sphincter.

Vegetables, ginger, non citrus fruit , seafood, lean meat and healthy fats walnuts, olive oil and flaxseed ate less likely to trigger reflux.

Avoid eating too near to bedtime, wear tight clothing and try not to lie down directly after eating.

Goodness !! I've just written a thesis. I'm sorry to bombard you with all this which you probably already know anyway. Please do not hesitate to reach out to the forum again whenever you need to. We all do it because we all need support, none if us are immune to illness and the solitude that can bring. Sending very best wishes to you. ❤️

Cas xx 💐 🍁🎶

callistra profile image
callistra in reply to Caspiana

Thank you so much for your very thoughtful words Caspiana, and great advice.

I do indeed have a wedge with pillows to keep upright since my mitral valve prolapse and pneumothorax. I really do think it helps. I am glad you find benefit from yours.

I did used to eat lots of tomatoes, oranges, berries and pineapple juice and wonderful matcha tea. But have cut those out now and oats, banana and l have become good friends.

Thank you again for your kindness and excellent advice. It is comforting to know there are people who understand.

Take care and best wishes. 🌹

Mickymoo profile image

Gaviscon advance tdi is great for acid. Take after meals and just before bed. Im on 40mg omeprozole in morning and 40mg at night (ppi's) and they are plsying havoc with my tummy. I have stomach ulcers so no choice but defo try the gaviscon advance x

callistra profile image
callistra in reply to Mickymoo

Thanks for your advice. I will get some Gaviscon advance and hopefully that will keep it down a bit.

The ppi medication can be tough, but as you say, it is so necessary for some .

Sorry to hear about the ulcers, l hope you find some relief.

Possibly probiotics might help the good bacteria and maybe ease the side effects. I don’t know if you have tried kefir , if not it may be worth trying. It has a large number of probiotic strains . There is a dairy version, which is like a thin yogurt. Or a coconut milk one if you don’t like dairy.

Thanks again and best wishes .

wheezyof profile image

Sorry I'm late replying. As you take Azithromycin 3 times a week I'm surprised your rescue antibiotic is Clarithromycin. They are from the same family of antibiotics. Normally for an infection/flare up an antibiotic from a different family is given.

If haven't already checked with your dr. it might be worth mentioning this.

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