Really fed up with the NHS right now. First they tell me my BP is slightly high so put me on tablets second they tell me I have raised blood sugar by 1 point so at risk of type 2 diabetes. Since April I haven't been able to exercise due to back and leg pain. I have been referred to our local hospital on an emergency basis; spoken to the consultant on the phone who agrees I am a priority, but still no appointment. So since April I have not been able to exercise much, taking too many pain killers little wonder my BP and blood sugar has risen. Here in East Devon Covid has not been bad enough to stop essential treatment in my view; I blame NHS Devon for the deterioration of my health.
NHS not working in Devon: Really fed up... - Lung Conditions C...
NHS not working in Devon

Oh dear sorry to hear that. I am in South Devon and mine is really bad too.
So sorry to hear this. Do you think your leg pain is coming from your back?
Hi its Lumbar region nerve L3 causing back & front leg pain to the knee
I had severe problems with L4 and L5 with such severe spasms I ended up in hospital. The NHS treatments were useless. After 2 weeks I discharged myself and saw a registered osteopath recommended by friends, who sorted the problem out over time. I went into hospital in the January, unable to sit, only lie or stand. By late April I was so much better I was able to drive 500 miles from Scotland to south London for a school reunion.
Others on here have attended chiropractors who have helped in similar ways.
Hoping you find a way through your problems.
So sorry Mike, its the same further up country, I've not had any of my annual checks so far this year other than a telephone respiratory. I have diabetes type 2 and the annual checks so far are not happening, I'm not even sure if I will get the required retinal eye check.
The good news though I am getting my flu shot Saturday, so they are open for a 2 second jab in the arm appointment
Dentists here are only seeing emergency cases also. No routine checks.
I hope you can manage to get the back and leg pain managed so at least you are able to do a little exercise. Perhaps see if you can get an appointment with a private back pain clinic, or someone who is a long time practitioner of the Bowen technique, I've found the latter in the past extremely good, even though the sessions can be painful the freeing up and easier movement after is well worth it.
Best wishes

Hi thank you I will look into your tips. Kind regards
I really do think this is being handled badly, the hospitals are not run off their feet with covid cases and as most if not all routine appointments have been cancelled it seems stupid to not see people that have health problems. The country cannot come to a stop because of this virus, after all we still have to eat which means that people working to supply us with food have to work, so why not the medical profession. There are temporary covid hospitals that have been built specially for this virus that have closed because there are not enough people to fill them, they did say they didnt have enough staff to fill them, well it seems that the doctors and nurses are not working on routine cases so why cant they man these positions. Sorry for the rant but we are going to have to learn to live with this virus and the whole country cant stay at home long term, this should only be the elderly and the vulnerable. I do hope you get seen to soon x
Hi Mike. I can assure you it is no better in South Devon. Got enough health problems to worry about without severe pain in my back and legs but it would appear if it's not going to kill you they are not interested. Apparently it's all in the mind. Heard that one a few times. All you ever hear is covid this, covid that and there is hardly any cases here. I've come to the conclusion that they are all hiding behind covid now as an excuse to save money by forgetting about all those with pre-existing conditions that still require treatment. It's a bit of a minefield really trying to find someone that will help.