Brrr - whose switched the switch - Lung Conditions C...

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Brrr - whose switched the switch

83 Replies

All this cold, wet and windy weather I am feeling decidedly cold

Seriously thinking of putting the central heating on. My fleece, blanket and electric fire is not doing the job.

So own up, who has switched the switch and put the central heating on already?

Keep warm and breathe easy all.

Best wishes BC


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83 Replies
katieoxo60 profile image

Hi BlakeyC, Haven't done it yet but been very tempted this weekend, it's been very cold but trying to keep the heating off till october as the cost of fuel has nearly doubled since last winter. Thanks for thinking of us all with the change in weather.

in reply tokatieoxo60

You are right about the cost of fuel, but ooh isn't it sooooo tempting, I am still holding off just hovering my hand over that switch, but instead I will go get me a hot cuppa and maybe think about some exercise inside to warm up :)

Have a great day Katie.

in reply tokatieoxo60

Hi Blakey c, first tim to switch Blanket and radiators on last night turned chilly, no good sitting in any more discumfort . cheers Malk 7.

Mocarey profile image

I'm guilty BC, was perishing this morning so had no option to switch on the heating. M

in reply toMocarey

Oooooo I'll bet its lovely and cosy at your place, maybe we could all come and visit :) ;)

Enjoy the warmth M

Crisy profile image
Crisy in reply to

Guilty as well it's flipping freezing here

in reply toCrisy

Gotta keep smiling Crisy and a toasty body can have that affect ;)

pollyjj profile image

Guilty but I don't care I hate being cold.

polly xx

in reply topollyjj

Me too Polly, go for it keep warm and toasty :)

rick1 profile image

Live in the north and my heating is on!

in reply torick1

Good job rick :) I'm still holding out, just done one exercise video off to find another in a minute.

We have given in but feel for those that really have to watch the pennies. Anything that is fleecy, is so cosy. And how many months to go before the spring. Better keep quiet in case I get thumped.

in reply to

I'm still ever hopeful we will have some more sunny days before the real bad weather sets in. Wednesday is looking like an ok day here. Keep well and warm annieseed.

chrissie53 profile image

I,m not switching on yet,,but getting the chimney swept tues morning,,have stocked up on coal thru the summer, so will use that when it gets colder,, love the heat it gives out,,,looks all warm and cosy,,tucked under a thick fleecy blanky now,,all warm and snug,,just pray the dog won,t need a walk just yet,,,

in reply tochrissie53

Have images of a wonderful cosy scene in front of the fire with a glass of something that warms the cockles of the heart :) I wonder if you have space for a treadmill, I think some doggies love to go on the treadmill too ;)

postscript profile image
postscript in reply to


I think you may be onto something there ... doggy treadmills ... now there would have to be a smell generator in there somewhere, perhaps as doggy reward ... get enough speed up and rabbit smells wafted out, even more effort and fox etc. (My dogs have a 'smell quotient', much more important than the miles they do.)

Not sure what would be good for the owners, ... maybe incorporate smells into mask ...(could link to O2 masks)..... cos who wants to smell fox ..... so good speed/duration ... home baking smell, better time/speed .... seaside ozone smell etc

Not entirely serious but hey .... maybe the Dragons Den is waiting for me!

Best wishes

Beth x

in reply topostscript

good luck at the DD Beth x

in reply tochrissie53

Coal, thats getting a thing of the past Chissie I use to mint the stuff back in the Sixties, no wonder my chest is like it is breating that dust all day long, shift after shift. Cheers Malk7

peege profile image
peege in reply to

oh dear, were you one of the ones to help us all stay warm back then?

in reply topeege

Afraid so peeg, moved out to africa to get out of it, and thought better weather and fresh air may help, trouble was the cigs were next to nothing, so what I gained on the swings I lost on the rounabouts.

peege profile image
peege in reply to

I lived in North Africa for 6 years. Hardly every had a cold, kids were always well and it was excellent for my son's asthma. P

in reply topeege

ok Peeg. I was all over the place, strted in Zambia, then Botswana, Zimbabwe Kenya. Etc Miss the place so much, spent Twenty eight years rhere in all.

My central heating is always on but because I have the thermostat set at 16 degrees it doesn't actually "come on" until the air temperature drops below that so I can forget about what time of year it is. If I wanted the house warmer than that I would just adjust the thermostat to whatever would be a comfortable temperature for me. Maybe some heating systems work differently but mine works for me. :-)

in reply to

Mine has a thermostat timer too mapal but even so I am feeling I want to override it at the moment. Although I do think some systems work differently.

Brecksfield profile image
Brecksfield in reply to

16 degreesC is not very warm mapal. Last winter the minimum my thermostat was set at was 19 degreesC. Not warm enough for many, but when you come inside from the cold its lovely.

in reply toBrecksfield

We're made of tough stuff up 'ere in t'North - haha! :-)

Lynne1955 profile image

Ours is on. We have decided that we are not going to be cold. Since being ill and losing such a lot of weight recently, I feel the cold much more than I did.

Lynne xx

in reply toLynne1955

Oh Lynne, you make sure you keep nice and warm, you will be feeling the cold more with having lost so much weight. take good care and keep cosy.

BC x

peege profile image
peege in reply toLynne1955

hello Lynne, I was so sorry to see you had a second hospital and sincerely hope that you're on the mend. Not nice to loose weight in that way. Are you back at work? All the best, P

Lynne1955 profile image
Lynne1955 in reply topeege

As I'm self employed, I was lucky to e in a position where I rearranged planned work and I hope to start again at the end of October.

Lynne xx

peege profile image
peege in reply toLynne1955

Take care, you've been missed :-)

helingmic profile image
helingmic in reply toLynne1955

Hi all,

The council just installed a brand new boiler. I set the thermostat to 23° C (73 F). Yesterday, my body felt cold. I put on a fleece on top of my jumper, a beanie woolly hat and gloves. The boiler came on, but my body felt freezing. I felt low and short of breath.

Eventually, I took some Paracetamol and went to bed at 9 pm. With the electric blanket on before I went in; I switched it of when in bed.

I felt cold all day long. I phoned the chemist who told me to have a hot drink. I’m doing this, but I’m still cold. (I’ve got COPD).

in reply tohelingmic

Glad you have you new boiler, keep having the hot drinks and perhaps try for a telephone appointment with your doctor to explain symptoms if these persist. Take good care. BC

helingmic profile image
helingmic in reply to

some good news! I got up and went back deep in my bed because it was warmer there. then, I phoned the pulmonary nurse who asked for a sputum sample and recommended I "maximized" my drugs. I used Colomycin which is an inhaled antibiotics specifically against Pseudomonas, but also influenza virus. I had some Paracetamol. Two hours later, I am actually boiling hot! (Better than cold as an autumn leaf!).Thank you for your concern.

Keep warm Stitch, I am thinking your heating has a title !

'A right royal heading' :D x (blame it on the predictive text I always do ;) )

Toci profile image

My heating was turned on yesterday as well as today.

in reply toToci

Keep well and nice and warm Toci x

Toci profile image
Toci in reply to

I'm trying. :)

helingmic profile image
helingmic in reply toToci

I have set up the temperature to 23 degree, but it seems that my body doesn't feel that. does anybody know why the body doesn't respond when the temperature is adequate?

in reply tohelingmic

Could be circulation helingmic. Also I think if sitting still most of the time you don't keep as warm as when moving around.

helingmic profile image
helingmic in reply to

Circulation it may well be. I had swollen ankles, but the blood doctor just said "Mmm!". I bought some compressive socks, they do the trick. but they don't warm my body!

when I was in hospital in 2010, my average temperature was 35, instead of the 36.6 (95 F instead of the usual 97.8 F). Jumpers are my friends!

peege profile image

Me too.

Yesterday I was in flipflops today? brrr, long jeans, long sleeve t-shirt, long sleeved woolly hoodie (& the hood's up), plus socks. When I took the dog out earlier I wore my winter coat :(

It's just a blip, will warm up soon - says the optimist.

I'm feeling a bit low, got a few 'symptoms' so I'm looking after myself. Usually I'd still be in the flipflops & with bare legs.

Also, I have a lodger from Marseille who isn't acclimatised. Just have the hall & sitting room on

in reply topeege

Keep warm peeg hope you are not coming down with anything.

peege profile image
peege in reply to

Thanks BC, not sure, got that wobbly feeling. A bit shakey & some tightness in the chest. Much more aware though so I'm hopeful I can keep well.

helingmic profile image
helingmic in reply topeege

I had the same feeling peeg. o you have any medicine that you usually take like Prednisolone and some antibiotics. some Paracetamol may help in combating the feverish feeling. My pulmonary nurse told me today it's best to nip things in the bud for us who are affected with our lungs. Hope your bones get warmer!

in reply topeege

Hope you are feeling better peeg.

peege profile image
peege in reply to

Thanks again BC. I'm very pleased, so far I'm okay. Had an amazingly hectic week, running on adrenaline I think. Home for the weekend and I've only got up to let dog out, feed said dog and make a pot of tea (for one). Time to get up now and get moving.

Have a good weekend. P xx

appyalison profile image

Hi peeg, I've lived in these islands all my life and still not acclimatised! Heat on, vest on and blankets at the ready. :-) :-) Alison

in reply toappyalison

I have my thick blanket on top of summer duvet at the moment, I think I will be graduating to autumn duvet soon.

helingmic profile image
helingmic in reply to

with a "normal" duvet, I invested in a silk duvet! Yeah, that's expensive! But it's really warm for the cold winter we get.

in reply tohelingmic

I did look at those duvet's but that is as far as I got. I liked that they were warm and light. Nice to have a bit of comfort as we get older :)

peege profile image
peege in reply toappyalison

I'm alright as long as I keep moving but then I get knackered. This moment though the sun is beaming in my bay window & it's lovely. :)

delilah profile image

Still resisting putting on the heating but had my gas fire on yesterday. Doesn't throw out much heat tho; as its one of those living flame fires, looks more comforting than it actually is. Brr!

in reply todelilah

I'm still resisting but have made good use of my electric fire, its a bit warmer here today.

peege profile image
peege in reply to

I bought marches yesterday in preparation for lighting the fire. I'm all ready now :)

peege profile image
peege in reply topeege

Marches? Blooming tablet for tiny fingers!

in reply topeege

;) its that predictive text again peeg, I knew what you meant. Have a great weekend.

Dumba profile image

Wish I had central heating to put on, trying to get gas installed but not an easy process, gas pipes, one company, the meter another, the boiler another and perhaps at last the radiators and on switch!!! Xmas if lucky! Anyway jumpers on and ankle weights on and lots of exercise to keep warm!! Good news electric bill down 33% this summer!! Keep warm all!! Hopefully a few more sunny days to come!

in reply toDumba

Keeping fingers crossed for you its all installed and working for you by Christmas.

peege profile image
peege in reply toDumba

I hope it gets sorted soon Lorraine. Sunny & beautiful here today and I think it's supposed to warm up in the next few days :)

Dumba profile image
Dumba in reply topeege

Thanks, chasing things up! Bit cooler in Scotland today but not too bad!! Had confirmation of pulmonary rehab today so start next week. Most admit feeling much better and no real breathing issues compared to a few weeks ago, the medicine must be working, the doctor said it would take a bit of time but feel like a youngster again. hope it lasts. Guess the lungs still severe though or can that fev1 ever improve?, not sure.

peege profile image
peege in reply toDumba

I'm not sure either but I can vouch that I feel so much better after PR. I cant remember what my fev is (I'm mild though, (I think))!

Which meds? I forgot.

Dumba profile image
Dumba in reply topeege

meant to be severe at 44% but running up and down stairs now, doc said don't expect that to happen! Have 3 enhalers, The salamol easibreathe is no great help and they keep breaking, use the spirlva once a day and symbicort twice daily. it seems to have worked wonders. Hopefully get another spirometery test in Nov at hospital, well will demand one to find out.

peege profile image
peege in reply toDumba

Running up stairs is fantastic Lorraine. I also have the easibreath but it helps me, normally I dont use it unless i'm dodgey (like at the moment 2-3 times a day). Seretide 250 at present but I put myself down to 125 when I'm really well (the 250 makes some joints hurtI'm convinced). Montelukast for allergic asthma and Mucodyne ( a lower maintenance dose when I'm well). All seems to be working well as I've not had a chronic infection since April :D yay!

Dumba profile image
Dumba in reply topeege

Great , nice to feel well. xx

helingmic profile image
helingmic in reply topeege

I do recommend movements - whether at home or at the gym). Like you Lorraine, it's helped me since the bad winter.

I take Seretide 500 once twice a day, Combivent nebuliser twice a day.Mind you I had to have two antibiotics every day because of a TB-like bacteria (Mind the long word: Mycobacterieum Avium Intracellulare) It took 2 and 1/2 years to get rid of it. fortunately, the antibiotics made me feel really well.

Gilliann profile image
Gilliann in reply toDumba

Hi Lorraine, I am on the same meds as you, glad you mentioned the Salamol easibreathe as I also think it is not very good, and doesn't seem to work properly, for everyone else I have had heating on twice so far as have been very cold in the mornings, I find a wheatbag heated in microwave helps at your back when your sat down, and seems to warm your body. Take care everyone and keep warm, Cheers Gilliann.

helingmic profile image
helingmic in reply toDumba

I think something can improve. I'd recommend the rehabilitation. If you can sign up to a light gym. I cannot go for walks, as it's too windy here along the Thames, but I go to the gym. I'm not Mr Muscle, but I went with oxygen bottles to without any after 2 months. Recommended highly :-)

Dumba profile image
Dumba in reply tohelingmic

Yes good advice helingmic not a fan of the wind. There is a small cardio room nearby at the pool and hope to give it a go. The pool near is great but limited day classes, only open on a Thursday 3-15 - 4-15 same time as PR and breathe easy, they all clash on the same afternoon. PR not suitable if you don't drive or cant get a lift. It would take 2 buses then a walk in the winter not good. or £20 in taxis twice a week!!. You would think somewhere in city centre would be better not four in outskirts, No wonder people are not turning up!!

helingmic profile image
helingmic in reply toDumba

Have you got a volunteer bureau which can help with transport. I go 3 times a week at the cost of £5.50 for transport each time. I felt this was a valuable investment to keep myself more or less healthy.

Dumba profile image
Dumba in reply tohelingmic

good idea, I did use the bus for shopping last xmas as me and Winston were snowed in! but it is only 2 min to walk to pool and gym, swim is free, was wondering if the PR may be too gentle, need pushed and been cycling and swimming, will give it a go and see, nice to get out too and meet others for a chat!

helingmic profile image
helingmic in reply toDumba

the PR is to give a taster and to know your limits. It's interesting in itself. At the end, the team asks you if you'd like to continue. I did continue, but I thought "circle" exercises are a bit boring in the end, while at the gym you can choose which instrument you want to use. They also have instructors to guide you. You can keep a progress sheet which is actually encouraging. See what you can do after 6 months is very encouraging.

peege profile image
peege in reply tohelingmic

that's marvelous Helingmic

gocat profile image

Think I have built in central heating as dont feel the cold but poor hubby does as so underweight. So he sleeps in the spare room with the central heating on and I turn down the thermostats on all the other radiators, except the bathroom and the room he is in.

in reply togocat

That could be a problem glad you have worked something out.

helingmic profile image
helingmic in reply togocat

I had this problem of losing weight, and, of course, feeling the cold much more severely. I'd recommend to eat lots of eggs, in all sorts of salads. If he can, whole milk. Coming out of hospital in 2011, I drank lots of hot chocolate made with whole milk, chips!!! It did help getting my weight up!

Dumba profile image

well my dog Winston a great hot water bottle and he is free (well apart from the groom and chicken and nibbles). Lucky he does not snore!!!! Bonus!

in reply toDumba

I expect Winston is great for cuddles too ;)

last night flipped the switch. It was registering 20C inside but still felt cold, so turned the thermostat up to 21C, glad I did for the extra warmth AND I discovered one of the radiators is not heating properly so just as well to get that sorted before the real bad weather arrives.

Keep warm all.

Best wishes BC

helingmic profile image
helingmic in reply to

BC, those radiator valves get sticky. A heating engineer came last year and banged on them to make sure the radiator was working. Must be ready in the eventuality of a Brrr winter!

in reply tohelingmic

Thanks helingmic.

Hi flibberti, Wow an electric duvet, sounds divine, I don't think I would ever get out of bed during the winter months if I had one of those :) wonderful.

I am so pleased we have some more warmer weather coming, I need all I can get to see me through the winter months. I was born in the north but never could tolerate the cold even as a little un, not much good with the damp either.

Keep warm and cosy yourself.

Best wishes BC x

KingoftheCocktails profile image



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