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Researchers discover hybrid fungus involved in lung infections

2greys profile image
7 Replies

Aspergillus latus, a species of fungus previously found only in soil or plants, has been found for the first time in a hospital environment by an international group of researchers. The group sequenced its genome and discovered that it is actually a hybrid and is up to three times more drug-resistant than the two species from which it derives.

Aspergillosis is a lung disease caused by fungi of this genus, especially A. fumigatus, which is widely found in plants and soil. All humans regularly inhale spores of Aspergillus, which do not usually cause symptoms in healthy subjects. In patients with weak immune systems, however, the mold can cause pneumonia, build up fungal balls (aspergillomas) in the lungs, and spread to become invasive pulmonary aspergillosis, the most severe form of the disease. A. fumigatus is the most frequent cause of aspergillosis, but other species also cause the condition, including A. flavus, A. niger, A. nidulans and A. terreus.

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2greys profile image
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7 Replies
RoadRunner44 profile image

Another interesting piece of research.

peege profile image

I do wish aspergillus was more widely known about. When i was being investigated for it back in 2013 I was told that anyone with asthma, particularly children being closer to the ground, should avoid compost, leafmould, farmyard and more. Reason being that most asthmatics have allergies and its the allergy to aspergillus that causes the big problems allowing it to grow into aspergillosis in the lungs. Animals get it too.

I do my little bit to warn parents of asthmatics I know or meet to be aware. My g'daughter wears her Buff pulled up when kicking up autumn leaves in the woods.

Aspergillosis can be absolutely horrible so thanks for posting this 2greys.

Mavary profile image

Really interesting and informative piece.

It looks likely that if we get covid 19 we are going to be at more risk.

My Dr told me I’m not likely to get Aspergillosis again as the first attack I had was due to emptying out some orchids into a bag.

I’ve now got breathing problems again which I’m sure is down to the Aspergillosis. I spoke to the Dr and she thought it was hay fever but that was a few weeks ago. I’ve still got problems and am coughing up lots of mucus, mostly clear because I’m on 800mgs of Fostair. I’m thinking of ringing again and asking for a blood test to check the eosinophils.

As a sufferer yourself what do you think I should do?

I’m not due to see the consultant again until November.


Mavary profile image
Mavary in reply to Mavary

That should be mcg not msg. It would take rather a lot to be mugs.

2greys profile image
2greys in reply to Mavary

A good spot there hopefully a typo :)

2greys profile image
2greys in reply to Mavary

Hi Mavary, Other than to suggest speaking to a consultant, it is difficult to know what to suggest. Allergies can take many years to pin down their triggers. Fungi are extremely hard to treat and eliminate. I do know that the increased inhaled corticosteroids did help after a couple of months along with taking antihistamines.

I do have a couple other respiratory issues though. There is something going on in my lungs, that started early this year, but Coronavirus has put paid to any investigations for now. I too have had a lot mucus being generated in the past couple of months, along with a fair few bad breathing days which I did had put down to lingering Covid issues, but now I am not so sure. I was having bad breathing days just before my Covid infection, which is why I was referred back the Respiratory Clinic, which was just as the epidemic started and the Respiratory Consulant appeared to want to get me out of her office asap, as they already had cases of Covid in the hospital. The only information/diagnosis was: I had bilateral inflammatory changes and just given some antibiotics. Which does not really say a lot, it can mean anything from a more severe allergy reaction to the beginnings of ILD, whatever, I still have the same issues. I have had another PET Scan and a telephone consultation with the Oncologist in a weeks time, hopefully the radiographers report will shine some light on my problem.

Mavary profile image
Mavary in reply to 2greys

Hi 2greys.

It will be interesting to know the results. Hopefully they won’t find too much wrong. We can hope can’t we? You actually had Corona virus did you? That must have been pretty bad with your existing problems with your lungs. I think I have to see the lung Consultant in November which is a while away. I was hoping that it would be the last time but it doesn’t look like it will be. Then I have to go for a dexa scan for my bones and I think that’s November. That’s if nothing crops up before fingers crossed it doesn’t. I’m going to plod on with the Fostair, Ventolin and antihistamines and see what happens. If it gets any worse I will have to sort it. Let us know how you get on. Xx

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