I am end stage copd with heart failure and struggle daily. I can manage to walk around the house slowly with oxygen and do a few things occasionally but at the moment am also struggling with severe anxiety At the moment I can get up and down stairs usually with a few stops but my family want me to get a stairlift. I am against this as I feel that I should manage it for as long a I can. Is anyone else in the same boat. I really feel like giving up at the present time.
depression: I am end stage copd with... - Lung Conditions C...

Please don't give up stay positive. You have come through this covid19 nightmare so come on show your family and yourself you can do this. Have a lovely day and take care of yourself 😊 Bernadette xx xx 🌈
So sorry you are having a difficult time of things unified.
You can get stair lifts with a fold up seat, could be ideal for you as when you felt up to using the stairs to exercise you still could and when you are finding things too much of an effort the stair life would help you out a lot on those days you need it most. It would be a big plus having both options.
With your mood and anxiety, do check out the resources available which may help you with that, a couple of links for you below.
I hope you will find as the days pass you will be feeling much better.
Take good care of you. x
Please don't give up 🌈 It's always easy for other people to say such things. But maybe see a stair lift as a means to enabling you to live your life and just get on with your life. Some years ago I was quite unwell and needed various aids to help me in my daily life. They helped me do some things for myself. I didn't see it as a sign of weakness or failing, but an aid to getting on with my life and not having to rely on family members to do everything for me. I don't know if that's how it could be for you? Wishing you all the best 🕊️
I think anything which could make your life easier is worthwhile. There is a difference between giving up, and accepting the reality of a situation.
Have you spoken with your doctor about your depression? They might be able to help. x
I agree with the comments that a stair lift might make your life a little easier while you can still choose to walk the stairs if you wish.
You’ve had some excellent replies unified and you could have the best of both worlds I feel. A nice stairlift for when you don’t feel able to manage the stairs seems like a great idea.
Thinking of you. Xxxxx
No wonder you're experiencing severe anxiety. You need to be able to talk about it with a counsellor over the phone or on zoom.
Your family are only trying to help to make life easier for you. A stair lift sounds like a good idea but ultimately it is your choice. 🙂
Take care. Xx
Why not go for the stairlift anything that makes life a little easier that’s we are all looking for after all. Take care xxx
Just want to send best wishes to you. Good advice already regarding stairlift. Hope you will feel better in your mood and anxiety will ease. Take care.
Having a stair lift may release a bit more energy for doing something you can enjoy. Sorry you are suffering with such a bad depression, very understandable in the current circumstances. Hope things soon improve for you. Sounds like you family are very supportive . Putting your fears on here will always get a response from others in the same boat who may have some tips to get you a bit more active
I got a second hand stairlift, £500. I’m on oxygen24/7 and have good days and bad. I have Sarcoidosis. It’s been brilliant, because, once upstairs, more energy for whatever I wanted to do. Not regretted it for a moment, and i do exercises to keep muscle strength .
Hope the depression lifts soon. I try to phone a different old friend each day. It helps
Xx jo
I have a similar problem, in that I’m now finding it difficult to walk very far without getting breathless. I would like to invest in a mobility scooter, but I think I would soon become dependent on it and lose the ability to walk at all.
The same with oxygen, I think I’ll soon have to use it, but I’m reluctant to think about it.
Get the stairlift. I was just like you thinking I should manage. Used to get to the top of stairs and nearly collapse and heart rate so high. I got the stairlift and at least I don’t crawl to my bed anymore.
My dad was against a stairlift ,like you he struggled with copd and 24/7 oxygen , when he eventually got one he realised just how much easier his life had become, if you need one get one you will not regret it
Hello unified , 👋😊
I'm sorry to read you are not doing so well right now. I have a confession to make. I wanted my mum to get a stair lift too. The stairs in her house are rather steep. It scares me to death to think she might take a tumble. So far she has refused. Like you she says she can manage . From a daughter's point of view , I'd rather not wait for her not to be able to manage and then something happens. 😕 My point is , that from your family's perspective the thought of you possibly having a fall and not being able to get help is actually quite terrifying. I suspect, like me with my mama, they love you dearly and are thinking primarily of your safety and comfort. Like someone else has mentioned, you really don't have to use it everyday. But you may be really glad you have it on days when you don't feel so good. At least it's an option.
This is an awful time for everyone, but for those of us with chronic illness it is easy to get that sense of utter despair. Please reach out to your loved ones. And know you have friends here on the forum. We do care about one another. Sending you love and a gentle hug.
Cas xx 🙋🐕💓
Don’t make life harder than it needs to be, get the stair lift. It’s not giving in, in fact it’s just the opposite! You’d be taking control of the problem by giving yourself an option, and it would enable you to stay independent.
Knowing that on a not so good day you can plonk yourself on the newly installed chair lift if rquired will not only maintain your sense of independence but also to a certain extent relieve a little of the anxiety for both yourself and those that care for you knowing that the risks of falling or of getting seriously out of breath will be a thing of the past.
Go for it! you will wonder why you didn't do it before.
If finance is a problem please seek support and guidance as it may even be installed foc by the local authority if you meet the criteria.
Take care and don't hesitate to come back to us for support and encouragement.
Ski's and Scruff's
Hang on in there.i hate anxiety,so feel 4u.re stair lift,its your choice.my thoughts are,lifes hard 4u as it is - why not make it that bit eadier and give u a little more energy for what u like to do.
If yr anxiety persists,ring yr dr or lung team,see what help is there 4u xxx
I agree with all the excellent advice already posted. Do speak to someone about your depression if you haven't already. Sometimes just doing that can help. All the best and enjoy your stairlift.