Depression : With having lung problem I... - Lung Conditions C...

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Clamdigger profile image
22 Replies

With having lung problem I find I have become more house bound.. I don't get to see my grandchildren much.. If they have cold that is going through the house some times it three months before I see them.. Its summer and pollen season missed out on there birthday party my husband goes.. My house has to be really clean because I have so many allergy's..... My son's house has mold problems and not very clean to what I visit . Start coughing just after a few minutes being in there or other peoples home... My friends passing away only have two left.. .. . This year has been the worse mentally for me soon as I go out the pollen affects me. I can end up with lung infections from pollen.. I know it is only going to get worse for me ... I have learned to accept it..I I keep up beat for every one else and no one knows how depress I'am .. For me I try to figure out how to deal with this depression by another hobby ... But that can get to you after a while another hobby... I thought maybe I could do home visit with some one that is house bound that would love to learn art or watch a movie with or just chat.... But I would have no idea who to get in contact with to find out for home visits.. Some times it not what your dying from its how small your world becomes. So I thought while I can get out some one might like to have some one come by.. I know people on this site can relate... Would any one know who to contact ...

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Clamdigger profile image
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22 Replies
stone-UK profile image


I would speak to your respitory team, they themselves will do a home visit. They will probably have better information for people to contact in your area. Do you have a neighbour you can confide in, quite often those nearest keep away because of uncertainties in what to say or do.

Clamdigger profile image
Clamdigger in reply to stone-UK

I don't have a team once a year I get to see the COPD clinic ... I don't want to depress any one.. I feel that is what keeps people away.. And people think I'm doing great .. We talk about a lot of things .. They will say how are you doing I say good...And I lie about it a lot... My kids plates are full with working and raising kids..

HungryHufflepuff profile image
HungryHufflepuff in reply to Clamdigger

Hi I think you’re in the US? Is there like an American lung foundation or age support that might run groups in your neighbourhood? Like not necessarily health related things but groups or activities for people with lung or health conditions generally. So that you can hang out with people without having to hide or continually explain your health. It’s so easy to get into the ways of not going out. I’ve come to realise that I’m doing this now. Because it’s just easier to not go out. I make excuses to myself about why I can’t go out but I realise I don’t really have a good reason. The more you stay in the harder it gets to go out. I’m going away next month to visit family and I’m having serious anxiety just thinking about going out. I don’t have the health restrictions that many people here do, I have no reason to not go out. Other than getting in a rut and letting my world shrink. I just realised this isn’t helping you at all ! Maybe I’m trying to give myself a pep talk, or tell you I can relate. There is no easy answer, to most things, this being one of them.

Clamdigger profile image
Clamdigger in reply to HungryHufflepuff

I live in NS Canada out in the country... I was suppose to move out west because of my allergy's .. I take a pill just to go to the car to another building.. I do sail out in the ocean the air is great...No pollen... But I have small airway disease because of years of not tending to my allergy's... it dosn't take much for me to cough with pollen.. Every summer I go through infections..Im allergic to four different types of mold and the list goes on.. Went to Portugal was fine in Nov but spring ended up in the hospital emergency....Plus mold is in the air until the first frost....... I should of did what I was told to do.. But I didn't know it causes lung problems over the years .. I get depressed over what I did and not listen to the Dr twenty years ago.. If the Dr told me this could of happen to me if I didn't I would I of moved out west ... My lungs are so full of scares from all of the lung infections I didn't know it was my allergy's that caused lung infection every summer no one told me.... But thats life .... I try to keep moving forward... Some times it what some one tells you when they find out.. They have to tell there story of a brother or friend .... That gets to me so I don't tell any one.... My hairdresser she noticed my cough and said something to me about it .. I told her then she went into her story of how the family was happy that her brother finely died... he was out of his missery ... By the time I left I was depressed at that point I decided not to tell anyone......So getting a new hair dresser so I don't have to listen to her as I get worse....These are the stories I don't share.... Maybe just reaching out to a stranger on line is better ... Writing it is better than saying it..... Thanks for your support.....

sassy59 profile image

Hi Clamdigger, sorry to hear about your depression but I’m sure there are things you can do. Try Age UK and see if they can help.

I hope you can find someone to visit or meet up with and wish you well.

You could also contact your surgery and see if they can help in any way. Xxxxx

Omg Clam..that's exactly how I am almost exactly even down to mould in my old home almost wiping me out in 2013,and the moment my white blood cells are high also inflammatory markers also and sleep sleep loads and low mood could be meds not helping but your art always gives me a lift so thank you for any word of the Jimmy Hendrix influenced picture yet😊 thanks again and we will be OK soon hopefully. Ger

Clamdigger profile image
Clamdigger in reply to

Thanks for the kind words.. I was thinking about going to go back to the nursing home but to many flu's some times and germs so I have to be careful.. I did think of Bonnie Lee farms. They have Down syndrome was talking to them last year.. But then I get uptight because of germs I don't have OCD about germs put if one gets a cold I'm in trouble.if I catch it... So I was thinking of some one with COPD, most that I did work for when I was young there houses were clean and air had to be good and air conditioning in the summer.. Every time I think of something after school art class in my house... I think of cold and germs... We have to work hard on protecting our lungs... I'm going to do some calling around today.. I would bring art supplies would love to do art free of charge and I bring the supplies water colors, acrylic are not hard on the lungs....But you have a good day and again thanks for the kind words...

Hacienda profile image
Hacienda in reply to Clamdigger

Just thought I would let you know, I wear a mask, especially visiting family Gatherings where there are lots of Toddlers. I wear it also in GP / Hospital waiting Rooms the worst place to catch Bugs(which I did in 2016)nasty Bug, Hospitalised. So, I wear my Mask even if it does cover my Lipstick. Ha, XXXX

I don't know how well up you are about technology, but wondered if it might be possible to use Skype to stay in contact with family and friends. You can see and hear those you call on skype, so better than just a phone call.

Do you have a Council for Voluntary Service in Your area? They might know who could benefit from your skills. I understand about shrinking worlds, it can be really hard to stay upbeat when you don’t have things like visits to look forward to. You never know, there might be someone who could visit you.

Clamdigger profile image
Clamdigger in reply to

Looking at starting a support group

Ergendl profile image

Hi, Clamdigger. Loved the picture, reminded me of a poem I wrote a long time ago when I was clinically depressed, except that your picture has lovely vibrant colours, whereas my poem was all in darkness. It's good that you're looking to get out and about a bit more.

Have you come across ? People join and put the town they're from, and can post a bit like here. It's mainly US based, but I've found plenty of local contacts in the UK since I joined. You might find there's someone living near you who you hadn't realised has a lung problem.

Wishing you all the best.

Clamdigger profile image
Clamdigger in reply to Ergendl

Thank you for your kind words... I'm going to in Sept put out a add in the drug store.. Life in a small area of NS Canada.. See what happens...

Hacienda profile image

I wish you the Best of Luck in whatever You Decide. Yes, we have to put on a Brave Face and inside we are Crying, But, We are strong and you sound like a Strong & Positive person. Take note from all these replies. You need to Teach your Beautiful Art to others. Don't Give up and Please stay Happy. I use Wassap Video Link to Keep intouch with my family Abroad, whom I miss So Much.....Carolina XXXX

Clamdigger profile image
Clamdigger in reply to Hacienda

Thank you for your kinds words...

Sjf129903 profile image

I'm totally house bound do to fears and in turn has made me weaker to where I can't go out anymore

Clamdigger profile image
Clamdigger in reply to Sjf129903

That is what I find hard at times.. In NS the winters can get really bad hard the cold on the lungs... And the Pollen in the summer and heat... Its rough

Sjf129903 profile image
Sjf129903 in reply to Clamdigger

Yes when it's to warm my lungs get to sluggish and in winter to stiff to move

Grammyluvs profile image

I understand completely. I am the same way. I live in the US in the state of Alabama where the humidity in the summer stays in the 90’s. I do quilting to pass the time. However, somedays when the quilts start getting heavy, the pull and tug makes me exhausted. I have asthma and bronchieactesis. I am also an immune deficiency patient so I really have to be careful around other people. My husband and I go out to eat once a week and we do go to church on Sundays but my church group knows not to get close to me if they are sick as does my quilt guild once a week. If I go anywhere else, I wear a mask. Keep your chin up and soldier on.

Clamdigger profile image
Clamdigger in reply to Grammyluvs

I tried quilting once it is hard medium to do for me ... I know what you mean about people and not catching anything.. Thanks for your kind words...

Kristicats profile image

Could you place adverts locally stating what you would like? Ie shops, local newspaper. Lovely art work.

Clamdigger profile image
Clamdigger in reply to Kristicats

Thats what I'm going to do put up a sign was thinking about meeting place going to work on it... Thanks for your reply

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