Sharon had her handbag snatched at the bus stop, on the way to work at 6 am this morning. Kindle, phone, debit card, purse, all lost. Bank card and phone sim now cancelled. The lawless wild west that is Thornhill Estate has no bounds, we also have an arsonist who has struck a dozen times in the last 6 weeks, at 4 am each time as well, setting fire to garden sheds and garages.
Absolutely Fuming.: Sharon had her... - Lung Conditions C...
Absolutely Fuming.

Oh no 2greys that’s terrible! I hope Sharon wasn’t hurt at all. Even in these difficult times there are things that don’t change. Lawless Britain thrives.
Thinking of you both and hope you’ve not been affected by the arsonist. Xxxx
So sorry to hear this 2greys. Sharon must be so shaken up. I hope they track down the scumbag who did this.
I only have one word for ppl like this and I wouldn't mention it on here.
Pass my best to Sharon you both must be feeling upset and very angry disgusting behaviour from ppl who dont know any sorry 2g 💜
Absolutely disgusting
What a horrible thing to happen to her. It’s not so much the monetary value that’s lost, it must be the unsettling feeling that someone has done this to her while she was out minding her own business. I feel for you both.
So very sorry to hear that, 2greys. Such a major upset for you both, unbelievable how mean the lowest folks can be 🤬
Disgusting. I also hope they find the arsonist very quickly. What a worry.
Hurtful act, 2g, and the indifference of the police, or their frank admission that low level crime is common assault which slips through where justice is blind.
Poor Sharon ! What a horrible thing to have to deal with on the way to work at 6 in the morning.
As you say the practical side can be dealt with but it’s the trauma and upset that will stay with her. You have both had such a lot to deal with in these last months and could have done without this. Please send her my very best wishes and take care
How awful for Sharon - I agree it's the trauma of it all that's worse. People are worthless individuals who do these crimes . Picking on people who may be older or alone. My dad was once mugged by some youths and gave over the £50 my husband had given him- so they were watching and this was 30 years ago - I'm still angry about it now. I felt violated when some things were taken from the boot of my car in a car park.
It seems that now is a good time for opportunists and arsonists as there are less people around . Even more animals are being violated .
Sorry for my long reply. Hope you are both ok. Take care. x
Poor Sharon, that must have shaken her up. Lawlessness has become worse over the years as the number of laws increases whilst the means of enforcing them gets less and less. No doubt Robert Peels statue will be one of the next to go.

Unfortuanately, I think that there is a high possibility of big riots later this year, as the forecast huge unemployment figures start to bite, when the furlough scheme ends.
I agree, it will take so little to spark that off. The softly, softy approach is all very well in theory, but as the pressure increases it just diminishes the control available to deal with that sort of situation.

Oh no Don! There is a Robert Peel statue near where I live in Leeds along with one of Queen Victoria and one of the Duke of Wellington. They are close to the university and have been subject to political graffiti for many years by the students. The Duke of Wellington is currently sporting some bright red boots.
The irony is the last time I saw statues being protected from attack in the way they are today, was at the beginning of WW2.
Such sad news, take care and I’m hoping that you can all recover and that police will catch them x
I’m really sorry 2greys . I really hope Sharon was physically unharmed, although I know the emotional impact on these sorts of things are actually often the hardest. I do hope the police recover her belongings and I’m sure they’ll offer her some help from victim support (may not be the name anymore). I know Sharon does a worthy and under valued job too, so it must be extra hard hitting to have that happen during times like this. Sending positive vibes. 💐
OMG, I Hope Sharon is OK, It all came back to me when My bag was Snatched, All that she has been through and the Valuable work she does. I Hope These Scum bags come in contact with Karma & they Break their Legs. Sending Love and Hope. XXX C.
Oh i am so sorry . That is violation , so upsetting and it does leave a lasting effect . You don't look at people in the same way after that
Sorry to read that 2 greys. Its a terrible thing to happen. I hope your wife recovers well from the emotional trauma of it.
There seems to be no effective deterrents any more and sad to say, I can see vigilantes taking things in their own hands in the future.
That’s so bad.
I hope Sharon is ok.
It’s so annoying when you can’t go to work in safety.
When I was working earlier,I used to take bus money and some for lunch.
The phone,I had to take with me and chance it.
One Nurse was mugged on her way to Subway.
It’s really the last thing you both need when you’ve both been ill.
Apart from all the upset,it’s so inconvenient to have to cancel and have it re-issued.
I really hope you are both doing ok.
Oh that's awful as our handbags are our life. I hope Sharon is OK, and I hope her attackers rot in hell. I was mugged once in London but coz it was a bad neighbourhood I always stuck my money, keys, cards in my coat pockets so lost nothing of value. It does have a lasting effect on you though.
I always bought coats with deep pockets and zips. Where I live now in Devon it is a much better area but as it rains a lot my coats all have hoods. x

That is really awful hope Sharon is alright. These people have no respect for anything 😡 hope they get caught. Take care 😊 Bernadette xx xx 🌈
I’m sorry to hear that, it’s so upsetting and makes you feel very vulnerable.
My daughter is a nurse, and had her handbag taken whilst at work from an NHS clinic in Southampton 2 months ago. There is a homeless shelter close by, and it’s not the first time it has happened, but it makes you fearful and untrusting.
These people are probably desperate due to their circumstances, but that does not make it forgivable, especially snatching from women.
I hope Sharon can put it behind her before too long. ☹️
How awful, poor Sharon, I hope she’s not too shaken up xx
That is terrible 2greys I hope Sharon is ok it must have been a shock to her. You can't trust anyone these days. Let's hope they catch the blighter.
Thinking of you bothxx
It is still sinking in and shaking, extremely upset. Obviously she has not gone to work either. The police have the IMEI number of her phone and the serial number of her Kindle, an outside chance they may still turn up.
Poor Sharon it must have been a terrible shock to have it happen. I hope she's ok. though she s probably still shaken. Maybe her phone etc will be recovered .... but I'm probably being too optimistic with that wish! Clearly handbags are out from now on and big deep pockets in as some one said.
Sorry to hear about your misfortune. May I ask where were the police in all this. Sorry , I forgot - they were attending several large demonstrations, looking on as the law was repeatedly broken and doing NOTHING!!!
Be safe
Kevin (ALL lives matter).
I am so sorry. I had my bag stolen 2 years ago in September, I lost my phone, purse and all it’s contents, brand new glasses. I feel for Sharon. What a shock.
So sorry for Sharon must have really shaken her up, I hope she can soon come to terms with it and no lasting effects. The police don't give you much confidence do they, There nothing but mindless thugs and I bet there's drugs behind it.
You both take care you have enough to cope with. Xxx
That's just awful 2greys, I hope Sharon is ok.
This is shocking. I hope Sharon is as ok as she can be considering what happened. Thinking of you both.
Aww poor Sharon i imagine that she was quite shook up. No wonder there is more cctv around ( but never when you want it!) Hope she’s ok. Cx
Oh what is happening in our world? How shocking and deplorable. It's not that long ago Sharon was poorly with the virus and I believe has only recently returned to work.
I am so xorry and my heart goes out to you both. You must feel such a mix of emotions.
So distressing. Yes, she's had a huge fright but thank goodness nothing worse happened to her. Unfortunately these incidents are becoming more common and the police don't seem to be able to help.
Please give her my best wishes.
Sorry to hear this, I hope they are able to find out who did it.
So sorry to read this 2greys, hope Sharon is OK. You could both do without this after what you have gone through these past months. I take it that it would be difficult for you to move away from the area and also all those stairs? Carole 😘😷
How awful. What a shocking thing to happen. There has been a big increase in crime around here too. It used to be a quiet area. Thinking of getting CCTV. I hope Sharon is ok now.
Whilst I realise what happened to Sharon is awful is it necessary to use this forum as an opportunity to criticise the Police ? My Grandson has been with me for almost ten weeks even though I am in my seventies as my daughter was, & still is working manic hours. Obviously he could have gone to school as the child of a key worker but we decided it would be best & safer for him to be with me. When she fetched him home two weeks ago she had had just seven days off in nine weeks so please don’t criticise & say things like “they are useless or sitting back & doing nothing.” On Easter Sunday alone in her particular area they had over a thousand calls for people breaching & that’s without taking into account all their other calls - domestic abuse is just one instance where they are seeing an increase for obvious reasons. Please them credit - they are doing their best & putting themselves & their families in danger every time they go to work.

I don't think that anyone has criticised any individual officers persé, rather than with what is the broken system, that does not and cannot work as efficiently as it is supposed to, starved of resources. I very much doubt that the officers themselves are over the moon with being unable to do their job properly either. I hope you never find yourself in a similar position, to feel so let down by the system.
Whilst one post is extremely sympathetic towards the Police & appreciates their hands are tied (through no fault of their own) a couple of posts were, in my opinion completely critical. I’ve expressed my opinion & will not be continuing with this subject.
Oh, how awful. Thieves have had lean pickings during lockdown, They're ready to pounce now that more people are out and about again. Glad Sharon wasn't hurt. It's such a chore trying to sort things out after a bag snatch, though.
Poor Sharon, hope she's ok, and over the shock...its awful. Let's hope they keep her phone and not toss it....they can trace who has friend got her things back that way....
I hate fires...detest fires...I will admit, i am like the Scarecrow in the Wizard of Oz....
Stay safe and well.
After all the support from our wonderful members who have replied to your post, there's nothing much of value I can add. Please add my name to the long list of well wishers for Sharon to gradually regain her confidence after her attack.
We all have to dig really deep into our inner strength at times like this and it's totally acceptable to allow yourself time out to recover from an assault like dear Sharon suffered. 🐿🌈
How dreadful for your wife. So glad she wasn't hurt, but the psychological trauma will be immense for both of you. I hope the lout who did this is found, but he would probably just get probation, unfortunately. I hope Sharon will get over this and be able to get back on that horse soon. Good luck and best wishes to you both x
A dreadful time for both Sharon and yourself to go through, I hate the way this world is going. Alot of this is down to bad parenting in the first place and drugs, the scurge of society. The hands of the police are tied with the nanny state we have developed and the cuts they have suffered. Myself and daughter were robbed at knifepoint some years ago and I can tell you it made my blood boil that some scumbag had a knife to my daughter, I really could have done time and put that waste of life in the soil. The police were very good with us but never found the person who did this. It has made both of us more nervous and aware when out. I do hope Sharon recovers and finds herself back in the saddle x
That must have been terrifying. I'm so sorry that happened to you both and hopefully that scumbag is now 6ft under being eaten by slithering creepy bugs or behind bars for a crime he has now been caught for. It is though scary to think he may be out there wandering the streets still amongst any one of us or lurking somewhere waiting to attack. He may by now have used that knife. Very scary the deranged minds of far to many walking this earth. I really don't blame you for wanting to put that waste of life in the soil for good. I feel the same about a male who burgled my garage when I was having a lot of work done on my garage roof and stole some of my dad's tools that he had since he was very young and it really broke his heart because some of those things were given to him by his grandad who was very precious to him, plus all the stuff that was stolen of my own. I would like to see that bastard not eat soil but set on fire alive and watch him burn! I've no sympathy or compassion for those types of people who have caused fear, upset, loss and damage in our lives, but first of all I'd like to kick the living daylights out of him I feel so angry towards him moreso for upsetting my dad so much who is in his 70's and was working extremely hard all last summer up high on ladders and hammering chiseling away, carrying massive sheets of very heavy roofing materials that could have killed him had the wind wiped at the metal sheeting, he up high ladders on my roof and completely exhausted whilst he was also in recovery from Sepsis after having been in hospital for nearly 3 months very very poorly, and me recovering from critical illness having been in an induced coma not expected to survive. So my feelings towards those types of criminal scumbags are very raw and hostile and devoid of any empathy whatsoever. They are blights in society and need to be permanently removed or locked away until they starve to death. I have empathy, compassion, love and understanding for those who need it and for those who deserve it and those in society who do not go about trying to destroy, steal, injure, abuse, rape, murder innocent people.
Oh! Mijmijkey74 how awful for both you and your Dad, it breaks my heart to read this, the items they took they have probably been thrown away not knowing what value they are to your dad and worse they probably dont care. I am like you and cant accept reasons like drugs, drink, bad upbringing for this type of behaviour. I hope that both you are your Dad are now fully recovered x
So sad and sorry to hear this. I carry my life in my handbag so I can’t imagine how traumatised, angry and shocked Sharon must’ve been. This virus has brought out the best in people and also the very worst. Opportunist thieves who’ll stoop to snatching a lady’s bag are amongst the lowest of the low. Wishing you both well and hope you both stay safe and crime free 🙏