It beggars belief a secretary rang to say they had forgotten it was bank holiday and the consultant wasn't working.. I'm not very pleased as I have been waiting for 8 weeks now. However he will call Monday, but she did say the anethesist had given the go ahead, hoping for a date soon. A very stressed out jane.
Early call: It beggars belief a... - Lung Conditions C...
Early call

Oh dear Jane that’s the last thing you need. I hope you do hear on Monday. Thinking of you.
Lots of love, Carole xxxx😘💝
Isn't Monday a Bank Holiday too? 😳

No Kath. It should have been Monday just gone but was changed to today for VE Day. Xxxx👍😘
Phew, not often I'm right, but I'm wrong again. 🙄😂


HAha, I`m always being told by my wife "your wrong..and I`m always right)
anything for a quiet life dear.
i`ll pay the bills, repair the things you have broken and pay for the grandchildren the car the house the furnishings the thank you for letting me know I`m wrong!!!!!
Unbelievable. How could they forget? The 8th of May tends to fall on the 8th. I saw a fly past here. Next holiday here is the 17th. Which is the biggest day of the year. All of which doesn't help you but I hope you get good news Monday 🤞
Gaaaahhhhhh 😡😡😡😡 How very annoying. I'm sorry Jane. I hope he calls bright and early on Monday. Please do let us know how things go. *HUG* xx 💓
Oh no!!! Hope yr not suffering too much ths wkend. nhs admin cockups!! Xx