Anxiety : Is anyone else very anxious... - Lung Conditions C...

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Bellerini profile image
34 Replies

Is anyone else very anxious over this virus. Not normally not an anxious person but it's gone through the roof I'm terrified of getting this virus with having copd. Not coping too well on my own, just wondering if it's just me blowing things out of proportion. Thanks.

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Bellerini profile image
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34 Replies
Badbessie profile image

If you look at the statistics yes there is a risk if we get this virus. However looking at the news there are many who have beaten it from the at risk groups. I think many of us are anxious. The media have really gone to town about the risks and the stories have not been balanced at all. My daughter is training to be a pharmacist and she said prescriptions for anxiety related medications have gone through the roof. So you are definitely not alone about feeling anxious. In reality I think we all are. I am sure members will have many tips to help you.

Bellerini profile image
Bellerini in reply to Badbessie

Thank you for your reply makes me feel a little better 😊

Albertdog profile image
Albertdog in reply to Badbessie

Agree with you on the media - would think it was a competition to see who can come up with the most terrifying and politically motivated statistics. 😡

sassy59 profile image

You’re not alone Bellerini, it’s a very anxious time for many. There is the Well-being community for self isolation you can join if you’d like to. Worth taking a look.

Take care xxx

Bellerini profile image
Bellerini in reply to sassy59

Hi sassy59, How do u join the well being community?? Thank u fir your reply. ☺️

sassy59 profile image
sassy59 in reply to Bellerini

It’s on this page just above your post. It is mentioned and you can join. Xxxxx

Bellerini profile image
Bellerini in reply to sassy59

Hi sassy59, Found it thank you. 😀😀

sassy59 profile image
sassy59 in reply to Bellerini

Very welcome xxx 👍😀

corriena profile image

Not at all, lots of people are struggling to cope with what is going on. Please dont let your anxiety get to overwhelming. Thear is support out thear. Call your gp. Talk to friends join the support page on health unlocked. Stop listening to watching the news limit yourself to one news programme a day preferably local. Dont read any social media posts about this virus as thease will ramp up the anxiety and are often rubbish. Remember to be kind to yourself, to feel anxious is very normal

Bellerini profile image
Bellerini in reply to corriena

Hi corriena, Thank u for Yr reply, my gp is worse than useless, and friends and family don't really understand the severity of lung disease. Had to stop watching or listening to anything to do with this virus 12 days ago as it was really affecting my mental health. ☺️

Don’t think about what happens if you catch it. Decide you’re not going to! That’s what I’m doing, cos realistically I wouldn’t stand a chance, ventilator or no ventilator. So I’m not anxious, but I AM scrupulous, and will continue to be until there’s a vaccine.

If you’re still going out & about, stay 2m from others, wash hands often, don’t touch your face, and wipe down anything you touch or which comes into your home with anti-viral gel or a microfibre cloth wrung out in soapy water. That way you’re protecting yourself and you won’t catch the virus & can stop panicking.

Being on your own makes everything so much worse so come online & chat when you feel anxious 😘

Bellerini profile image
Bellerini in reply to

Hi Hanne62,

Thank you for Yr reply I'm not out at all got my letter from govt but I decided to self isolate 2 weeks prior to that. I keep telling my self I can't get it but it's not working. When my food delivery comes anxiety is worse knowing I have to clean everything with milton wipes before putting away. So even though deep down I'm been very cautious I just can't help it, always been a negative person not a good trait. 🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️

in reply to Bellerini

I’m not wiping everything. I’m leaving non-perishables like cereal packets, tins etc in my hallway for 72hrs, cos the virus can’t survive longer than that so they’re then safe to put away. Other stuff, yes I’m wiping & putting away, then washing hands thoroughly. Absolutely no need to do more than this!

Think about it Bellerini, do you really, honestly think you’re going to get the virus, doing all this, or are you just letting yourself get carried away because of your generalised anxiety? You need to step back & try to be objective. Perhaps look online for some ways of controlling anxiety? Must be loads of videos etc

Bellerini profile image
Bellerini in reply to

Thank you Hanne62 , I’ll look on line for some help. 😀

Spacecat1 profile image

I'm the same my anxiety is always there had to go to see my gp and I got into a state about going out in the car normally I would of had no problems about going out but now the thought of going out even getting to the car I get worked up.

Have found when I do my breathing exercises my anxiety starts to calm down with my medication.

I hope you find a way to stay calm maybe read a book or if it starts to play on your mind going on the computer or even ringing a friend or relative to talk to about how you are feeling. Or speak to your surgery who should have numbers of local support groups who have people you can talk to

Bellerini profile image
Bellerini in reply to Spacecat1

Hi Spacecat1, Thank you for yr reply I’ll take some of yr advice on board. 😀

Spacecat1 profile image
Spacecat1 in reply to Bellerini

It is hard at the moment and people like ourselves and our lung buddies we are always here for each other. Either for advice or to have a rant. If you need to talk just say.😌😌

Bellerini profile image
Bellerini in reply to Spacecat1

Thank you so much ☺️☺️

Craigb84 profile image

I was really anxious on the first week of lockdown and it's something I've never experienced before, so had me freaking out a bit but now I'm ok because I won't be complacent and stop following the government guidelines

Bellerini profile image
Bellerini in reply to Craigb84

Thank you for your reply it helps to hear how other people are coping. ☺️☺️

mikeadams51 profile image

Concerned yes anxious no. Being concerned makes you more cautious but anxiety causes stress which in turn causes more illness. Try to stay calm and take all the measures needed to keep yourself safe. As others have wrote not everyone is getting this terrible virus. If everyone follows the rules laid down then infection rates will drop and thus the death rate will drop. Good luck and always look on the bright side.

Bellerini profile image

Thank you for your reply Mike Adams51 I keep trying to be optomistic trying to put some structure in my day. Breathing exercises are helping. ☺️☺️

LittlePaws profile image

Bellerini it's made me anxious as well, i have to go out to shop for food the shops are a five minute walk away, i wear a mask as people don't keep their distance and would pass right next to me if i didn't move out of the way but i find it hard to breathe with mask on and it makes me hot, there are marks outside the shops for people to stand on and keep distance but when they come out of the shop they pass right nxt to people queuing, i'm really glad when i get home, i try not to watch or read too much news as it's all awful, i've been reading and watching films as it helps me relax and feel more positive, what do you do to relax? xx

Bellerini profile image
Bellerini in reply to LittlePaws

Hi Little paws my your brave going to the shops. Not watched any news for nearly 2weeks now as it’s all doom and gloom they never tell you about the survivors. I have been watching films,knitting for my new grandchild and blitzing the house . 😀😀

LittlePaws profile image
LittlePaws in reply to Bellerini

yes it is all doom and gloom, how lovely to knit for yr new grandchild, i can lose myself in a film or a book and i'm lucky i have my lovely cat, i'm not brave going out i have no choice if i don't go little paws n myself don't eat, stay well and best wishes

Bellerini profile image
Bellerini in reply to LittlePaws

Little paws have you not been allocated a delivery slot with the supermarket?? You should have been as a vulnerable person. Stay safe.

LittlePaws profile image
LittlePaws in reply to Bellerini

i don't have an ipad or computer that i can order online unfortunately xx

Bellerini profile image
Bellerini in reply to LittlePaws

I do mine on my phone it takes a little longer but get there in the end. If u have a Morrisons near by they are now doing a phone line to order food for delivery. Hope this helps. Stay safe. ☺️☺️

Greenthorn profile image

Hi Bellerini, do you have a garden or patio space? I find being outside looking at the plants beginning to bloom, enjoying the colours and tree tops beyond is really helpful. Seeing nature continues its life cycle is extremely assuring. So I'm resol ed to interact in this space, recognising we are part of nature and yes, I've begun saying 'hello' to the plants!

Also focusing on some activity in the house, rearranging ornaments, tidying book shelves and clutter, and perhaps a little exercise and appointed times of the day.

Bellerini profile image
Bellerini in reply to Greenthorn

Hi Greenthorn, Yes I have a garden and decking but no flowers as I couldn’t keep up with the gardening so it’s all Astro turfed now, but I do sit out on a nice day in the hope I might see a neighbour to have a chat with. I do exercise every morning on u tube. Keep talking to the plants helps them to grow. 😀😀

Izb1 profile image

My daughter said that if its out of your control ignore it, if its in your control then deal with it, which I do. Everything that comes into my house is wiped down with a solution of soapy bleach water. If I go out I wear a mask and gloves, when I come out of the supermarket I wipe down the handle of my trolley and put the wipe in the bin. After wiping everything down when I get home I wash my hands .We just have to be so careful and not let things slide. I only watch the news once per day now as that is enough. Try to enjoy something like the garden or a nice meal and tell yourself that it wont last forever, we will get over this x

lKeith profile image



your local GP cu give you Lorazipan(Spelling may be wrong) This med is given to me to reduce my anxiety. admittedly it is a drug but it works for me. Does not reduce the cause but helps you to cope better. You may even be able to buy over the counter, check with the chemist.


Bellerini profile image

Thank you lKeith I’ll bear that in mind. 😊😊

Tissot profile image

Just stop reading about the virus in papers and tv and thinking the worse of things I find it’s working for me and like you I was very anxious but not now

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