I want to take my son on a plane its on my bucket list I have secere copd can't walk far need a electric scooter on holiday, my son is 34 and been through a lot of poverty. I missed a lot of time with him and worried I will die soon, just want to take him on a plane and show him its safe he has children my 4 grandchildren but I fear it's never going to happen.
Holiday with severe respiratory copd - Lung Conditions C...
Holiday with severe respiratory copd

You need a fit to fly test from your resp specialists. when things are back to normal. Then wait untill lockdown is over then off you go. Never say never we all need something to look forward to.
Well I think it goes without saying ? after the coronavirus all clear. If you contact the airline you want to fly with they can advise you on their policy regarding your condition. I think all the airlines have something in place for these kind of things. Maybe a travel agent may be able to help?
Hello Nik5769 ,
Well.......you seem to have the bit between your teeth now. 😀 So once this it is calms and the planes are up and running again, I say you go for it! Are you on oxygen? You will need to talk with your doctor about this and make arrangements with an airline who could supply oxygen or an oxygen company who can rent you a concentrator. I'm not sure how it works in the U.K.
I also have a bucket list, and I am determined not to die until it is all checked off. You keep going , you have this dream on the horizon. Keep working towards it. Talk with your son about possible destinations. I would recommend a short flight considering your condition.
Take a look back at how far you've come. Pat yourself on the back and then KEEP GOING. ➡➡
Warm wishes to you,
Cas xx 🙋🐕
Thank you for reply I don't get oxygen I have severe outflow. I will not give up.
You will need medical insurance too which can be expensive depending on where you are going. On top of that you might need oxygen for the flight. Some airlines like Ryan Air offer oxygen to 1 person per flight for £50.
Most airlines will allow you to take a portable oxygen concentrator on board. You can hire one. For either of these options you will need a medical form, downloaded from the airline website to be filled in by your GP.
It’s all a right hassle but can be done.
As others have said you will need a fit to fly certificate as it will specify if you need oxygen in the plane and what sort of assistance.you will need. Don't forget to book special assistance when you book your tickets, you can tell the airline what assistance you require and will ensure you board first. Last time we flew with Easyjet, I showed one of the crew my husband's fit to fly certificate and she informed the pilot and the cabin manager, even asked if he needed to plug his oxygen concentrator in. Good luck, it is doable and will be something to look forward to and plan for when all this is over.
Thank you for the support and replies have to try when we get over this virus. My bucket list is getting bigger.
Nothing is impossible ,so please don't give up on your dreams.
I wish you and your son all the very best,please let us know how you get on .
Kind regards
Susan 🐘