Not sure if anyone else is having similar problems but I’m finding being stuck indoors is actually making my asthma worse at the moment. Guessing it’s the mix of dust / indoor pollutants etc. Trying to keep everything super clean, but still struggling. Every time I feel chesty I think, “Oh no is this it? Is this the virus?”.
Asthma & staying indoors: Not sure if... - Lung Conditions C...
Asthma & staying indoors

I think we are all trying to cope with both isolation and understandably and increasing amount of anxiety. I am finding the relaxation and meditation techniques I Leant on my pain management programme useful. There are a number on YouTube that could help you.
I find opening the windows helps.
It’s the constant cleaning that affects me, I use microfibre cloths and floor mop, but I disinfected some stuff with wipes and that got me wheezing.
I also have an air purifier for night time, but open window works during the day. The air purifier comes with an app, and shows fresh air helps.
Every cough starts me thinking is this the virus, but as badbessie says meditation and relaxation help, and distractions.....jigsaw puzzles, colouring books etc.
Many of my friends have breathing and/or heart problems, so we keep in touch by text or email.
Hi gmcc2 you can’t live like this for the next 12 weeks take charge . Open the windows ,breathing exercises, physical exercise sit on a dinning chair back straight SIT STAND as many as you can. In 12 weeks time your number will ave increased you see. If you have a garden walk around the garden put a sign around your neck KEEP YOUR DISTANCE ON THE LIST . Take care keep safe it will pass. XXX
Being indoors, and not exercising as much is definitely niggling my asthma which means I cough more. My brain then says oh no, you’ve got the virus so my chest tightens and I cough even more. Round and round it goes. I’ve actually used a brown paper bag to calm my breathing today. We’ve been isolating for 9 days, will be happier when it’s 14 and my brain can stop trying to send me crazy
Hi there staying cooped up in doors isn’t helpful is it. Especially now the weather is brightening up it nice to get outside in the fresh air, that’s if you have a space to wander around in. Otherwise I open the windows wide to get some fresh air. It really helps clear my head and feel more relaxed. Stay safe
Hi GMcC2, I understand what you mean. Please open a window and clear the air, if you have electric heating then have plants or at least two or three bowls of water dotted around the room, this will prevent the air from becoming too dry, causing you to be breathless. I began coughing yesterday and my nose was running (unheard of for me as I have allergies and sinus problems as well as asthma and Bronch) I realised the dreaded annual allergies have already started and before bed I took my antihistamine tablet which helps to keep my airways clear. During I night I coughed up a load of phlegm and bingo this morning I am feeling better. So take care of yourself and if you are in any doubt don't go to the doctors, phone instead, the staff will advise you and if necessary you should get a telephone consultation. Good luck, Maximonkey