I am feeling very worried as I spoke to one of my Doctors yesterday about what I should do about Coronavirus about self isolation and he just told me to follow the NHS guidance about the virus. But he also told me that we will all get it at some point but some will suffer more than others should he have told me this and is it true..
Feeling worried : I am feeling very... - Lung Conditions C...
Feeling worried

I feel that we will all get it eventually as well. I’ve went from scared to irritated.

I don't think they should be worrying people like that, as some people will think why take all the precautions if we are going to get it anyway. That's just my opinion, sorry if I've upset anyone. Hope you have a good night and take care of yourself 😊 Bernadette xx
I agree with you Bernadette. If I thought it was so, I would throw a big party, ask everyone I could think of, and go out with a bang. And I wouldnt be troubling our younger friends many of whom have offered to do errands cos what would be the point? I think Cullis' GP was pretty irresponsible. Take care.
No your doctor should not havre said that and he doesn’t know if that’s the case or not. Viruses attack some but not all so just keep washing hands well and stay safe. Xxxx
Even the worst-case predictions from these “mathematical biologists” or computer modellers, leaked to the press, haven’t suggested that. In order to infect you, the virus has to enter your body. The hand washing & social distancing advice is designed to prevent that. As O2Trees says, what’s the point of doing all this if your GP is right? I think your doctor is a bit of an eejit

Me to he is the same doctor that said I had a virus 2 year’s ago when actually I had pneumonia..
I believe that was a very unhelpful thing to tell you, regardless of how pragmatic he was attempting to be. NOONE at this time knows anything for CERTAIN!. There are lots of models and algorithms predicting this and that, maybe 40 percent of people will get it maybe 70 or 80.
What everyone needs is time, we need to buy time to adjust to this pandemic, to take the pressure of the NHS, to allow research to be carried out and for vaccines to be tested. Everyone has a responsibility to slow this down, look after ourselves if we are at higher risk or not. I am not pretending I am not afraid because I am, but if we flip the statistics on their head, even in the highest risk group of over 80 with health conditions. You have an 85% chance. And if we stay isolated and well, we could benefit from a vaccine in the coming months, or maybe the contraversial herd immunity will be reached further protecting us vulnerable in the community. All the very best everyone.
Not sure where your doctor got his information from but my understanding is 80% of the population is likely to get it, so I am not sure who the lucky 20% ones will be, those of us who isolate properly throughout or young athletes, 100 year old yogi's TM meditators. Just hope if we get it we can survive it without further lung damage Some will suffer more than others as has been the case in China, Iran, Italy etc.
Take extra good care of you and as your doctor says follow the NHS guidance.
Well I hope not it’s not a good outcome if we do
I agree with Alauralane. If all susceptible people had it together, the health service could not cope. I understand that they are trying to slow the spread down. A relative, is a matron in outpatients. She said out patient clinics are being stopped locally, the staff are being retrained to work with the virus wards. Operations will mainly stop and for instance people with cancer or severe pain, are going to have to wait longer. As a pulmonary fibrosis case of 74 though, It’s going to be a long few weeks in isolation. I’ll have to be creative..
Even if your doctor is correct, the measures being taken now will slow the spread of this and the amount of specialists working worldwide on this we are bound to have a vaccine soon, in fact I read yesterday that the Germans are on the brink, so keep your hopes up and in the meantime, stay away from people and wash your hands x
Your Doctor sounds a bit like one of mine he said much the same but then went on to say but everyone knows I'm a pessimist as a few already said follow the great advice on here and follow the protocols correctly. I watch young children washing there hand yesterday on the new ages between 3+5 you could clearly see they don't know how to do it properly plus they were to busy talking to there friends lol couldn't the nursery teachers help them.
I listened to a professor who has 30 years of experience with viruses. They do statistics and enter data in a global database for epidemics every year. He can't understand why WHO declared a pandemic, when the numbers of people contracting the virus and dying from it are not higher than from the regular influenza each year. He said if the test are done on already sick people from all kind of respiratory problems there will be much higher percentage of coronavirus than the usual 7 to 15% occurrence, which is normal. I think it's just panic, nothing else. There is of course an agenda behind these staged crisis.