Just found out yesterday that I have Emphysema. I bam freaking out about the diagnosis. My doctor told me if I stay away from second hand, never smoke again and take my meds as he has prescribed that I should be able to live a normal life. He said my case is mild.
Worried: Just found out yesterday that... - Lung Conditions C...
Hi Dollygan, your doctor has been honest with you. If you look after yourself and don’t smoke or be around second hand smoke then you can indeed live a good long life.
We’re all here for you and happy to chat. You’re not alone. Xxxxx
Instead of freaking out, which is how it hits most of us at first, you should be thanking your lucky stars. You have found out about it whilst at the mild stage, you can now take steps to avoid it getting to a more severe stage. Stay away from all smoke (not just tobacco) have a healthy balanced diet, lots of exercise, take any medications as directed and you will live to a ripe old age without suffering from the symptoms. I wish that I was in your position when I was diagnosed instead of being at the severe stage. You should have nothing to worry about.
Your doctor is exactly right. Although the disease is progressive it usually only progresses slowly so the chances are you will never reach the more severe stages. It might not seem like it now but one day you will be grateful that you have been diagnosed whilst mild as this is much better than not being so until severe.
You will live a long and healthy life yet. x
So not smoking the disease will spread no further

No i didn't say that and no one can. Leading a healthy lifestyle, including not smoking, will be giving yourself the best chance of remaining mild. The disease itself is progressive but smoking can greatly accelerate the decline so it makes sense to stop.
If you are still smoking there is a very good stop smoking site on here called Quit so why not join? They helped me pack in in last year. x
I quit smoking 10 weeks ago. Bit the way I understood my doctor if I stay quit my lungs will get no worse. Do you have COPD or Emphysema. How long have you had it

No the disease is progressive so it will get worse over time. By not smoking you have every chance of holding it stable for many years or of it only progressing a bit. If you smoke it can accelerate which is what the doctor means.
Once the damage is done it is done and there is no undoing it. By exercise you can teach your body to use oxygen more efficiently.
I do not know whether I have primarily emphysema or Chronic Bronchitis as my doctors either don't know or don't care. They just insist it's all copd. I am mild though so not that bothered. I have been mild for 10 years now and never expect to reach past moderate even if I live to 100. x
He said my ling function was great and my 6 minute walk they make you do my oxygen saturation stayed 99 to 100
Hi Dollygann did you have your spirometry test yet?

I frightened myself silly when I was diagnosed, read some really negative stuff online. Luckily I found this site with real people who have the same condition , some for a lot longer than I. So I agree with the advice you have been given here. My doctor told me if I stop smoking and keep as active as I can ( not sit around moping about it)my lungs should deteriorate the same as anyone else’s. Certain damage has been done but it need not escalate especially if you stay off the cigs ( which is not easy as I’ve smoked for 40+ years) and you make the changes whilst in the mild stages. Best wishes you have good support here. Cx
He told me I have good lung function. When I done my 6 minute walk test my oxygen never got less than 99%. He never told me the test results of the PFT other than I have good lung function. He told me if I never smoked again, stayed away from any smoke and take my meds I should be just fine. I have never been so scared in my life. I can't quit thinking about it. So I guess what he is saying is my Emphysema shouldn't get any worse.
How long have you had it. Are you still smoking. Emphysema or COPD

I was diagnosed around 4 years but probably had it a while before that. My original spiro test showed fev1@56% but since then on the right inhalers I’ve gone up to 70+%. I stopped smoking when I was diagnosed ( but still have the odd slip up). My CT scan a few months ago shows mild emphysema and mild bronchiectasis. I went back to work after I stopped moping about it for 2 days a week to get more active and keep my mind healthy. Hope to keep improving on the figures but as long as it doesn’t go down i will be happy. Cx
That's awesome. I will continue to pray for complete healing
He's telling you the 100% truth...
Take care!
How long have you had it
Thank you Megan. How long have you had it and are you still smoking. Do you have COPD or Emphysema
Hi!! It was fall of 2014 or 15....I have emphysemous changes on a CT scan, nothing has changed with the exception of I quit smoking cold turkey on the spot. The only thing that bothers me are the same things that have bothered me all my life...humid air...strong candles and perfume. I stay away from anything that smokes!!!
Take care!!
A key reason to stop smoking, especially after a diagnosis of a respiratory disease, is that alongside further damaging your lungs you are more liable to suffer from colds, flu or even pneumonia.
And those will cause your breathing to worsen with no guarantee of avoiding further damage to your lungs or worsening your condition even after you’ve recovered. I do my level best to keep away from ill people!
So the first step you can take as a smoker is to stop smoking - you just can’t keep doing it without making things worse, even if your diagnosis is mild and you have good lung function at present. Well done on stopping!
As we age, so do our lungs - and any respiratory condition will deteriorate further, at different rates for the individual.
Keep up the good work on staying fit and active with a good diet, and you will be doing the best you can to keep well.
Thank you
you are lucky stop smoking keep well exercise eat sensibly your doctor is so right.
Take up swimming I have and I now get twice as much air into my lungs, also I don’t seem to get as many colds or flu, I just do 10 to 12 lengths twice a week very slowly then a nice shower and then sit in the cafe for a nice cup of tea.then a steady walk home good luck. Daio
Listen to your doctor, I stopped 6 years ago now live in a smoke free house, although I am still ill I live a far better life. If it’s mild KEEP IT MILD
I don't have a lot of shortness of breath
Your lungs will naturally deteriorate anyway, even if you were a none smoker. Someone of say 70 will not have the same lung capacity as an 18 year old.
Hi the prognosis may sound harsh but if you have the disease in mild form you have chances so it is not the end of the world. 2Greys has hit the right spot. Do not smoke, keep away from 2nd smoke & smoke of all kinds, even garden incinerators. Make contact with your local pulmonary rehab team, book a session and find out what exercises you should & could do. There are treatments out there which need you researching them, be very careful with diagnosis by way of the web, it could scare you witless Start with the nurses at BLF they can point you in the right direction and give you some leads to follow. I've done all the research but have dispensed a lot of info as I cannot take any treatment as I have a cancer and am too old for some.
Don't beat yourself up too much, take things a little slower do not put yourself under
stress if possible.
How long have you had it. Are you still smoking. COPD or Emphysema
I think it is because her doctor told her it would not get worse and most here are telling her it will get worse so it is disheartening.
hi Dee here everyone is different from each other I stopped smoking I did everything I was just as bad , but u might be different. My consultant honestly said smoking in the earlier days is good cause u coughing brings everything up long time its not good take it easy . See another Dr for second opinion