Once they say the elderly will need to stop in i for one will try and do it, but i will go out with the dogs in our van to a very quite place we now go with no people about, if that is stopped so be it but am lucky i have a large garden to spend my time and will walk around this a couple of times chest willing, until then out i go.
elderly and not going out: Once they... - Lung Conditions C...
elderly and not going out

Pete is staying home for the foreseeable future, heβs chosen to do that. Xxxx
I don't think we will get to the drastic lockdown situation for a good few weeks and hopefully not and a walk in the quiet countryside will do you the world of good.
Yes will do the same and will walk the dogs in quiet places but we have the garden also if it comes to a push. Xxx
I think we should all do what the Queen has done ie go to our second homes (by helicopter of course) with a fairly large er... garden! x
Ha ha. I know Windsor castle is quite small (not) so I wonder if she has room for a few of us plebs? π After all we are all in this together....x
I wonβt be staying in for four months CAN f@&Β£& that
Be like serving time at hmp but not had any benefits of any crime WELL in my opinion
I've been staying in for three weeks already!
Good morning Bobby
I caught a glimpse of a news item last night (Sunday 15th March) which stated that the period of isolation at home for the over 70's was FOUR, yes FOUR months and I think that this may refere to N.Ireland where I live. This is absolutely preposterous. So, if I am aged 69 years and 7 months I can go about my normal business. This government hasn't a clue. Mr Hancock stated, at the onset of the virus, that there was nothing to worry about and proceeded to allow thousands of passengers from abroad to waltz through our airports - handing them leaflets. He later went on to say that the food chain would not be affected as he had spoken to all of the large supermarkets. That was a lie as ALL of the major supermarkets denied that he had spoken to them.
And then we had Boris telling us that people would die. What a comforting thought. I think he could have delivered the message in a somewhat different manner. We are being told, constantly, that we are 3/4 weeks behind Italy and yet the government behaves like the 3 wise monkeys.
I have severe COPD and unstable angina and I certainly do not underestimate the risks to myself or the general populace and I know that it is likely to get much worse. I take sensible precautions as advised by the medical profession - washing hands, no close contact etc. and hope that I live through it as I hope for other "elderly people with underlying illnesses" and everyone else.
I am fortunate that, at 71, I am still mobile and am married. Can the government tell me how the elderly and infirm who live on their own can survive such a long period of house detention because I don't believe that the resources are there to help.
This shambles of a government needs to act quickly and do what other countries are doing - ban all air and sea travel and shut down schools etc. and take whatever other measures are necessary. I lie awake at night worrying about the likes of BA executives crying into their porridge over lost profits and they, and others, are looking for the government to bail them out with our money. What a cheek!!! Any money spent should go to the health service.
Sorry about the rant but the sheer incompetence of this government overwhelms me.
I am just heading out now to do a bit of panic buying. Care to join me???
Keep well everyone
I take what the silly government say with a grain of salt myself!
I think we all have to be sensible and do our bit if we want to stop the spread of this virus. I for one have decided to stay in at the weekends and try to limit my shopping trips to once maybe twice a week and am going early to avoid any crowds. I live alone and dont have a car so am walking to the nearest supermarket, which I am sure will help with exercise. Today was again mental in Tescos, so many people shopping with full trolleys and alot of empty shelves. I spoke with a worker who told me that this is through the night as well, as soon as the stuff comes in its grabbed off the shelves. Speaking with the workers who are doing the online shopping they said there was alot of things that were missing from the list and just had to apologise saying it was out of stock. I couldnt believe that there were no tinned/packet tomatoes on the shelves, then realised it was bought to go with the pasta that had magically disappeared. Why cant people be sensible ? ??
Tesco should be limiting their stock to so many per customer. If they and other big stores won't do this voluntarily the govt. should enforce it.
2 of my sisters aren't even online. Ok I could do it for them but if we have to isolate how do I get the money from them to do this? I can't carry them financially for months on end. The whole thing is crazy!
Tesco have now started limiting per customer, a bit late when you look at the shelves. The thing is , if its not on the shelves then they cant deliver it, so it wont make a difference whether you go out or order online. We have to rethink and go back to basics, if I need tinned tomatoes and there are none I could at least buy fresh, a bit of a faff to skin and if i cant get pasta I could make it, its only egg and flour. I will be at home more so will have the time but need a kick up the bum to get started ha!
better stock upon eggs and flour then