Well i have had my kids begging me not to go out at all after watching Boris`s talks the other night. I tried to reassure them that if i took the proper precautions that i should be okay, but they pleaded with me to stay home and they have decided that they are not coming into my flat for now but if i need anything , they will drop it off at my door I do tend to spend most of my time alone and it doesnt bother me too much as i am a bit of a hermit so after going through the ins and outs and the whys and wherefores with them , i have agreed to stay away from crowds and town but i am most definitely still going in my garden once the weather improves. Seattle advise for windows to be open for any germs to go out and also for fresh air to get in so i cant see how i am going to be at risk by being outdoors in my garden, just me and my little dog and i suppose there is always Netflix too to keep me occupied indoors . But its all so confusing isnt it ? Your views on all this please .
Views on this isolating stuff please . - Lung Conditions C...
Views on this isolating stuff please .

I am in the same situation as you carrina and I shall still have my coffee in the garden. I will miss my grandchildren terribly but I don't want to take any risks, the schools have not closed yet here.
Having said that I could well change my mind. Keep safe
Hi gejay , the schools are still open here also . I shall miss my grandchildren too but at least we have facebook and messenger and so on so it should be bearable . My grandchildren are in high school now too so no longer babies and my eldest grandson is working.
From what we know it is not airborne, but through contact with infected people or touching items or surfaces that they have touched. Going out doors in your own garden should be absolutely fine.
Going for a walk is okay, but keep your distance from others. Wash your hands the moment you get home and don't touch your face until you have done so and wipe down the door handles and keys or perhaps use a spray bottle with some "Milton" (Baby bottle steriliser). There is no reason to become a prisoner within your own home or not be able to talk with neighbours as long as you keep your distance.
Thanks 2greys. That was exactly my point too . I have been using dettol surface cleaner on a regular basis and i have hand gels and also carex hand wash . I was feeling quite comfy taking walks in the park with my dog but then got told by someone that i am putting my dog at risk of catching the virus !! Just do not know what to think half the time .
Do not worry about your dog, or cat for that matter. The only case that ever brought that about was a dog in Hong Kong who's owner was infected and the dog was tested as faintly positive. If the infected owner stroked or patted the dog there was likely transference, the dog licks it's fur and transfers it to the mouth. The test is done with a swab in the mouth, little surprise. No dog or cat has ever been ill with Covid-19. Who ever told you this was supplying bad information, probably gained by rumour or from spam on social media.
Our children have been phoning every day . My husband has serve emphysema. Mild pulmonary high-pretension and type 2 diabetes . They keep saying it not worth the risk . DO NOT GO OUT is the cry from them. Our daughter been really poorly but keeps checking by phone on us . O how times change and roles reversed. When you as parents would want to know where they were going etc. Still it nice to know they care .
It’s very confusing Carrina. I was upset by Boris yesterday but he’s right of course, just don’t need to know that.
The peak for the virus is May/June providing everyone who has symptoms self isolates. Mmmm, call me a cynic but I can’t see that happening.
You stay safe and well and enjoy your garden with your little dog. Petes staying home but we’ll go outside in the fresh air over the weekend hopefully.
Take care xxxxx😘
Yes sassy59 , the way he spoke was shocking i think and it made it hit home, which was the whole idea i suppose. My kids were straight on the phone to me worrying about it. You two take care too xxx
I was ok until B said that and I must admit I had a wobble. I have had several messages from people and my kids stressing. DO NOT GO OUT!!!
Suddenly lots of places and organisations are making their own decisions. I cancelled a trip to London to see Upstart Crow and the theatre have given me the ticket money back for three of us. How nice is that.

Everything has changed now Littlepom and I’m pleased you had your theatre tickets refunded. Shame though.
Stay safe and well. Xxxx 😘
And you and Pete. This thing is moving much faster than the 'advisors' predict. Even Dr Hilary broke ranks today and said that he thinks 100,000 in UK have it now. We will get through it. I might starve if Ocado run out of food but hey!

Yes there are lots more people that have the virus but we’re not being told. Good old Hilary.
I’m sure Ocado will keep going so don’t worry. Lol.
I think the message was you don't need to totally isolate yet, but should avoid large gatherings and coach trips / public transport etc. Just as the virus is peaking they said May June that is when to isolate completely, for elderly and those in high risk groups.
But you do need to isolate of course if you get a new cough and feel unwell, for 7 days then if you deteriorate further then phone 111. You will have to watch the video again to be sure.
check HealthUnlocked link to NHS page as well, it appears directly under the first post.

Yes i understood all of that but its when some people in general say keep windows closed to stop germs coming in , then another country is saying windows should be opened to let germs out, and when some say the virus can only survive for a few hours on hard surfaces then you are told its 70 odd hours . ( just an example of conflicting advise which confuses ) . I dont know whether im coming , going or gone
You’re still here Carrina . I agree though it’s confused.com. Xxx 💝💝
It is either 2 or 3 meters, the distance from other, cannot remember of top of my head, so windows open a very good idea, unless you have a friend/neighbour who would deliberately lean in your window and cough all over you!! I would avoid things like public transport, as the virus has a long life on metal and plastic surfaces, so, if you find it difficult not to touch your face, in the gap between time on bus, and then being able to wash hands. Also difficult to keep a good distance, as I feel we cannot trust others not to cough over us. I would think taking dog for a walk good for you, if someone gets too close, you could threaten them with your dog's teeth. PS checked an American site says 10ft which is approx 3 meters.
whatever your countries authority, just read that. When you self isolate and when not in isolation, wipe all surfaces, once twice a day with either anti bacterial surface wipes or anti bac surface sprays. If you are self isolating you shouldn't be allowing anyone into your home either so that will prevent any new bugs being introduced.
In short it depends how often the surface is cleaned.
My husband does take the dog for a walk in the village at a time when no one is around. Puts his oxygen tank on his back and off he goes . I go in the garden when I can ,it is watch out for the mud .I have been back making cards and now have a card mountain. Love this site and the people on it. Sure we will get through this with the help of one another.
Yes its a lovely site and its nice to get different views and advise and so on . I had visions of your dog with an oxygen tank on his back then haha Then i realised . Its nice that you have a hobby to keep you occupied. And yes we can support each other on here when needed .
Do go out in garden there is plenty to do when it is warmer--- and hopefully dryer it was warm today but then it started to rain yet again. And do open your windows. Fresh air . I have found i can have a conversation a metre apart but then you find the space getting strangely less, as we are used to moving closer to someone when we chat.
Anti bacterial products do not kill the virus unless they contain at least 65% alcohol( think 65%) . I have used kitchen cleaner with bleach for flat surfaces but i dont know concentration of that or how effective it is.. i have read that the virus has waxy coat that protects it, so soap and alcohoĺ are needed to destroy that. Dont know how hot the water has to be but many houses have combi boilers where the water takes a while to run hot which is a nuisance,. The survival time of the virus is only estimated as yet , but work was done on a closely related virus( sars) years ago gave a time of 9 days on a plastic and 5 days on paper and metal . I decided to heat sterilise the new plastic notes i got this week but only managed to damage the embedded metal symbol and the notes are now a bit crinkled and distorted . Should have washed these plastic notes wth soap but that only led to being accused of money laundering by one member of this forum. Clever joke!
Sprayed the coins with surgical spirit.
I do find it difficult to remember all the avoidance actions to follow while i am out and have had to regard my car as potentially infective when i get in it. Remember door handles everywhere car, shops trolley and home.
Life has got very trying.
Well I’m sick at the moment with a haemophilus infection and asthma flare. My doctor has said that he doesn’t want me working until it’s all over but my workplaces have shut anyway now (youth club and school). So from now on the whole family is in semi-isolation (My daughters are 10 &13) I and my daughters won’t be going out apart from dog walks (when I’m better). My husband doesn’t work due to disability but will be going out as little as possible for essential shopping (unless unwell of course) as there is no supermarket delivery here (and washing his hands as soon as he is back in). We plan for him to do a click and collect shop once a week so he doesn’t have to go into the supermarket and he’ll probably wear disposable gloves when packing. Unfortunately he is on medication for arthritis which makes him vulnerable to infection, which is a worry but he thinks that I am more vulnerable than he is and also I can’t drive so can’t get to the supermarket anyway. I don’t know if this will keep it away from me but it is as much as we can do realistically. I know the pm has said we don’t need to isolate yet but I think it won’t be long and as I’m ill anyway at the moment we might as well get used to it. If it gets into the house I can’t see me avoiding it, especially as people are infectious before they show symptoms, but I’m hoping that if at that point everyone stays in their own rooms as much as possible we might delay the spread within the house long enough so that we’re not all ill at the same time. My main worry, other than the obvious, is what if both my husband and I have to be hospitalised at the same time, how will my children, dogs and cats be looked after. I have a grown up son too, but he lives in the Scottish Borders and we live in a Shetland and he is also on arthritis drugs. My husband has a brother and his family near but they have their own issues. So that will be the next stage of planning. Kind of want to have a good deep clean of the house in preparation for daily wipe downs but don’t have the energy at the moment and my husband can’t. Also going to get a hospital bag ready so that if I end up going into hospital I have it ready, because at that point my husband is going to be running round like a headless chicken and there may be no chance of getting things brought in later because I could end up in Aberdeen (no ICU beds in Shetland). So basically I’m trying to prepare and do as much as possible so that I don’t end up ill for the sake of my children and also to avoid becoming a burden on the NHS. Whether it will do any good remains to be seen, but I feel better trying.
Aww bless Hope all goes okay for you. I think that it is hard not to think of the what ifs , but if you can try not to worry about the things that havent happened , and may not happen , then it gives you more strength to deal with the things that are happening now. Easier said than done, i know . And if it is possible to put an action plan in place incase of being hospitalized then that can put your mind at rest a bit .
Well I live in a small island community. Usually I down play the asthma but I’ve started to be more open with people about our situation so that people are aware of why I’m staying at home and about my worries. People have assured me that the community will stick together and everyone will make sure the girls are OK. I’m not usually someone who shares my worries and health problems (apart from here) but I think it is important at the moment to make those around you aware that you have these issues/worries because no one can help you if you don’t tell them that you need/might need help.
I have been self isolating since last Monday, as I have severe emphysema. My family have all pressurised me to stay at home, so I’ve dropped all my classes, meetings and social events. I’m only going for car trips and walks. I am totally stir crazy and bored, and don’t know how I’m going to stand it for much longer. It seems the worst will come in months, so a long time to come. I’m going to have to break out my knitting and cross stitch!
Iam sorry ive unloaded all my worries onto you . I do get carried away. We have to strike a balance and evaluate the risks and i am not very good at that. I wish i was an optimist ? Living alone and no one to talk to leads to more worries . These risks seem to be altering every day as they learn more but do get some antiviral with alcohol and surgical spirit for surfaces like trolley handles.
Take care and keep well.
I am stocked up, food of course, but also Jigsaw puzzles, crossword puzzles, and books. Then the tv for Netflix, You Tube. We are so much more fortunate than our ancestors who had to deal with the 1918 flu. And we have so many more things in our homes to keep boredom at bay. When it gets warm outside, our gardens will be waiting for us and the good things is the warmth of the sun and UV rays will spell the end of the virus germs, for a while. Prayers that by fall they will all be dead anyway. Stay well. J
I just managed to make an online order but it wont be till tomorrow afternoon. All of the supermarket home deliveries are being taken so its going to be a case of first come first served . I wonder if we can manage to order a home delivery at silly oclock when alot of people will be asleep lol
The last time I went out myself for shopping etc was in 2017, have used supermarket delivery since, went on this am, they are now (for mine) booked up for 3 weeks ahead!!
My feeling is, that to keep all of us as safe as possible, we should all treat this as if WE had it, so we not only take the care to avoid catching, but do others the courtesy of distancing ourselves , re coughing, touching etc, as if we had it. I have a carer once a week, who obviously goes to others who need full care visits by 2 carers 3 times a day. I therefore keep the areas she might use, sitting room, loo, bathroom and kitchen, sanitised prior to her visit, as well as afterwards, as I do not want her to get anything from me. I have a care book, that requires us both to sign, so we a biro that is hers only, and I have mine, now we know that this can live on surfaces for a long time.