Just been to my granddaughters 1st birthday the other grandmother been to sierra leone very unwell, she stayed at home but very unwell however husband plus other family members were there am I panicking!
virus: Just been to my granddaughters... - Lung Conditions C...

I would be panicking too!
H wow! Did they mention what she has come down with? 😰 I would be a bit worried too. xx 😑
No you aren’t panicking!
It was sensible of the other Grandmother to stay at home. Hopefully the Grandfather has a good immune system and won't have caught whatever is wrong with her.
In your shoes I would try not to panic. Up my handwashing take my vitamins and eat extra well until the danger passes.
Getting stressed won't make any difference to whether you catch it, but will make you feel worse.
Sending you some ((())) and fingers crossed all will be well
Toni x
Get tested. NHS direct be safe.
I'd be very concerned too, that's not panic just normal concern and what if it were coronavirus it could be being spread unintentionally. Hope it is nothing too serious .
Could be any bug she's picked up. Doesn't it take 2 weeks for the covid 19 to show itself? In that case a test would be unreliable at the mo. Take care. Keep posted with the other grandma's condition. Try not to worry too much and as others have said keep washing hands etc. x Anita
She did the right thing but if she was feeling unwell she wouldn’t have come anyway presumably.
My daughter has a very low immune system due to a kidney transplant & now has bronchiectasis.
I am booked to go to Budapest mid April, so like most of us,I am in a real dilemma as whether to go or not.
I have mild Asthma myself.
If I do go I think the sensible thing all travellers should do is self isolate whether they feel ill or not on their return.
I think this should be Government advice for all foreign travellers.
Otherwise I can’t see how this can possibly be contained.
Thanks for all your replys its a just wait and see situation now and like you say self isolate if needed fingers and toes crossed X