A global team of researchers has for the first time described the pathology of early phase of lung infection in coronavirus (COVID-19) patients who were alive. Two patients who were part of the study underwent lung lobectomies (surgery to remove one of the lobes of the lungs) and were retrospectively found to have had COVID-19 at the time of surgery. Pathologic examinations revealed that, apart from the tumours, the lungs of both patients exhibited edema, proteinaceous exudates (fluid), focal reactive hyperplasia of pneumocytes with patchy inflammatory cellular infiltration, and multi-nucleated giant cells.
Scientists detail early lung infectio... - Lung Conditions C...
Scientists detail early lung infection in COVID-19 patients.

I read this twice but am still confused. Is the article saying the 2 cases had these pre existing Tumours and that’s why they had the lobectomy and as an afterthought they were found to have the coronavirus, (I understand they both had a pre existing condition) or the virus created the tumours. I need to read it again properly when I’m not at work (penultimate day!)
The tumours would have already been there as cancers, the virus being contracted from another patient in the room who was later confirmed as suffering from Covid-19. They discovered the infections after the lobectomies, before any pneumonia had set in, so it was dicovered at an early stage of the infection.
Is it a case of many virus types that we can hold them in status but they for some reason trigger into attack mode from interaction with something else?
Ah that makes sense
Amidst all the panic, isnt it encouraging to learn of at least one older person who recovered?
Its very encouraging O2 as I read an article the other day that said they wouldn't be treating the elderly x
Oh dear, I hadnt read that, pretty shocking to feel expendable. Hope you're keeping well Izb1 xx
Yes thank you O2, I am pretty much healed now after the shoulder op, just need to get my muscle back, its left my arm pretty weak but am sure the garden in the spring will get that back ha!
If you look up "elderly not being treated for the corona virus" it shows a few newspapers who reported this. I thought it was pretty worrying really, but have enough to stress about, will deal with this as and when. Hope you are well yourself x