Ive very recently (Dec 2019) been diagnosed with pulmonary fibrosis and have been cross referred to a lung specialist to discuss treatment.
The long and the short of it is that my last meeting wasn't very positive. Due to being type 2 diabetic (which is very well controlled) and having NAFLD (Liver disease also responding well to lifestyle changes); I am not suitable for either of the 2 drugs used to slow down the progression of the PF as they are liver dependant. I also asked about biopsies which can be useful in determining types of PF and treatments/outcomes and was told that I am not well enough to undergo the procedure.
I have no complaints about the honesty and openness of our consultation as I am a person who prefers to deal in facts and doesn't deal well with unkowns and uncertainty. But I was left a bit shocked that although I don't consider myself very ill and certainly apart from the cough tiredness and breathlessness I don't feel unwell, but I am rather more unwell than I acknowledge.
I am being booked in for a PET scan after which we will have a further consultation. I'm feeling a bit down feeling a bit scared about the future. I know I will deal with this and will bounce back, but I'm a bit scared that the future is bleak I'm as well as I will ever be, and am on a downhill slope. My wife doesn't like me talking like this and will only talk positively (I think perhaps burying her head in the sand) but I understand its hard for her and she's trying to cheer me up.
Sorry for the long post, guess I'm just looking for some encouragement but also want to put my thoughts into writing. Any way tomorrow's another day and Spring is coming and if I stop working I'll get to enjoy the weather this year
And on top of that, just had my employer on the phone to regretably tell me that due to long term sickness Im probably going to lose my job anyway......... its not their fault this has been going on for over a year now, and Im still not fit for work
Fred signing off before I rewrite War & Peace