Hi I'm new here does anyone suffer arm and shoulder pain with their emphsema? Thanks
Arm pain ? : Hi I'm new here does... - Lung Conditions C...
Arm pain ?

Hi Ruby, I was just about to ask the very same question! I have a really horrible pain in my right shoulder, I have had it for days now, I could honestly cry with the constant pain. It does sound ridiculous to ask if it has anything to do with COPD so it will be interesting to see if anyone responds.
I've had it since my last lot of bronchitis which was 2 months ago but getting worse now and is quite a painful ache , I've only just been diagnosed and am awaiting a apt for chest clinic
Hi I was just wondering how your appointment went, and what was your diagnosis 😄
Hello There, That is kind of you to remember and ask. Well I have been put on oxygen 15 hours at night, not what I wanted to hear at all, but hey ho, let's hope I feel just a little better soon. I feel upset that I have never been sent to the hospital for all the checks years ago, maybe I wouldn't have ended up like this.
All I have ever been given is the dreaded Prednisolone and these last 6 months have been hell coming off them, and yes I do do it gradually.
Moan over sorry!
Hi, I am sure that is not what you really wanted, but let’s hope that it gives you some relief. I completely understand how you feel about the Prendisilone, but I wonder why they decided to prescribe it in first place. I know only too well how my partner has suffered from being on P/lone which was prescribed for his Polymyalgia, and he is now slowly reducing it.
Don’t apologise for moaning, sometimes it helps.😄
Its not usual to experience shoulder and arm pain and definitely worth checking in with your doctor.
Shoulder, chest and back pain with lung infection is common in my experience.

Thanks for your reply , I will mention it to Gp as never had it before
I have an appointment at the hospital tomorrow, (after waiting 12 months!) so I will mention it.
Good hope they checked your cardiac as well as lungs. Its usual to do that once under specialising respiratory consultant.

Well I have been put on oxygen 15 hours at night, not what I wanted to hear at all, but hey ho, let's hope I feel just a little better soon. I feel upset that I have never been sent to the hospital for all the checks years ago, maybe I wouldn't have ended up like this.
All I have ever been given is the dreaded Prednisolone and these last 6 months have been hell coming off them, and yes I do do it gradually.
Moan over sorry!
I suffer with bronchiectasis and interestingly enough I have right arm and shoulder pain. I saw a physiotherapist who gave me some exercises and wants me to exercise in the hydra pool. Very strange so many of us have this pain.
Hi I suffer with bronchasta too,and have constant shoulder pain what inhalers are you on?
I don't have any inhalers. Up until 2 weeks ago I nebulized colomycin twice a day. As I was lost in the system I have been on it too long, well over a year without stopping. I have to see if the side effects I have (including shoulder pain) will disappear. I will see the consultant again in three months for a review. I have peripheral neuropathy or possible restless legs which can be the side effects of taking colomycin.
My physio said it's tendonitis and a number of people on the forum have experienced this too. The exercises he has given haven't helped yet so I don't know what the answer is. Perhaps I will have some answers in three months time.
Hi RR. We seem to share same symptoms of Bronchiectasis, and I was just wondering if you ever feel as your throat feels as if it is blocked with mucous, as mine does, but I don’t know whether it is just strained with all the coughing.😄
No, I don't feel there's any buildup of mucous in my throat. , But don't you have an acapella to help you bring up the phlegm in your throat ?
When I was diagnosed with bronchiectasis a physiotherapist showed me how to expel the mucous through breathing exercises and the use of an acapella.. I am also going on a six week course shortly to learn how to manage bronchiectasis properly.
Have you given any sputum samples to be analized recently? When you bring it up what is the colour of it? Are you on any medication at the moment to treat the bacteria in your lungs? You should be on an antibiotic that reflects the bacteria found in your lungs. Hope this helps.
Hi , I have just joined website, I to have had severe right shoulder and arm during my present infection.
I have shoulder pain quiet often my emphysema its (paraseptal emphysema) but I’m guessing it’s the same as the other types of emphysema although my pain is more of a stabbing at the top of my shoulder and goes a tiny bit into my neck.
Hi Woofly, I was interested to read that you also suffer arm and shoulder pain, I was diagnosed with Bronchiectasis 2 years ago, and have frequent infections when I also lose my voice, have you ever experienced loss of voice.
Hi charlchloe
I have been hoarse on and off for a couple of years , is this copd related ?
This may not be directly related to COPD itself but to medication for same i.e. Symbicort which is a steroid inhaler and has the effect of either temporarily losing voice or the hoarseness you and others have mentioned. If you are taking Symbicort, make sure that you gargle thoroughly after each use. That should help.
Hope this helps and good luck.
Hi Kevin ah thanks for your feedback, I don’t use inhalers for my Bronchiectasis I just take 6 Carbocisteine capsules daily, but each time I get an infection my voice goes hoarse. I find the whole condition very debilitating.
Infections need to be treated asap hope you are getting the meds for that soonest or have your emergency pack in place. Yes narrowed airways will affect the vocal cords and at other times as does inhaler medication. If you are getting repeated infections I would suggest going back to your GP and asking referral to specialist, perhaps now you do need reliever and preventer inhaler medication.

Thanks for reply, I see lung Consultant every six months, and have ‘Rescue Pack’ antibiotics and I know when an infection is starting as my voice starts to go, but I just wanted to know if anyone else had similar symptoms.
This arm and shoulder pain has really only just presented itself.
Hi Ruby, thanks for replying, it was because of my hoarseness I was diagnosed with Bronchiectasis just over two years ago, and every time I get an infection my voice goes hoarse, and now I have developed this awful pain in my right arm and shoulder. I am currently again on two weeks of antibiotics, and it is really getting me down.
Yes, I've had right shoulder pain for nearly 2 years. It's been diagnosed as rotator cuff strain and my GP says it will get better all on its own. I've seen physios and osteopaths, and it's still causing problems. Maybe time to go back to the GP.
HiRuby490 ,I have emphysema and bronchiectasis I get pain in upper back and behind the shoulder. The last time I had severe pain in my top of shoulder it was during a chest infection that went to pleurisy. Take care
Hi hun ,I get this pain and its not nice , my Dr thinks its more muscle and ,ligament pain ,a lot of us hold our selves tight trying to breath ,tightens up things ,try some breathing exercises with rotating your shoulders , it helps me xxx
coughing does this too I think.
Yes I do shoulder arm and neck pain not nice I'm severe empyhsemic also can't stand smells nice another so calked bit to this crappy disease make me really unwell 😠 I'm waiting for what next !!!!!
I wouldn't be waiting for what next, be thankful the next hasn't arrived yet.
I have neck/arm/ shoulder pain which comes and goes with intensity but can be excruciating. It is apparently coming from where the nerve roots branch out from the neck vertebrae . My yoga teacher says that when we have lung problems we tend to hunch our shoulders unwittingly and need to remind d ourselves to lower our shoulders all the time. When my left lung collapsed, my left shoulder was much higher than the other one. A good physio can help with alignment.
Yes all the time, My Consultant told me, I am "Barrel Chested" due to the Emphysema and my Neck "Lump"& Rounded Shoulders are Due to the Steroids. I constantly use Ibuprofen Gel on my Neck ( & Knees) I have Osteo RA, I Exercise it at my Breathe easy Exercise Classes. I tell myself, Your not getting any Younger, Do what you can to Lessen the pain. I do Arm Lifts with Weights( 3kg) as I watch TV, this helps a lot. Good Luck. XXX C.
Thanks for all your replies , doc thinks it spine related and I do have a spinal fusion ( and a torn shoulder muscle ) my emphesema has only just been diagnosed , not barrel chested yet and dont really get out of breath but ct scan revealed significant emphysema and pleural thickening , I'm having a lung function test on friday , I'm only 49 😳