Hi All, my husband is about to by a Trike ( a motor bike converted I to a three wheel motor bike. I have bronchiectasis and emphysema would it affect t my conditions if I rode pillion?
Is it Safe: Hi All, my husband is about... - Lung Conditions C...
Is it Safe

I have been riding bikes since i was 13 and now almost 59 and have loads of health problems one being emphysema and ride my bikes all the time.
If you enjoy riding pillion, then go for it. Wrap up well and keep a scarf over your mouth. You'll soon know if it's good or bad for you. Try to live life to as fully as you can.

I want to live life to the full. The problem is that a Trike costs a lot of money. So I don't want to find out that I can't breath after its bought.
Fair point Tilly. Is there no way that you could have a test ride? I reckon you'll be OK but that's easy for me to say. I still push myself to do things but I know my limits. Good luck.
Probably not try it and see but it will probably affect your well being. Plenty of fresh air and lifting of spirit is what i predict. My empacemia is sever and i still love to be out on the bike. You do feel alot freer on a trike than in a car. How exciting ! Have fun
A good full face helmet and you will be fine.
I ride a large motorcycle - have bronchiectasis, asthma, atrial fibrillation and mild osteoarthritis and this 70 year old feels free as a bird when out on bike.
Go for it