I’ve had mild bronchiectasis since January 2018. I had my first bleed then, due to pneumonia. Had my second believe this December, but no infection. Since then I’ve had a few smaller bleeds. Pulmonologist said it is due to cold winter and the heater. I stopped using the space heater in my bedroom, which seem to stop the bleeding. Last night I warmed up my room with a space heater, then turn it off, had a small bleed as I lay down to bed. I would appreciate anything anyone could add what’s going on with me. I got very dry yesterday. It’s all very upsetting to me. Pulmonologist said if I bleed every day, then I need to come in and maybe have a bronchoscopy. I do terribly with procedures and I really hope that doesn’t happen. I researched on the Internet… The NIHS says that there are very few viable studies done on Bronchiectasis, and therefore no proven data on what works. In other words, they know very little about it. I’m so frustrated!
Winter bleeding: I’ve had mild... - Lung Conditions C...
Winter bleeding

Hmm that’s a hard one. I’ve got quite extensive Bronchiectasis & also severe asthma & aspergillosis, and mild “floppy airways”, so my lungs are permanently inflamed, but I’ve only had bleeding with severe infections. Then, I can feel the rawness & know it’s going to happen. Your lungs must be very sensitive to react to heat etc in that way. I understand why you don’t fancy a bronchoscopy but if it’s the only way to find out why this is happening...
Ps do you have a painful cough?

Thank you so much for your reply. I never have any coughing with my Bronchiectasis, unless I have pneumonia. Which is strange to me because everyone talks about coughing so much. I also have asthma, and they said I have some aspergillosis in my airways. Pulmonologist said not to worry about that unless my asthma medications stop working. We moved to this new area early September. No central heating, only a wall heater in the front room and hallway. When winter cold hit in December, space heater went on more. You are right about my airways being very sensitive... and inflammation is my middle name! My IgE levels are sky high. Allergies were bad this year. And that irritated the Bronchiectasis. All year one sinus infection after another. You described the rawness exactly that I feel right before it happens. I’ve been very dry for about a day before this happened. Didn’t drink water when shopping yesterday. Last night chest was tight before it happened. I’m sorry for writing a book here.
Ah, my IgE levels go sky high at times too, esp the aspergillus markers. Aspergillus can be a terrible irritant to the lungs & I’m on & off anti-fungals when it flares up but they aren’t good to take so my consultant only prescribes them when the markers are really high. Has your pulmonologist (I’m guessing from that term you’re in the US?) suggested these to you? That raw feeling is really horrible.

That’s so interesting that you have same high IgE markers, mine is 700. How did you do with the antifungals, I hear they make one sick. Yes, Pulmonologist is what we call our lung doctor. They also are called Critical Care doctors. Antifungals only suggested if the asthma medications stop working. Or if I bleed daily. I really appreciate you telling me these things.
Hi, I'm in Australia and have mild bronchiectasis and asthma. Not sure if I have allergies but wouldn't be surprised as I do get hayfever. I take an inhaled preventer called "Breo ellipta" everyday and a hayfever tablet, "Zyrtec". Anyway, no trouble with bleeding whatsoever from my airways. Maybe you are having bleeds due to dryness and exacerbation of your airways? Plenty o f water, maybe a air purifier when you go to bed might help. The dryness is no t a good thing. Best to keep the airways moist. If the bleeding persists, I would follow my pulmonologists' advice and have a bronchoscopy. You are asleep whilst they do it, but I know it can be daunting. Best to know I would think. The fires here in Australia are terrible at the moment and causing poor air quality. Smokey everyday. So far, touch wood, I h ave had no problem but we shall see as the fires continue. Best of luck to you for a good resolution.
P.S. it is summer in Aus at the moment but I have no trouble in winter either and it gets cold in Victoria. Diagnosed with bronchiectasis early 2019. Best wishes
Thanks Arty. I appreciate it. Have you had a Bronchoscopy? What is your Bronchiectasis like? Be careful with those fires and your lungs. My last residence in California, three years of fires. They can weaken your immune system and make you vulnerable to viruses 🦠 etc. Got pneumonia from one of them. Wish I’d left the area. Wear an N95 mask.
I was diagnosed March 2018.
Best wishes.